What is the BEST area in Souls?

What is the BEST area in Souls?

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Irythill of the Boreal Valley is exceptionally well made.
Nightmare of Mensis has great level design and atmosphere.
I like Shulva and the Dragon Sanctrum the most though. It's interactivity and all the movable platforms shit was great and I was sad to see that DaS3 didn't try something similar.

Painted World of Ariamis

Bloodborne had better areas.

no it didnghhtyt

Why the hell do people like Untended graves outside of Gundyr?

Grant us eyes!

Irithyll is too small.

Gundyr and you can buy the Wolfknight set

also Gundyr

It's spooky.

You literally cannot top Undead Burg


Ask Marcus

>Walk into Ithryil for the first time
>Treated to a beautiful vista
>Realize that it's basically a linear path with only one branch

Why did they do this?

Anor Londo. And god, that return visit to it in III hit hard man.

>Irythill of the Boreal Valley is exceptionally well made.

It's like Anor Londo in that it looks nice when you first see it but is pretty much total garbage in terms of level design.

Firelink Shrine

>the music
>the setting
>the feels

My experience too,

ENB liked it because he realized they didn't fully abandon the lore and he could make some more videos about the lore others made months before him.

ash lake still and forever

ENB pls

Shulva was a masterpiece. If only 2 could have been as good as its DLC.

>mfw seeing the giant smith


[Screams internally]

I'm not ashamed to admit I cried at the return to Anor Londo. I had no idea it was coming. Then I walked into the room before Gwyndolin and realized where I was.

Not at all.

fuck off consoletard

we get it, you constantly need to mention your exclusives even when they are fucking shit

Central Yharnham
Hemwick Charnel Lane was also really good.

>Andre talks about how he misses him

>Then I walked into the room before Gwyndolin

With Gwyn's statue?


Cainhurst Castle



Hands down.

Everything from NUA to Anor Londo has GOAT map design and shortcut integration, and even though everything afterwards is shit that world layout is why DaS is still my favorite souls game

Was it just me who was surprised there was nothing in Gwyndolin's room?

Cainhurst and Fishing Hamlet

>only sadness ahead

I read the note, I was not prepared.

True story:
>Invade a guy in Anor Londo in III 2 days after the game releases
>He runs away from me, at first I think he's looking for help
>He doesn't, runs to the giant blacksmith
>does the collapse animation
>I wait for him to get up for 3 minutes
>Fight him
>I lose
>He messages me on PSN saying word for word "I'm sorry for not fighting, I was honestly crying, this part hurts."

I actually wrote that note haha

It took me like 2 hours of exploration to get to Sullivan at first, It was probably the biggest area in the game.

It was a bit linear though, now that I'm thinking of it. Especially at first.

>Forge, I can!
>Strong, I am!

I wasn't surprised, but I had an overwhelming sensation of nostalgia, and I think that's the moment that made me cry. I remember in I, having trouble with Gwyndolin for hours, and for some reason, going back into his hallway hit me the hardest.

>You come, I forge, we talk
>You good friend.
>I very happy

The first major areas in Dark Souls are always the best DLC aside


How would you guys react if in III's DLC, we went back to Firelink Shrine from the first game and it was destroyed or badly damaged? Imagine if the firekeeper is still there, and alive. I think I'd cry, Anor Londo made me sad, but going back to Firelink would honestly make me cry.

there is a chest with the reversal ring and your cute undead spouse of course

Central Yharnam for basic level design.

Anor Londo for setpieces and scope.

Fishing Hamlet for atmosphere.

Things Betwixt was pretty meh, t b h.

>watching aldrich eat gwyndolin
>gwynevere's ring is the only thing that remains

The Abyss, obviously

user he said Dark Souls not Dark Souls II

de- latria

ds 1- painted world

ds 2- shulva

bb- fishing hamlet

ds3-arch dragon peak

First MAJOR areas you goof. Undead Burg, Forest of Fallen Giants and High Wall of Lothric.

What a fag

it's the only body part you were interested in user

No more throwbacks to DaS1 ffs, there are already enough.

