What are you personally looking forward to at E3!

What are you personally looking forward to at E3!

Who will win the E3 bowl this year?

I look forward to whatever embarrassment ubisoft has planned for us this time

I honestly just want to see Nintendo do well for once. ;_;

>Needing to ask

they already announced watch dogs 2

>Forgetting pic

>No presentation
We've got no hope this year, brother.

>mfw Sony will win E3 for the 4th time in a row


Why does DFC-tan have a boner?

I want to see just how much of a mess ubisoft has made For Honor into.

I want to see NX price, design, and launch games.

I want to see EA's conference get no applause on anything.

I want major technical fuckups for one of the conferences, doesn't matter who. Or just something good to laugh at.

I honestly think MS will win this E3, but even then, I also think everyone, besides Nintendo, will have some good reveals that genuinely excite even the most cynical cunts on Sup Forums.

as ballin' as possible

I am looking foward to seeing Devil May Cry 5 be unveiled. It totally will happen. R-right, guys?

E3 has been boring garbage for like 8 years
this year will be no different

That's just a wrinkle on her sweater.

>Every PC game is now an Xbox Live game

How can Sony even compete?

PS4 could win if they actually show good games, if they don't show The Last Guardian I'm presuming it's dead once again.

Xbone could also win if they show that Rare pirate game and that other one about robots, those games look genuinely interesting.

Nintendo is out of the question, maybe if they show new stuff on Pokemon that would be cool, but Christ, Zelda will have to be one hell of a game for them to win.

Why is everyone blowing their loads early?

>FFXII Zodiac Age
>Pokémon starter info
>Nintendo isn't even having a digital event, already told us Zelda U will be the only demo

What a shit fucking year. The big 3 better pull off some crazy shit with new IPs or rebooting dead series. Just expecting GAME THE SEQUEL the whole show.

He cites spiritual rehashes and sequels as loadsortgy while complaining about sequels and lack of new IPs...

Isn't it the other way around?

I feel Microsoft will have the biggest announcements, but Sony will beat them when it comes to games.

The cynical part of me expects Sony to have too much focus on VR and have a really bad show since it's the 10th anniversary of their 2006 E3 press.

Nintendo will win


They did fantastic that one year they live streamed games for 3 days. We sent Treehouse a fucking card thanking them. We fucked up.

>You will never get to go back in time and experience the 2006 sony e3 with Sup Forums again


Can anyone actually wins aside from Sony?
Nintendo has nothing to show except Zelda, the rest is just localized games we've already seen the Japanese version of
Nobody cares about Ubisoft, EA or Microsoft
Sony actually has tons of stuff to show
The only way I can see Sony "losing" is if a publisher like Atlus or Namco actually manages to be better than Sony, but even then most of their games would be PS4 games anyway so Sony would still be winning

Sea of Thieves

why does DFC have an erection?

Well, Microsoft is apparently bringing out the big guns with new hardware to show. They also have Gears of War 4, Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves among other games.

She wants to fuck cowtits

>Who will win the E3 bowl this year?
It's already confirmed Capcom and Square Enix don't have their own conferences, just Stage Shows and Streams after the press conferences are done with, so Sony definitely got them to reveal anything new on Sony's Conference, so just like on E3 2015 Sony will "win" by riding on other companies' hype train.

she doesn't

Whoever decides to show off KH3 footage, so probably Sony.

You mean definitely Sony.

When has Microsoft has ever gotten exclusive footage, or just be the first to show, for multiplat japanese games?

MGS5 I think?

Wasn't KH3 first shown at their E3 press? Same with MGSV and Dark Souls III.

It's going to be hard for Sony to lose this E3. Nintendo bowed out due to NX's,delay, and Microsoft will be their usual boring self.

whoever wins we lose


Don't bully

Nintendo had a chance until they just dropped NX from the show and completely fucking gave up.

No one "wins" E3 anymore, it's now a contest to see who loses the least.

Bonerlord anything

Microsoft just heavily advertised Dark Souls III and got the press to follow their feeds due Sony heavily advertising Bloodborne before, M$ wasn't the first to show DSIII.

I think their focus on VR will be what make the on top. Their VR system is ahead in the industry right now and just simply marketing it properly will get many people to orgasm. Combined with anything Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and they have a solid E3 script going. Meanwhile Nintendo is trying to VR and that is most likely going to be a halfassed presentation. Not to mention the Zelda WiiU that is never going to come out. No word from Microsoft so far so they are a wild card but honestly they're probably just going to be some normie tier shit like Fifa or Halo.

