Why does Sony make me pay to play online?

Why does Sony make me pay to play online?

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you already pay to use the internet, if you can't afford $4 a month thats a personal problem

Because idiot XBOX owners are willing to as well as buying disposable batteries for their controllers. Heard XBOXONE controllers still use disposable, which makes you even bigger of an imbecile if you own one.

Because they can't support online without money. Doesn't help that they're dumb with it anyway like nearly every other video game company.

Because they know sonycucks will go with anything they say

Microshit fucked up with their really bad pr and they basically gave this generation to Sony so they could do whatever they want and retards are okay with that.

because xbots set a disgusting precedent

Because Microshit showed that they could do it and people would pay

It's true I have a 15 month sub

Because Sony are kikes, and nyggers gobble up any feces Sony produces for them.

Free online: Steam, 3DS, Wii U, PS3, PS Vita
Not free: PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360

Yup. They will literally try to cover up anything for sony even if it means they are getting cucked.

Xbros at least argue against MS if they don't do something they like

And Sony fans aren't better for supporting this shit either.

Funny how you didn't think like that during the PS3 days

>cancerous poorfag60 owners did it for literally entire console generation before us
>same niggers now trying to shitpost about us having to do it now
no, you niggers who supported cancerous XBL policies is why we now have to pay, so thank poorfag60 owners of last gen, the cancerous plebs are why its shit now

>all you cancerous little faggots constantly shitposting sony no matter what for literally 5+ fucking years because youre a bunch of faggot hipsters
>literally the best console and owning Xbone completely to the point of rape
>still little shitter niggers like yourself feel the need to make shitty threads like these to try to justify being a little pleb bitch

i supported playstation, and will for many years, its service is great, and before you niggers ruined it, it used to be free online.

>disposable batteries

As opposed to your 4hour battery, rechargeable batteries last me way more than.

>xbox did it
>a selling point for the ps3 was not paying for online
>xbox was shit on for it
>ps4 does it
>defended with "you must be poorer than possible if 60 bucks a year is too much for you"

The crazy shit too? They delude themself that paying for online gives them better online

It's all fucking p2p

That (^:

Because sonygaffers are good goy who wouldn't dare question Sony's history of Judaism.

>get $1500 worth of games every year
>WAAAAAHHHHH! $4 a month is too high!!! :'((((
Seriously??? Are you niggers 10 and living with your parents?

This, they've lied for so many years It's ridiculous. Don't people remember the Playstation 3? The game from the dudes who made Ico that looked really great? That in-game shots that was totally not prerendered from Killzone? That it would play all games on 60 fps and make gaming computers obsolete?

>History of Judaism

Sony is literally the only console company to never have DRM on PC & PS3/PS4

How are they jewish?

You know him personally?

>No DRM on PC & PS3

What is Securom, what is Cinavia.

In addition, Sony DADC leftovers made Denuvo, Sony installed rootkits in thousands of computers with their Sony Music DRM.

Sony has free online
>lol enjoy your forced subscription xcucks while we get "free" games with ours.

Sony starts charging for online
>We get a better online service now everything is justified.




Are you 12?

>get $1500 worth of games every year

>Defending shit like this

Look at this retard and laugh, i bet one day people will defend paying 1 buck every time you turn your console on.

Might as well see how far they can go, since you fuckers encouraged it with the xbox and ps

Servers cost money and it has to be paid for somehow. Either you make a shittier game and subsidize the servers with the game's retail price or you charge for server access

Nothing is free. The Wii had "free" online and yet it doesn't exist anymore. If you want to play MKWii online? Tough shit. It's gone, because the model is unsustainable over long periods of time, especially when the game isn't being sold anymore.

People paying a monthly subscription don't have that problem, servers could be kept up as long as people keep paying

>Just because I have the money, I must give it to Sony every so often not for a product or service, but literally just for the permission to play online on their system.
You're a literal nigger for thinking this.

They don't make you do anything. You choose to.

Why did they change PSN? The new layout if fucking shit.

You can choose to not go with Sony though.

>Locked out of trophies because of this

Fuck Sony.

Maybe if they were worth anything or not shit i have on Steam from 1$ Humbled Bundles

Because they do stupid shit all the time, just watch them patch and change the ps3 store to make it more laggy and unreliable so it can keep up with ps4's design

You can still play MKW online using fanmade servers that are honestly better than the ones Nintendo had

I don't think you can credibly call software engineers incompetent unless you are experienced in the field.

>how do you know it's shit?! you haven't even tasted it!
Fuck off.

well what would happen if the batteries stopped working in my special edition ps4 controller? would i have to take the whole thing apart just to change the batteries instead of simply replacing a pair of "disposable" rechargeable batteries?


But why am I restricted from playing GTA V online on PS4 when I can play it online on PC for free?

