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Free Cities. It's really excellent since it's full of rape and the player being the dominant one, some light post apocalyptic cyberpunk flavor, and a good amount of content. I want even more content though. Still, probably best porn game I've played.
I played through the whole of the original Deus Ex 3 years ago and loved it and really hyped myself up to play this but my laptop was a piece of shit and couldn't run it. Now I've got a cool gaming PC and played about 2 hours before getting bored. I grew out of video games, I have to admit it...
Still haven't managed to kill the final ship and I have yet to get any of the events for the other ships. I've got about 50 hours put in. How do I get good?
good stuff
9/10 so far
Mix of Doom and Overwatch on PC. Was playing Uncharted 3 on PS4, but I took a break from it.
i don't play video games, i prefer good art like radiohead or pulp fiction
>how do i git gud?
It's pure RNG, you don't. Your very first encounter on easy mode could very well destroy your ship and there's nothing you could do about it.
>ftw first enemy has two missile launchers with high breach chance
My best run was with three flack cannons and a defence drone. I was able to shotgun everything, even the first two stages of the boss, but then the mind control and boarding action fucked me hard. Bullshit I say.
i love it
On turn 280~ of my Vampire Counts playthrough of Total Warhammer.
Just got through with a war with the Empire. Got some pretty good provinces out of it.
>boarding action
>not keeping at least two mantis crewmen idle for the sole purpose of rekking invaders
Also, if you have mind control on your own ship, you can use it to dispel the enemy's effect on your crew. Works even at lowest power.
Best setup is cloak and mc plus anything else.
>use lowest-power cloak to dodge missile barrage
>always recharges in time to evade next volley
the new Hitman
fucking love it so much, Sapienza is a master race
Slav magic.
splinter cell chaos theory
too damn good
nigga you at 280 turns and thats ALL the map you have seen? talk about country bumkins
YUNO from 1996
I rate it... 10 out of 10!
is good gam ivan
te best hitmen gaem yes
Finishing up Hearts of Stone before I get cracking away at Blood and Wine.
Nah thats from way earlier. I have the south and most of the west now. I just havent had the need to take any more screenshots.
Lost Vikings. Playing some old games I missed. I'll try advance wars next.
fallout 2 and pic related
both are mediocre
>before I get cracking away at Blood and Wine.
Prepare to be disappointed. B&W is a snoozefest so take your time with hearts of stone.
Well I WAS play AC2 for the first game of the series to start playing. I also have 4, but thats besides the point.
Then my computer froze, no big deal, happens every once in a while, start it back up. Get into game, 2 hours of shit unsaved because I assumed it was auto saving because I couldnt find a save option. So I have to redo 2 hours of the game, or move onto 4. Fucking hell.
Evoland 2. Dude references lmao! It has all of Undertale's subversiveness, but none of the pretentiousness. Also better gameplay.
2 hours lost is nothing dude. plus you already did it so it'll be a breeze. suck it up and get that progress back and you'll be on to greener pastures
Also I really need to fucking start DaS3.
I have a very short attention span, I can only repeat things so many times before I have to stop from being annoyed. If it was work or back in school then fine, but Im not going to replay something that was a chore because he game hadnt even started yet. I had just gotten to the point where I was going to assassinate the first guy.
smack a nig for staring at me wrong game
Playing the DLC for the first time now, Hearts of Stone is pretty goddamn great. Been on a massive Witcher bender lately, did W3 through for the first time, then W2, now I'm doing W3's DLC for the first time.
I found W2 grew on me a bit after having played W3, but W3 is probably still the best in the series simply because of how great the voice acting and writing and characterization is across the board. Not sure I could stand the swamps in W1 again.
so saucy
pls die in fire
itty bitty baby
that's understandable, replaying intros of bloated late 00s cinematic open world games is pure hell
Loved that fucking game. Had a great ass soundtrack as well. How far are you?
Although while I'm thinking of it and my screenshot is reminding me, clothing/armor design roughly goes W1-W2-W3. They got increasingly fruity and fantasy as time went on, preferred shit simpler. Seemed to fit the setting better. W3's still better than most games but still an awful lot of fancylads.
This game is one of the best I've ever played.
excuse me sir wtf r u doin
Trying to play through the original Deus Ex. When does it get good? I just finished Hell's Kitchen.
Never, it's a meme game.
smackin myself for lookin at myself wrong u?
I don't know I dropped it after 15 mins.
just crawled my poisoned ass through the mines. i really like the general gameplay, combat, graphics, music, whatever, but the platforming is pretty awful. i had to redo that obnoxious steamwood section twice because you can barely see where you're jumping, and if you fall off you're fucked and have to start over. poison/tiredness affecting your mobility also sucks
Thinking of going back to Monster Hunter 4 as well, haven't touched it in a while.
i played Deus Ex Mankind Divided today, no joke
Omega Ruby. Pretty meh
I feel Pokemon needs a difficulty level, even if it only makes wild and trainer pokemon higher level or scale slightly.
