Kojima's mascot/logo for his new company

>I'll keep coming
Same name as this song which will be used in the trailer for his new game

This band has another song called "Phantoms"

>hyping his games is more fun than playing them
Kojima-san is the key to all of this

Other urls found in this thread:


>which will be used in the trailer for his new game

Got any facts to back that up?

Kojima likes cool lesser know songs. It's a pretty cool lesser known song. Hes a master manipulator he wouldn't put that phrase in big white lettering if it didn't have a deeper meaning. It all connects somehow

Tell me they don't symbolise the 3 sons of big boss

>I'll Keep Coming

What did he mean by this?

>Hes a master manipulator
Did you play MGSV?

sick tunes senpai

Another low roar song of the same album is called Vampire on my Fridge
>Vampire on my Fridge
>Vampire on my


>"I'm going to cum"

So is this actually a character from his next game confirmed? Wtf is he some kind of space marine? Kojima going back to scifi

that's norman reedus in the suit screen cap this

your belly is going to be full

>what did he mean by this

How is this a ruse? Can you at least try to use words correctly.


>from humans to gamers
tfw gamers are just evolved humans

>skull in the suit is actually a mask
ho ho ho what a ruse !
that's way less interesting than a skeleton in an EVA suit

you realise that spaceman is just a mascot and has nothing to do with his new game right ?

he has not even formed a team or studio yet

he barely has a plan or outline of what game to even make. Guy only has sony backing him but he needs to form a studio, create an engine and make a game so we shall be seeing his new release in 7 years from now

He does look like norman reedus if you think about it.
So um... silent hills? Like you know hills on some asteroid in space and it's silent because vacuum?

>giving a shit about kojima's games after the disasters with MGS4 and MGS5


but user, its actually a skeleton wearing human skin which is wearing a skull mask

pretty interesting

mgsv was so bad it makes mgs4 look like GOAT

tbf mgo2 was one of the best online experiences apart from lag issues

Compare the eyes, they look pretty similar

kojimas concept artist is the best at these sci fi designs

kojima confirmed a couple months ago on his twitter page that they were working together on something

>mgsv worse than mgs4
V plays better and has little moments that are better than the hour long cutscenes about nanomachines

i hope his new series is as great as the metal gear franchise

we need great boss fights, amazing gameplay and a good OST

and of course kojimas wild stories and plots but mgs2 style not mgsv style

>but user, its actually a skeleton wearing human skin which is wearing a skull mask
the brain's actually wearing the skeleton

He never even went "nuclear"

V has the best controls and gameplay but is ruined by the story and lack of creativity

You had afghan and africa to fuck around in, there should have been more use out of them but it was just so barren


he was actually a nice guy by all comparisons, saved slave kids, did not get revenge on huey etc

i just wanted to play as big boss in the time when he went full dictator crazy mode

even ocelot was more tame

n-no pls stop

Phantoms is a great song. Shame He never used it in any MGSV trailer.

Hopefully this new game won't be a shell with little substance.

elagia was perfect to highlight the downfall and how revenge fuelled the game would be

shame mgsv did not deliver

i think this song should have played in the credits

I'm so glad Shinkawa is still with them.

I hope their new IP's futuristic, kinda like ZoE was.
Cock-pits give me a hard on.

so is this a prequel to zone of the enders but a little more realistic ?

Obviously this song should have played during the credits as all the characters danced and sang along like the end of there's something about Mary

>I'll keep coming
>the feeling of that picture
>Kojima is full passive aggressive revenge
Kojimbo you great ruseman

I agree. The game could have been about some lost astronaut in a suit who just wouldn't die, and how he explores the galaxy on a personal journey to find something which is worth justifying his existence. It could have been a great statement on human life, but no. The Japanese just can't do great writing. It's all about the scenario.

So is this going to be PS4 exclusive?

I guess "demon" mode is as close as you can get to going nuclear

I completely agree that the story is pretty bad especially Chapter 2, I knew that going in though and I feel like I enjoyed it more because of that. As in, Chapter 1 was the main game and Chapter 2 was just some epilogue stuff rather than Chapter 2 being like the Plant Chapter of mgs2. But yeah, fuck all the empty spaces and fuck the animal collection bullshit.

It's also going to be released for PC

No one gives a shit

Kojima hasn't made a good game in 12 fucking years

that's almost the plot of the last Vektor album dude

I love conceptual albums, I'll check it out


Holy shit, I didn't know Kojima was so mad. That exeunt from Konami really must have fucked him up bad to his core.

t. pseud

i heard originally there were five chapters to represent the games name of V

they datamined the name of chapter 3 which was called peace

i am guessing the paz storyline was meant to be bigger and feature a return to camp omega and would be the focus of chapter 3 and learning the truth

chapter 1 would be afghan and tracking skully and chapter 2 you kill him in africa

then 3 more chapters where skully haunts you and you become more demonic and take over xof which causes a split within diamond dogs and a civil war

or last chapter would be mg1 remake or a switch where you play as the real big boss

if only kojima was punctual and had the support of konami instead of being sacked

dudes japanese and had his magnum opus flop and nuetered

i am surprised he did not commit sudoku

>YFW the ruse is revealed after this game is released

if this game flops, its the end for kojima isn't it ?

I can dig MGS in space, despite wanting MGS in WWII a whole lot more.

That sounds like not a game at all.

With cheese, and with wine, I ensure all can smell my putridity.