By implying the last good E3 was 8 years ago you are implying E3 2008 was the last good E3.

E3 2008 was like, the second worst E3 of all time.

Literally none of what you just listed is E3 worthy.

>He thinks VR won't be a gimmicky flop

>Wasn't KH3 first shown at their E3 press?
Can't you remember something that happened just 3 years ago? KH3 literally debuted on Sony's conference, along with Versus XIII being rebranded as XV.

Looking forward to all the hilarious e3 videos people are going to make.

Can't wait for Ubisoft to show Watch Dogs 2 so I can prepare to see how much it gets fucking downgraded.

I don't think I'm really looking forward to anything at E3.
I'm looking forward to the threads, though. It was the same last year and probably the year before.
When did this happen?

Watching it live with Sup Forums is fun as fuck.

Can't wait for constant spam of "WORDS WORDS WORDS" and "Where are the video games?"

You mean forced shit?

Actual funny people would need to step on the stage, Tak Fuji was 6 years ago.

Has Ubisoft had any game that didn't disappoint in the last 4 years?

Is ubisoft going to do a full presentation? That might be pretty funny.

While Seige was downgraded visually it was still a very solid game when it worked properly.

Everything else out of the company has been utter dogshit.

PSVR is going to be the new Kinect. Everyone that used it that wasn't already a Sony shill said it caused motion sickness and is gimmicky as fuck.

>implying incorrect implications

>animu girls playing xbox

I think Xbox deserves to win this time.

Why are you looking forward to E3, Sup Forums?
You know very well that absolutely nothing worthwhile is going to be shown.

hey guys be sure to preorder my game ok you'll love it

This picture isn't a good comparison of the original since DCT-tan is younger and shorter than DFC-tan.

They're characters from a cartoon just filling the roles.

Red Dead Redemption 2 (if the rumors are true)
Some random cool Nintendo game to pop up out of nowhere for the Wii U/3DS
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare/MW Remastered footage (I just want to see what type of game IW is)

But what I'm really looking forward to is the new Zelda footage. If it's like pic related (which is probably bullshit), there's a very high chance that it could be the best Zelda of all time. I know it's probably bullshit and not gonna work, but a man can dream.

there isn't anything original about it. DFC is Mabel Pines.

Did this artist ever draw more?

I hope Mew2king goes up on stage, murders both Kaz Hirai and Masahiro Sakurai, and announces Melee HD for Wii U, NX, PC, and Xbox One before playing live video footage of Sony HQ being firebombed by Mango, Hungrybox and Armada.

weebs are so fucking impressionable i guarantee you some piece of shit weeb right now is contemplating buying an xbone, a LITERAL xbone, just because of OP pic

I believe his name is Pink lines or something. He has more art on the Gravity Falls booru.

No, he stopped drawing altogether

That sucks. I really wanted a drawing from him.

that's a shame

No xbone is a shit.

who goes first Sony or Microsoft?

this is the year of Zelda muh dude. the only thing they need is Zelda Wii U muh friend

Not the consumers that's for damn sure.


>What are you personally looking forward to at E3!
More Xenoverse 2 info.
Dissidia console announcement for early/mid-2017 release.

If Microsoft announces the Scorpio with it's projected stats and Sony does the same with the Neo then Microsoft obviously wins with the consoles.

Dev wise is a harder gamble. Ubisoft is announcing Watch Dogs 2 so they're out but i guess it's really anyone's game right now.

>with it's projected stats
Except that if those rumours are true then the PS4K is more powerful that the Scorpio.

no it's not PS4K is supposed to do 4 tflops scorpio os supposed to do 6. how is the PS4K more powerful in that scenario

For Honor
Dishonored 2
Deus Ex
Titanfall 2

>4 Tflops

Wtf world are we living in.

it's a console not a PC. that's also double what the PS4 is currently putting out. basically the minimum for VR

Console or not that is underpowered.

Swords and sneaking
Nano-blades and sneaking
Swords and mecha

Gonna be a good year for swords.

so then how is the PS4 more powerful than the scorpio in this instance.

Would you fuck a sword, user?

Think I saw that episode of La Blue Girl.

Large clothes on flat girls that slightly fall off is a underrated fetish

These aren't from La Blue.

Good taste.

I'm aware, but sword fucking as a general concept all I think of is La Blue Girl

Ah. Makes sense. Best of luck with your sword fuckery then, user.

Large clothes on DFC is just as good as tight clothes on DCT.

nintendo won in 2014 with their splatoon and mario maker reveals