Why and when did console wars become this bad? I own a Wii U and a PS4 and I enjoyed them both I like ps4 a little bit more thoughyet it's impossible to discuss anything without shit flying from both sides. What is the actual fucking problem?
Why and when did console wars become this bad...
this website sucks. :^)
90% of the shit threads are made by soniggers false flagging
Console wars get worse as the consoles get worse
You now realize Sup Forums is full of poor people that can only afford one console and bash the other one because they don't own it but they like it deep inside
People Keep egging on each other about Graphic and Exclusives and it drives me mad,
Shills and trolls climb out of the woodwork because of a difference in console choice.
>Inb4 PC Master race.
I also own a ps4 and WiiU,
But I also use my toaster of a computer to play TF2.
Can't we go back to playing some good old Vidya?
PC people fan the flames in every thread cause they want the console fags to burn each other out, give up and give in too pcor stop playing games all together and get a life
I say this well also owning a 2000$ computer and laughing at the shape of both sony and microsoft
How does the console get worse when they are always improving with a new game system?
neo-Sup Forums
I'm serious.
People would get into fights back in elementary school defending their 8/16 bits consoles in the Sega/Nintendo war of the 90s.
What has the PS4 improved?
Paid online, no backwards compatibilty, awful UI and majority of the games are remakes.
Step into the current gen for a minute and try to ask that again.
>no backwards compatibility
I still can't understand why current gen consoles don't have this. The ps3 was fucking compatible with ps1 games yet it couldn't fun ps2 games for shit. With the rumors of NX will only support cartridges is a scary as hell too
Because otherwise you wouldn't buy our worse looking remasters
I just filter the basic names shitposters use. I have to say it's worked wonders.
I noticed console war faggotry actually decreased this year. I think it's because Nintendo got shittier. I own a Wii U and 3DS, and I've lost faith in Nintendo. They had problems in 2014 and so on, but there was a steady stream of good games that mitigated it. But now with the Wii U being cut off for the NX, a slew of crappy development decisions (like federation force starfox zero and paper mario), and NOAs continuing faggotry,
I just don't have confidence in Nintendo. By contrast Sony is doing alright. Not amazing, but I have confidence that the PS4 will continue to get games. Xbox one owners don't exist on Sup Forums. Hence the only contenders in a possible console war are PC and PS4.
xbot ps3sux 8.8
Thats true its always sonyggers vs pcfags/ sonyggers vs nintentoddelrs,vs xbots
you have to be a retard to think console wars were ever not bad
From a technical standpoint, this generation's "console wars" are the Special Olympics.
If you go by sales figures, the Playstation 4 is "winning", but it's not impressive winning a race wherein one competitor has shot itself in the foot and the other's too busy having fun at Toys-R-Us to show up to the race.
All you can do really is shrug and ignore/filter/maybe report.
The main problem is PC fats port begging in every Sony thread and then making threads about why they should buy a PS4 saying "It only haz bloodbattleborn dou!"
>Why and when did console wars become this bad?
Before the 7th gen people could afford the other consoles, they didn't have paid online, and couch Co op was still a thing. So brand loyalty didn't exist. Now people feel the need to justify their purchase and find reasons to not purchase the competing consoles. If I bought a PS2, I could count on my friend to buy an Xbox. We'd play each others games until we had enough money to buy the console we didn't have.
This is what happens when sonys console is the most popular. Last gen wii/360 were in the lead so things were quiet
Reminder to insult sonycucks at all times
Fuck off. All 360/Wii fans did all last gen was talk about how Sony was going bankrupt and how the PS3 had nogaemes.
Now that Sonyggers wanna retaliate you faggots act like babies. Lesson learned: the ones at the top don't always stay at the top, and the ones at the bottom don't always stay at the bottom.
war, war never changes
This + more disgruntled pc players disappointed with shit lazy ports
Consolewars was always a thing you bunch of underage
Only differece is how much we use the internet today than in the 90s
Xbone generals are incredibly civil and usually avoid that kind of banter. Pretty cool.
Xbone has it, though they rely on the actual developer to make a bc version of the game, but you don't have to pay for games you already own which is neat.
It's probably underage kids constantly trying to start shit with 'le ebin Sup Forums memes XD' and false-flagging.
I can't imagine how adults could actually give a shit about the platform war.
I wish it would stop though. So many threads about games are derailed just through console war shitposting.