>linking to neogaf
Fuck off and kill yourself.

Except it's main purpose now is paid online, and the "free games" are a "bonus".

Look at the severe drop in the quality of the free titles after paid online. Why should they have to give you good games now?

Because people keep paying. That shit is unacceptable, but the average playstation player is dumb.

The only reason I came back to Sup Forums instead of moving to Reddit was because /r/the_donald brought the full shitposting I was trying to escape by leaving Sup Forums. Now there's no point since both sites are equally shitty. At least here there's no account, so no one will know who I am after I post this.

I like Sup Forums because there is no PM system or signing in. I didn't know what reddit was until people kept talking about it here.

So play GTAV on PC then?

Because servers aren't free

/r/The_Donald will get quarantined soon anyways so you might as well fuck off back there.
Or maybe try Tumblr you triggered faggot

And yet PS3 servers are running for almost 10 years with no need for a service fee.
Fucking cucks, all of you.

Look folks, after Sony's E3 conference, I am sure all will be forgiven :)

Not by opinions. Just shitposting, memes, and garbage talk. I couldn't care less about the politics.

>Pay for internet
>Pay to use internet
>Pay for microtransactions
The fact that GTA online and Cod make 200m+ from microtransactions shows how dumb console users are. If Sony ever chose to raise the price of PSN+ they would bend over and accept getting fucked.

>The fact that GTA online and Cod make 200m+


because people are dumb enough to pay them

might as well ask why Sony likes free money

Because online services are expensive to run, maintain, and upgrade?

I'm not going to be very happy if I need online to play Nier 2 or Gravity Rush 2.

I blame XBOX, Sony, and these attention whoring gamers who need to have 'streaming' shit. I downloaded that app on the Vita and 90% of the streams have 0 viewers.

They should just release a PS4 with online and store capabilities that you get for free. I don't use that social shit and it's what we're probably paying for. But no, I gotta pay $5 a month to access DLC or games that I 'bought' what in the actual fuck. What's worse is that people try and defend that Jew shit.

it's not about the money, you cuck

Here's a hint, the twitch streaming is probably one of the least expensive aspects of running psn.


> I gotta pay $5 a month to access DLC or games that I 'bought'

Which DLC is this?

The store is open to everybody, even if they don't have plus, and you can buy and download anything.

>Really want to get a PS4 to play FIFA, Uncharted and the other normie shit.
>Remember that I have o pay 50€ every year to use my own Internet
Not this time Sony, not this time


>But I already pay for the internet!
Yeah, which would be a fair argument if not for so much of these sorts of online services being more than just an in between for p2p connections only.

Running services like xbox live and psn are expensive. They require a lot of staff to manage them, do maintenance and development, and lots of hardware to handle all the services.

You paying comcast for internet doesn't do anything about that.

What's 50 extra dollars if you're already going to be spending all that money on the console and the games?

>Pay $60 for Overwatch
>Put in disk
>Wait for install
>Be told that I can't play the game at all because there is no offline content what-so-ever
>Cough up ANOTHER $60 to connect to the internet that I already pay for
>Have DLC and microtransactions shilled at me as if I haven't already paid more than enough for the game

>Pay $40 for Overwatch
>Download and install

Only someone with literal stockholm syndrome would defend consoles

50 a year? A one time payment of 50 a year for internet?

"haha xbox 360 gotta pay 5/mo"


It's funny because the same people who were ridiculing sony for losing money last gen are often the same people complaining now when sony started charging for online after just eating all the expense last gen.

Because M$ got away with it, and thus inspired the competition to do the same.

Sony started PS+,it was an optional service that eventually did have a lot of of good deals. But they knew they could squeeze out more money.

They saw how everyone was shitting on Microsoft and the 360 more and more. Then the whole DRM thing happened with Xbone.

Then they decided, while everyone was distracted, to announce a mandatory paid service at the same same time shitting on the DRM fiasco. Sonyggers went to far in and now they accept Sony's shit as the norm.

They were losing money due to their own incompetence of making a $600 console not because they had to run some servers.

They pretty much started plus because they had been hemorrhaging money for years and they needed to stop taking losses in areas they could. Before plus they were just eating all of the costs of running psn.

It wasn't an evil plot, it was literally just

>Aw fuck, this is expensive
>Aw fuck, we are losing money
>Okay, monetize it.

How do you explain the fact that PC games typically don't have paid online? Also, why would sony and microsoft demand money for multiplayer access when that sort of access is supposed to be handled by the game developer themselves?

>look forward to one day buying a PS4 to play RDR 2/GTA 6
>keep forgetting about the PSN subscription

Sony literally made the PS4 the successor to the 360 in every shape and form

To the masses it came off like this:
You know that XBL Gold you've been paying for years? what if you got games with it!
You know how the 360 was the cheap console, we're the cheap console!
You don't like kinect, we just have a normal controller! (It's actually designed for motion controls, ironically)
Sick of Halo Gears and Fable, try out the Uncharted series & Killzone, it's the same shit with a new coat of paint.

