I have 44 shekels in GS credit. Recommend me something for pic related or 3DS.
I have 44 shekels in GS credit. Recommend me something for pic related or 3DS
What kinda game do you want?
Hack 3DS. Wait for Vita to get hacked.
Why would you pay for anything for 3DS?
a memory card then wait for vita hacks
>Not paying
Guess I'll let these dollars go to waste, then.
And let Sony get away with their Jew methods of selling memory? No thanks.
Get the latest Fire Emblem you hyperfaggot
>literally buying fates
Piracy exists for this sole reason
>Piracy exists for this sole reason
Don't be a jew nigger, buy good gaymes. You're literally worse than a jew and a nigger combined
It's a good game but a terrible localization that shouldn't be supported
Buy it second hand if you really want to
That fantranslation is shit. Do they not realize that you have to make things sound like English when you translate into English?
Still better than the official translation though.
Okay, back to the topic. Here's a list of shit I'm most interested in. Recommend from here.
Trails of cold steel
Also if your 3DS is not updated to the latest version pirate that bitch
Probably Cold Steel. Maybe Dungeon Travelers 2 if you tried out the demo and liked it.
Also that Cold Steel you have listed there is the PS3 version not the Vita version in case you didn't notice.
Will definitely check out the demo then before I consider.
Depends what you want the most
Trails of cold steel is great if you want a dialogue-heavy traditional JRPG
DT2 is pretty good if you like DRPGs
SMT:DS is a good choice but not as good as SMT4 imo
I wouldn't recommend CP:BD unless you really like the series
Pick whichever you feel like playing, get some of the demos for the respective games
muramasa rebirth
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Muramasa Rebirth.
That's only $11.50 USD
Maybe you can get an indie game