How is it?
i like deux ex but honestly it just gets a bit better from where you're at and then falls off toward the end
if you don't like it where you're at i'd just quit
Is this series good? I always heard they were pretty bad.
i would recommend: not playing pokemon anymore
they're great if you know what a mystery dungeon game is. if you don't and you go in expecting a pokemon game, then yeah they're fucking trash
it's cool.
Starts getting good at the naval base, gets better at Vandenberg, peaks at Area 51 (part A). Then sort of loses steam at the end, but at least you don't get dragged through anything excruciating like Battery Park.
It's a better game on your second playthrough since you'll know where the levels start and end and can have some confidence in free exploration / delaying the inevitable / experimenting with shit.
Legit first one since Crystal. Just wanted to see how they are.
Lost Odyssey
Pretty great and decently surprised at the length.
Some shitty browser game it's called Sup Forums
I like them, but it's really not something I can recommend easily. It's the same reason reviewers always give them a tough time: the average person probably won't enjoy it. The dungeons and missions are kind of boring even though the music is GOAT, and the stories are fun though somewhat kiddy, nothing too deep.
I mostly just tolerate the gameplay, I really enjoy the OST, story, and characters the most.
Its my podcast game....
I'm sorry
No they're great.
It's a faster turn based dungeon crawler with Pokemon.
And it's a lot more un-forgiving, try the GBA ones first
Pretty good. Doing a second playthrough to reach level 80 for the sake of the transfer file for the sequel. Also, for the trophies.
Trying to get all achievements in Dark Souls 3 since I want to do it with at least ONE game in my life.
You guys were right, proofs of a concord kept are complete bullshit.
Once you understand how things work it's a great game, but it may take some time, Deus Ex it's from a time when video games were pretty much a niche product.
Being honest with you, I didn't like the game my first time through, it wasn't until my second playthrough that I started having fun but once it clicked on me it became one of my favourites, I still replay it every once in a while.
Just remember: It's more of an RPG than a shooter, a jack of all trades is a master of none, don't level up melee weapons nor swimming, listen to what NPCs say and stick to the prod.
Dark Souls don't even have good achievements. I don't understand why people think 100%/plating a game is worth anything. You're doing it for the wrong reasons.
Gothic. It's good.
You clearly haven't been here for very long.
Yo man give me a tip.
Does it really truly matter who i hangout with on freedays?
Or will i be able to get everyone maxed?
Also, who should i give what quartz?
>don't level up melee weapons nor swimming
Well I already leveled up swimming once so I could get into the warehouse. Am I fucked?
I just finished Condemned like an hour ago. The final level is complete bullshit on hard but other than that it was great, small pipe is best weapon.
I guess I'll play "Brothers" next to see what's all the fuzz about.
Pic not related.
Shadow of Mordor on PS4. Its alright I guess.
Pop music is now art?
A Hollywood film is now art?
>stories are somewhat kiddy
I feel I've been misled. I've been told that the stories seemed kind of kiddy at first but at the end were actually grim as fuck.
It's a waste of points that will make things more difficult later on, but you're hardly fucked.
There are some cheese tactics you can always fall back on. Just watch old speedruns or experiment.
The game has arbitrary save points and a bind-able quicksave/quickload for a reason. Use them.
>not a game
I know it's not
But it's the only thing even tangentially related to vidya that I've really enjoyed in years
What the fuck do you think I'm playing?
It's pretty impossible for Rean to get max link level with everyone on the first playthrough. Even more so your party members with each other. You probably noticed that the most link leveling up besides free days come from the end of chapters.
If you care about completing the character profiles, it does matter who you are with on free days. Some free day events on certain chapters will give an entry on the notebook, some won't. They designed this so that you can't get all the notebook entries on one playthrough either, so hang with whoever you think is the coolest.
Honestly, just play the first playthrough blind and you won't regret it.
Also, Elliot and Emma are the most deserving of the attack quartz.
Rise of the Tomb Raider on pc
it's really good, if you can tolerate hand-holdy AAA collectathons.
there are more tombs than in the 2013 reboot, and they are more intricate AND OMG YOU GUYS THEY HAVE CISTERNS AND WATER-LEVEL PUZZLES
I've always loved those
also, it's really really pretty, playing it with everything maxxed out on a 980TI, looks fantastic
ugh they need to crack that game ASAP
Yeah, that is indeed the case. There are some good fucking moments and entire story segments that you would never find in the main games. It's just that the games are still rated E, so you won't find too many outright deaths or anything like that. The games do take themselves seriously quite often, I didn't mean to downplay that part.
Great taste senpai
My favourite game
Finally completed my twink character on DaS3 and have been wrecking helpless newbies on the high wall all day ;)
Winter is so fucking boring.
>Also, Elliot and Emma are the most deserving of the attack quartz.
I had been giving it to Rean and Laura for the most part.
And making Elliot a magic nuke machine.
Then they took them away from me and made me go with those team b fags.
Emma is pretty good tho.
Dem thighs.
Pokemon White 2.
I'm near the end of the game and it's been pretty fun so far.
i won in smack a nig for looking at me wrong
she didn't even ring the doorbell
>playing Five Nights at Freddy's
>no crops to water or animals to watch
More like relaxing. Go to the desert, go fishing, mine shit, grind relationships.