>He thinks sony was only losing money from one place

Sony is way bigger than you seem to understand, and they were losing money in several ways on the ps3. Hardware was one, as they were subsidizing the hardware for years and charging less for the hardware up front just meant more subsidizing, online services was another, as the online gaming services were just eating money to run.

Outside of gaming they were losing money all over the place.

When you need to stop money from bleeding out of you, you approach any aspect of your business that's running negative.

But Sony is making more money than ever. They should be able to afford free online for their users.

if u wana play online you have to pay, its not a choice, if u want to go online

Why do you think they're so profitable?
They saw what the 360 was doing, innovated on it by giving out games with it, preyed on the assumption of paying more = higher quality service that's rampant in consumer tech (Giving out games for free looks desperate, handing them out WITH a paid service looks generous), and undercut the Xbone and took advantage of their PR nightmare

Companies are not your friends, buddy.

Don't forget the mountain dew and doritos promotions

PC games that require constant large scale maintenance and management do, like MMO's.

PC online gaming was pretty different in development from consoles. In pc online gaming you didn't have all online running through a central platform, which you do for consoles, and it started a lot earlier. Back then, your game having multiplayer was a selling point. Devs individually had to either set this shit up and eat the cost or else they allowed other people to host their own servers, in which case the expense was no longer on them.

Nowadays, we have more centralization of some online services for PC games, like with Valve, but valve has so much of the commerce of PC games on lock that not upsetting the apple cart by dicking people for what online they manage is in their best interest. They make an obscene amount of money as is from steam.

Other devs still operate under the old system, either eating cost of running servers, which they'd farm out to the businesses that developed to meat this need, like gamespy, letting people host their own servers or p2p hosting.

In short, a lot of people lose money on maintaining online services. How much they lose varies, though, and for most people it can be negligible as they do it for a singular game or only a handful and can shunt the costs off by renting service from other companies. PSN and XBL handle way more shit and it's way more expensive for them.

It's okay when Sony does it

I should also add, the difference in a singular dev who might want to charge for online for their game vs a collective system like PSN is HUGE.

For a consumer, if a single game wants you to pay $5 a month for online it looks really shitty, for a collective system like psn or xbl, $5 a month for online and benefits for hundreds of games is a totally different animal.

PC devs wind up just eating the cost then because you can't sell single game subscription service well to most consumers. This is part of what drove the microtransaction and cosmetic DLC boom for a lot of games.

makes sense

If a game publisher wants dedicated servers for their game, they have to pay for it. Do you think PSN subscriptions subsidize that cost? No, otherwise all these games wouldn't use peer-to-peer instead. Sony is making a huge profit by charging the publisher for the servers (and other network related fees) and then charging the client for access to those servers. It's just a greedy double-dipping strategy that only console owners are stupid enough to allow happen.

Devs aren't paying Sony nearly what they'd be paying to manage their online services themselves.

Sony takes the brunt of costs for maintaining psn. This was part of the incentive options for their platform for third parties. Microsoft does the exact same thing.

for the honor of playing with the best community you pcfat

They force proprietary formats on the public with invasive DRM so that they can force licenses on other corporations. If the format did not wipe out its competitors it was immediately dropped screwing all the customers.

They pioneered DRM based rootkits and multimedia corruption like magicgate that would automatically corrupt audio quality.

They released hardware that would detect copies of movies licensed by any of their subsidiaries and corrupt it, whether the copy was legal or not.

They make over priced phones with last years technology and market them as premium devices. Hardware DRM on the camera to force you to use their apps and not update the OS.

They buy up game companies and then fire everyone when they fail to meet projections.

why is steam free then? shouldn't they be charging a monthly fee because of how much it costs to keep those servers running?

>force propretry formats
>cd DVD and Blu Ray

Oh how awful, didn't they know that cassettes and vhs were all we ever needed?

because they can.

Then why are so many console games peer-to-peer? It's not like matchmaking has any significant cost.

Look a few posts above that one. Someone asked why pc online was free.

Because why not? It's Sony's ecosystem, and they make the rules therein.

to counter xbox's pay to play format

if xbox can do it why shouldn't we?

>Companies are not your friends, buddy.
This is why I don't take part in console wars. It's good to have competition. I like Sony more but if Microsoft or even a 4th-party company ever made something much better I'd switch in a heartbeat.

>PC cucks willing to pay more and more money each year for graphics cards
>doesn't understand that as the tech for a hobby gets better obviously the entry price increases
You're a dumbass if you thought gaming was going to remain the same forever.

Game budgets are getting higher. Dollar is losing value. Prices stay the same. Gaming is getting cheaper buddy.