How does Sup Forums like Zarya?

How does Sup Forums like Zarya?

Good tank, bad character design.

i can't play her for shit but everyone else seems to be pretty good with her

her ult is a combo heaven

>highest skill cap character in the game
>hates roboscum
>has a god tier alt skin

Best girl

She's gross looking but i'm sure she's fun to play. I'd never play her though, too ugly.

Pushing machine, first out the door every game, get headshot by widowmaker immediately, dont even give a fuck


>highest skill cap character in the game
this, i can't get eliminations with her. Your timing needs to be perfect for the shields

Works only against idiots and junkrats that just spam through an opening.

snusnu me now

>acquire winter skin
>mute game
>perfect character

she's really good on koth I think

sort of mediocre on attack though

her and symmetra are criminally underused and also both amazing in the hands of someone who is good

> 1 second shield

I'm a consolefag but I do just fine with Zarya. In fact I think my highest streak was with her.

>on-demand invulnerability for you and an ally isn't incredible
It doesn't matter if they shoot you or not. You're only losing out on personal damage if they decide to do nothing instead of feed you damage while doing nothing.

You mean someone who isn't retarded. I excel at both at them, but they're both kind of skilless, Symmetra in particular.

If she just had a skin with a different hair color she would be in my top 3 favorites. I love her playstyle, I love that she's russian, and I love that she's a racist. Even her muscles don't bother me. If it weren't for the tumblr hair she would be whole package.

Lets all go on the Blizzard forums and start making a bunch of threads asking for a skin with blond hair or something. Im serious, we should actually do that.

I like her, but I sometimes only end up using her secondary fire most of the time instead.

Her beam is just way too flat.

Needs more skins that change her hair color

fun to play as, pretty useful, TERRIBLE alt costurme. Like she looks like a butch girl you'd see at hot topic

What does she says that you don't like ?

best waifu
needs better hair

If you're this offended by her hair being pink maybe you're the tumblr

Her hardmode AI makes me rage so hard.
>Those perfect shield placements that cancel out ults
>Always in 100% energy
>Just enough shields to burst through defense lines, kill everyone, then recharge.
Good thing actual Zarya players are shit.

in pubs not being retarded counts as skill. shes hard in the same way how mercy has to time ressurect well and have good game sense

Not really. I don't like characters that use energy beam weapons in general in this game, shields aren't that interesting, I'd rather be playing as Dva I'm gonna use a tank, don't really like her design, etc.

That said is true


Offended isn't the right word. Im just repulsed by it.

Just spam the grenades unless your shied gets you supercharged then blast them

>hey let's paint your house neon orange
>no that's awful

like all the other girls in this game, hot as fuck. I don't play FPS but I jack it to OW on the daily. tits, ass, thicc, brown, muscle, asian, all my key interests are there.

worst character design in the game next to lucio. she should just be deleted and lucio along with her. then the cast of characters wont be so bad. as it is now, half the characters are bordering on jewish sjw pixar movie tier.

the hard mode ai is pretty hard user I actually tried it

>hey there is a house that exists in the world that is neon orange
>no that's awful change it I cannot accept this idea all the houses should be not-orange reeeeee
>what is your problem

>hey there is a house next door to you that is neon orange and it's ugly and awful and ruining your experience of living in this neighborhood, and also 90% of other neighbors agree that this house is fucking atrocious and should be changed
>please change it
>fuck you i like neon orange you fucking fag what's wrong housegater, you don't like fucking orange houses? grow up fucking manchild

One of the best characters in the game if your team isn't stupid. The worst part about her is the reliance of using teammates who aren't cowards and understand what it means when their screen turns purple. Get a good Lucio who likes to be offensive and you can rape practically any team.

>Fought in the Omnic Crisis and saw firsthand the destruction of the Omnics.
>Fights for the humans, and wishes the best and to preserve humanity no matter how people perceive her cause.
>Wouldn't mind being snu-snu'd by strong womyn.

I like my women muscular, so she looks pretty good to me. The facial scar is a nice touch, but down the eye with an eyepatch would be better.

I'd like bigger hair. Big big big big bigger hair.


She fight Siberian bear!

>tfw you kill a sniper with her alt-fire
>tfw you set up a perfect ultimate
>tfw you manage to save someone from certain death with your shield
>tfw running head first into Junkrat tires with your shield up and weapon firing, knowing that he'll lose either way

>I like my women muscular
so you like men

Bitch fucking REFUSES to shield me even for a moment when i play genji. Like god damn shield me so i can use my ult at least, it makes sense right?

That one sure never gets old.

>it makes sense right?
what doesn't make sense is that you play this faggotty game

>not comboing your arm wrestle spray with a reinhardt's arm wrestle spray
they even combo well in game too, it's like pottery


Her weapon packs some serious punch if you get it charged up.

Oh god, this is what I love so much about Zarya. Pulling those camping fags out of their camping spots with her ult and then exposing them and watching them trying so hard to escape scrambling like chickens.

Combo queen.

Graviton Surge + Particle Cannon feels so good.

What a shitty neighborhood.

I see her more often when I play now. She is starting to get serious rep in Comp play out of nowhere. I will finally be right about how strong she is.

I also like playing her, myself.

The shield only lasts 2 seconds so you need to be already in danger for it to be worth it. It's not a get a shield and then start doing something thing.

Her default skin reminds me of Tumblr SJWs

>has a god tier alt skin
Of all the things I've read on this board, that's the most wrong thing I've ever read.