>Tfw he was all alone in Anal Rodeo because everyone else was either an illusion ir a fat canibbal fuck.

>Tfw he died alone

The way he worded it leads me to believe he was referring to the Dark Souls series, not just the first game.

Why does DS3 look terrible compared to Bloodborne? The visuals look off.

Is it just my eyes?

What if we went back to the Demon Ruins, the best part of DS1?

Upper Irithyll after Sulyvahn also counts. You're not in Anor Londo until the game says you are.

nah i feel the same way. its that damn sepia filter

Bloodborne takes advantage of motion blur heavily compared to DS3.

Lack of chromatic aberration

I really loved Eleum Loyce and the Old Chaos in DaS2

right after Anor Londo I went to Smouldering Lake, to explore it properly and found pic related

>finally get around to fighting Aldrich today
>hear that he's incredibly hard for some and incredibly easy for others
>be playing a pyromancer
>throw Chaos Bed Vestiges and Great Chaos Fire Orb
>incinerate him in under a minute
Holy fuck I love being a pyromancer

Lothric's Castle. It feels so real. It holds my favorite bosses in the series.

Maybe they should've stuck with it. The flaws are really noticeable.

i liked how eleum loyce looked but the whole dlc was way too tedious

This. All the DaS2 DLCs had fantastic level design. I liked how each area had its own gimmick. Shulva was a series of walkways suspended above a chasm and you could make your own paths by hitting certain stones. Fume Tower was a constant path downwards to the ashen dome at the bottom. Eleum Loyce had you backtrack through it after turning off the blizzards, opening new paths.

Best area is the area that I am in
The worst is the area you are in.


I didn't know about this.
Be wary of tears.

some normal enemies where a bit overkill, the ice-sanics for example or everybodies favorite the flying, continuously spawning reindeers of lighting rape

Ok? What does that have to do with anything in this thread?

Is it just me or can you actually hear parts of this video still in his bossfight. It's just really difficult to hear because of the music and constant retard dragon screaming.

When I died I heard one of the squishy pudding sounds and halfway through the 2nd fight after he goes into his 2nd phase I heard one of the baby screams.

>have this shit as my background, animated
>people see it and bust a nut
yeh boi

Suck my dick, bitch nigga.

It's my favourite out of the 3. I've gotta admit that a huge part of that is because I absolutely love snowy castles, but I also loved the more down to earth design of it compared to the other DLCs which were more abstract. The backtracking gets a lot of shit but it distinguished the area from the other DLCs and from the entirety of the base game, not to mention it used shortcuts in a way similar to Dark Souls 1, where you used them to travel the world rather than just use them as a quick trip to the boss fog. Also the build up and reveal for Ivory King was excellent and really made the boss fight memorable despite being kinda bland mechanically.

best and worst area respectively:

tower of latria
valley of defilement

sens fortress
lost izalith

brume tower
frigid outskirts

old yharnam
cainhurst, every single chalice dungeon

lothric castle/grand archives
demon ruins

Certainly not best, but I have a fond spot for Aldia's Keep. The way that level is basically a straight line with little to no danger, and it's only because you can't but follow your player ways of touching every level and visiting any nook and cranny till it becomes a hellhole to get though.

Cracks me up from a level-design standpoint.

is there more of these? I really, really like them


>Hating Cainhurst
How? It's basically Castlevania as one big level.

My first playthrough I knew exactly where I was as soon as I entered that area. I remember thinking where the bonfire had gone too. I didn't even think of Gwyn's statue being a normal illusion wall because you needed a ring in DS1 to go by it, so I just moved on thinking you'd need it in 3 as well

the normal body there holds an item, it's the Quelana Pyromancy Tome, so probably both remaining sisters died there.

There are enough references to the previous games already.

lost izalith? you're joking right?


He said best and worst, nigger.

>lost izalith


What a horrible opinion.

Lothric Catsle, High Wall and Undead Settlement were awesome. I wish this this game was more focused on Lothric kingdom instead of riding DS1 dick.

he is saying lost izalith is the worst area in dark souls 1

When you mentioned it, I think I heard it once when I was using headphones while playing.

Ash Lake

>Reading comprehension.