Who fucking cares.

i too was desperate there would be a ruse after mgsvs release, remember that whole investigative bullshit Sup Forums and /mgg/ got up to ? even i believed chapter 3 would be released and we would have a huge ruse

it had something to do with a cassette tape


op is probably all lies but im enjoying these songs, ill have to cop that album

>Chapter 1: Ground Zeros
>Chapter 2: Afghanistan
>Chapter 3: Africa
>Chapter 4: Peace
>Chapter 5: Operation Intrude MG1 remake

A vision of the ultimate videogame, but he fucked it

In the MGSV companion app, dataminers found references to a "Chico village"

In the main game they also found references to a player 2, so a splitscreen mode was in the off at one point

The Battle Gear buddy is 100% complete, but is missing the one thing which activates it in-game

There was absolutely lots more for this game. Lots and lots more. I have a horrible feeling KOTF was just the tip of the iceberg.


boss fights are mechs piloted by people important to the astronaut representing insecurities and emotional trauma he felt in his past.

mgsv was originally going to be about the boss and cobra unit during ww2

he went scouting on normandy beach when he was promoting mgsv ground zeroes so we hoped mgs6 was the boss game

just imagine having a buddy unit of the cobras and sneaking across normandy or arabian desert or the jungles of asia

would have been interesting

>In the main game they also found references to a player 2, so a splitscreen mode was in the off at one point

To expand on this it would have been cool as fuck if a friend could plug in a second controller and be your buddy

Wow, OP, you truly are a special kind of faggot. You are literally the Black Dynamite diner scene.

There is no ruse.

I would say get over it and get a life, but I can't because you have no life. Source: making and participating in threads like this. I bet you make pillow forts for E3. Yes, you must be a loser.

Please, kill yourself, f4m.

They still haven't got rid of all the nukes yet right? The game keeps going

the chapters after 2 were called peace, face and truth i believe or something else like voice

>Paz as part of Chapter 3
from what I've read and heard about the development of the game, that was actually supposed to be the case. Or at least the ending of the Paz storyline was supposed to be in Chapter 3. I also heard somewhere that there was supposed to be an America map and a Russia map, but they were significantly smaller than the other two. Those other supposed chapters sound great and I would have gladly had those over what we got. Hell, why not end the game with an unwinable fight against Solid Snake.

So is this actually a character for his new game, or just his company's logo/mascot?

can you link me something where i can see all of the cut content that was supposed to be in the game ?

You never know with kojimbo

there was a cutscene of what happens when there are no more nukes and that was pretty much it

also some leak of venom talking about the boss

That opening to Ill Keep coming sounds like radio sounds.

>EVA suit

Trailer will open with EVA dudes talking over radio

>acting this cancerous, see name

ids lige boddery id rimes

we did see twin towers in the cut content

russia would be a trip made for volgins body or something

ground zeroes was another map too

You haven't played MGS4, I see.

They don't. 3 is a very common number in fiction and nature.

chapter 3 was called peace

the dataminers also found a texture for the boss with her exact scar

maybe paz was a boss clone or it was a hallucination we would see

You never even got laid. Things don't always work out how we want them to.

i did

cutscenes were long and gameplay was great but was little of it

hated shadow moses robots but game was a nice send off

>the dataminers also found a texture for the boss with her exact scar
>maybe paz was a boss clone or it was a hallucination we would see
The brunette nurse had both the boss scar and Paz scar


i hope there is some horror elements in his new game

pt was great and there was a scary moment in mgsv with skull unit and devils house

>The brunette nurse had both the boss scar and Paz scar
i wonder what this could mean

the nurse must be somewhat significant, why else give her the scars ?

Man, suck a dick. MGSV was really good, if unfinished. It has problems but was a lot of fun. I'm sorry your expectations were so high that they couldn't be met.

I'm sick of reading all this ruse shit about Kojima. Dude made one game that fooled everyone and no one could move past it. We all need to grow. I look forward to him finally being able to make a new game and story

PT is still one of the top 5 games on PS4, multiplatform or otherwise.

I think that was Venom talking to Big Boss. V never acknowledged The Boss at all,

I wonder if Shinkawa was also let go by Konami or if he just followed Kojima because they're best bros

It has half the content of V at best. If your expectations are set right for 4 it can be ok. But that shit was a system shock when it came out.

This is the audio in question, it plays during one of the "there are no more nukes in the world" cutscenes. It's also probably some of Keifer's best work in the game.


I find this site very pleasing

are you saying we leveled up

Am I the only one that believes that the eyes behind the skellington mask resemble the Norman Reedus model from the Silent Hills trailer? I'm on my phone, can someone do a side by side comparison?

I don't care what anyone says.. Sutherland was amazing as Venom/BB

Hayter has his nostalgic charm, but he could never in a thousand years make those lines as moving as Kiefer..

someone did it

No more Kojima. No. More.

At least the track is cool.
I can see this being a trailer song, but I don't think it goes any deeper than that.

Though you really have to wonder if Koji was in anyway inspired by pic related.

>The MGS5 ending was to be the operation which introduced Solid Snake and a remake of MGS1.
>Konami fucked it.

I like that twist. It created a new character rather than an ass pull out of Big Boss, and showed Big Boss's downfall in a more powerful way than killing some africans ever would have done.

The fact he let his closest men take the heat for him is way more interesting to create the jaded soldier you see in the rest of the series than "War is hell" even though BB was already in armies, espionage, and mercenary shit for decades by then.