If you're talking about the goth pair, I don't even want to dignify your shit taste with a response. If you're talking about the winter pair, those are a bit better but it still hides her glorious biceps. I'm holding out hope for a sports bra/compression shorts combo.

shes pretty hot


you could probably drop her ult over the pit in london and lol

Her fuckawful hair is the only problem with her.

>TFW I unboxed this victory pose and have enough credits to get the "This is Strength" highlight intro and "Pumping Iron" emote.

Just need to decide which voice line I want. The siberian bear one is nice.


She didn't fight in the Omnic crisis. She fought in a minor skirmish against a recently reactiavated omnium

I can understand the 2 second duration for the shields. Do you even know how OP her shields are? They prevent you from being pushed back by Reinhart and makes you """immune to McCree's flashbang""".

The short duration of her skills makes her that character that has a high skill cap. You really need to be that guy who has the reaction of a hawk so you can dish out shields at the right moment and be that guy who knows how to survive in the middle of a firefight.




Character wise she's fucking disgusting and hands down the worst looking character in the game. It physically pains me to see her and how disgusting she is.

Gameplay wise she's fucking great, really good support tank or secondary tank. Very strong.

I'll play her a lot more if i can get one of the siberian skins for her so she actually doesn't look like shit.

Only character I can do well with.
K/D around 3.5 and W/L around 60%

I'll be happy once I get an alternate skin for her.
Also she's one of the most fun characters

>her glorious biceps

What up, kindred spirit!

I think she's a difficult character with underwhelming power. Nobody else has to manage a resource to keep their damage above tickle beam.

Fucking this man, I'm so looking forward to when they release her gym attire or sports bra and shorts. That is, if they ever do.

If you get her shield, attack and shield recharge rhythm down she is utterly god tier and her 100% laser charge turns her into the highest DPS in the game. She is the best off tank in the game bare non and is great as a kind of team commander giving shields to people who need it and pushing up on people when she sees an opening.

You miss the point. I'm just pointing out that shields are for people already doing something, not people sitting around waiting for a shield.

Honestly make her hair natural colored and her design would be fine

I love picking Zarya to counter Mei
>round a corner
>chinese frost mage ults the team
>shield myself and the best player
>casually walk out
>melt her as she tries to finish anyone else off

I won't play her until I get this. So I'll probably never find out.

>difficult character
Yeah throwing your shield on people who are in danger or are about to go balls deep is really hard. It's also really hard to shield yourself before jumping in front of damage on purpose.

Genji and Tracer are the only two characters in the game that actually require some skill to do well with.

>Fucking this man

>jewish sjw pixar movie tier.

Go outside user.

This is what weebs and tracerfags really believe.

Can you speak without using memes or mentioning SJWs?

>Zarya will never cuddle you like bug fuzzy Siberian bear.


>Genji and Tracer
>lol deflect an ult with my non ult ability lol
>lol rewind time and blink around you

>Literally just throwing stars
>Deflecting by simply looking at the character
>And attacking with a sword when enemies just crowd themselves into a group

Holy fuck what am I reading?

I love muscular girls that wear it well (ie: not those creepy exhibition bodybuilders)

She would be perfect except... the fucking hair.


Zarya is cute when she has an actual female face instead of the face of Disney's Hercules.

I don't even play either of the characters, but if you've really not see the difference between a shitty tracer/genji and a good tracer/genji then i don't know what to tell you, because the difference is night and day. The difference between a good and bad hanzo or soldier or any other character is pretty minimal, but tracer and genji is a huge difference. They're either really good and wreck the other team, or they're just dead weight.

I shouldn't be surprised that you think utilizing blink and rewind is easy though, i mean most people on Sup Forums also actually think mccree is OP. Most of you are pretty awful at this game.

This is gonna sound weird.

I like Zarya and her design. Her pink hair doesn't bother me one bit, and I think it fits her.

But strange enough, and I wonder if others are with me on this, but her pink fingernails actually get to me the most. I'm not sure why, but they quite annoy me so.

I guess because I see her as a beefy lady and her hair color already makes her seem more feminine that having pink fingernails seems a bit excessive.

I love her, but I admit her design isn't perfect. beyond the hair which never really bothered me

She's still pretty, but a rounder face, with slightly smaller waist to bring out the hips and she'd be golden.

The thing about women is that, unlike men, they lose fat more easily than they gain muscles, with exceptions like any rule. So it's a lot harder to have fat padding out the creases between muscles when they decide to go full muscle, so it means that a lot of female bodybuilders end up having that fucking awful muscletight skin that is so disgusting.

My favourite shots of muscular women are always the ones where they aren't dehydrating and starving themselves to get that muscle-tight look.

Cause hardmode AI are literally aimbots. It's impossible to play any low HP flanky character, because their entire team will turn around in unison and shoot you down.

But they're still dumb bots. Go multiple Bastion or Torbs and they can't do anything. They will always come in a single clump.

You almost had me there, buddy.

cyka blyat vhy no one get on ze point vis me

I want more Zarya skins. Her winter coat ones are fine but the goth ones are terrible.

>not liking robutts
>liking a literal tumblr character
Shit taste senpai.


Babushka skin.

One of my most played characters, I have 3/4 Legendary Skins and I don't fucking use any of them because they're all fucking atrocious.

Zarya is the best girl.

Not sure if want

>Zarya is fucking ripped
>half her fanart has her drawn fat