What are some intellectually challenging video games?

What are some intellectually challenging video games?

Deez Nuts

Ha Got Em!

Ha Get Trolled Noob

Previous thread died too soon :(

SS13 is not a complex game.

While there are a lot of complex game mechanics, the only relevant player skill is Bullshitting the Admins, and it overrides every other game mechanic.
The game, sadly, requires human moderator intervetion in order to work properly. As a result, playing the human moderators works 10x better than playing the game. See: Every single fucking game where "Will the moderator boink me if I do this" is a valid in-game concern.

Factario isn't that complex. It's fun but not too crazy. The learning curve isn't as high as DF's for sure.

This is true, I've played a lot of SS13 off and on and there's no way around it. Once you get in good with an admin you're in. Once an admin finds you: funny, to have decent goofs, reliable, and decent, you're set. They'll still boink you, but mostly to tell you how funny it was that you choked that guy out who slipped you or give you antag.

That being said it's not actually a bad thing, it doesn't take too long (I've gotten unbannable status on 3 servers during 3 different periods of playing all years apart) if you aren't a retard, but it can be bullshit if you abuse it too much. Neets are the real issue here, they abuse the shit out of it and it gets annoying and some times it gets pushed too far with admins metagaming their favorites AND then other admins getting pissed at other retarded admins metagaming and sending THEIR guns to go fuck up their plans.

SS13 ends up being a internet social chess more than anything else.

No, you're right. The rules of Factorio are incredibly simple - it's just that the act of making efficient systems is incredibly interesting.

Meanwhile, DF is incredibly complex - yet, unless you embark in a really dangerous area, you have some leeway in the speed in which you progress.

> HoI3 better than HoI2
Is it really? I'd like to know before I start.

Bioshock Infinite


3 is more complex with OOB management, but I feel 2 is better and has more flavor.

I've only played Darkest Hour. How does it compare to HoI3?

Sounds kind of shit, to be honest. Why do people like SS13, if it's so admin-heavy?

The game itself is mechanically complex enough to keep you stimulated for a long time and mastering it makes you such a god that it stimulates you more. The admin aspect swings both ways though, rounds can be ruined or saved by admins, as a largely social game the moderators are I guess a light version of what a dungeon master would be to a D&D game.

Admins play less of a role in servers with shorter round lengths but shorter round lengths result in less interesting rounds by far.

lol why?


Ahh, I see. Do you have any recommendations on how to get in it?

haha goofed em! you goofed him hard buddy!


>Ahh, I see. Do you have any recommendations on how to get in it?
Pull up a wiki, read a bit and then jump in as an assistant.

Dick around your first 3-4 rounds playing with shit with the wiki open then start moving towards simple jobs like bot or CA, then play assistant for a bit more while using your new knowledge and start moving on to all the mid level jobs.

What does OOB stand for?

Also, the major problem I've found with HoI and Darkest Hour is that the diplomacy really is one-dimensional, and never plays much of a role at all. These games are primarily wargames, sure - but are there any mods/versions that make the games less railroad-y in terms of diplomacy?

>What does OOB stand for?
"Order of Battle"--the organizational structure of your troops, from "Theater" on down to individual combat units. The bonuses that you get from generals depend on where you put then in the chain of command.

Ahhh, yes, thank you.