>no threads for Odin Sphere despite it being less than a day away from NA release
Let's change that, shall we?
>who's your favorite character to play in the demo?
>how many of you pre-ordered?
>what system are you buying it for?
>favorite new feature?
No threads for Odin Sphere despite it being less than a day away from NA release
Other urls found in this thread:
Ingway and Mercedes will never get their happy ending.
>who's your favorite character to play in the demo?
Hard to say but I think Cornelius was the best for combos, Oswald melted the bosses though. And Mercedes is just cute.
>how many of you pre-ordered?
>what system are you buying it for?
PS4, no Vita and I want to see the art on the big screen
>favorite new feature?
Didn't play the original, but I have to imagine the new combat system is an improvement, even if it does make things easy at times
I'm very hyped, haven't played any Vanillaware titles and this game looks gorgeous and meets my standard of curazy combat
Is this game challenging? Does the new version ruin the level design and challenge by adding in new mechanics without adjusting balance?
Hard to say since I've only played the demo, which is piss easy, but I've heard that the levels have been revamped with the new combat changes in mind.
never played
i did
i never played so can i say ng+
The new version can be played with the original gameplay, which I've heard is difficult but a bit shit.
The new gameplay is fun, but the demo isn't very challenging. Muramasa has a challenging difficulty mode though, so I assume this will too.
God damn is that horseshit.
>mfw Storybook Edition came in early
You might like the changes to Mercedes' levels. She's got some really neat new mid-boss fights.
I'm stoked as fuck. I've played the demo around 20 times now.
The changes to the combat are fantastic, and the quality of life improvements on the inventory system is great.
Planning on getting dat plat
Lucky...mine is coming tomorrow.
There would be a lot more discussion and threads if it were on PC too
you know it be true
You're probably right, but...
>the Final Fantasy X threads after the PC release
...sometimes things are better that way.
anybody got this and Grand Kingdom
i pre ordered both but am regretting getting grand kingdom.
i never played it nor do i know anything about it so what do you guys think.
is it going to be good
i also pre ordered odin sphere and also never played it and would like to ask.
is it good
is there ng+
They're both excellent.
So what's so great about this game?
I played Muramusunsabdhu and Dragon's Crown and thought they were both ok
I love Velvet but Mercedes is too fun to play with.
Amazon already shipped it but will take a while till delivery, fortunately Sophie will make the wait less severe.
Hyped as fuck.
Does it mean I'm a cuck if Gwendolyn is my waifu?
Vanillaware girls are factually irresistible, so there's no reason to be ashamed
I'm waiting to see what the new version is like. If the difficulty is non existent I won't bother, I liked how hard the original was, and sure the combat was simpler and it's better in the new one, but if just makes the game an easy button masher, then I'll be bored. Plus there is a new dub/translation and I might not like that either.
Local retailers refused to stock on normal edition and I have no interest in the storybook one. Might need to order online.
Grand Kingdom demo soon, so you can cancel it if you don't like it.
They should of stuck with delicious brown velvet.
I'm usually down with brown, but the Velvet we got is 10/10,
I'm liking the new skill trees and combos. Definitely makes the characters feel more unique. I'm sure I'll be obsessively making potions again and stuffing more food down my character's faces than an encourager feeding their gainer.
How's this game for NG+ and levleing up and getting super powerful weapons and skills to beat stuff with, i.e. post game grinding and powering up after the main game is over.
>who's your favorite character to play in the demo?
Oswald, that berserker mode wrecks shit
>how many of you pre-ordered?
pic related
>what system are you buying it for?
pic related
>favorite new feature?
Holding jump to do a mobility move and holding left/right + attack to do muramasa sweeps
There's an option to play using the original mechanics for autists such as yourself
Amazon Prime for 20% discount, brah.
Is that discount only for pre order? It wont be there if I order it tomorrow?
I still can't believe they had the balls to openly rip Nibelung Valesti.
Up to 10 days after release.
I believe so, yeah. State tax eats up a shit ton of that discount for me unfortunately, but 70 bucks for Storybook edition ain't bad.
Guys please get it on Vita.
I think you get the "pre-order discount" if it's within two weeks of release.Could be wrong; I've never waited until 12AM launch day to pre-order something.
The original absolutely didn't have any of that
Not sure about the remake but I'd be surprised if it had that aspect taked on.
I would have if they had released a storybook edition for that one.
>Odin Sphere Leftovers
Are PS4fags so desperate for vidya that they're playing fucking PS2 games in 2016?
Amazon prime only?
Not from USA but this country has its own Amazon, but importing from USA is also an option.
Vanillaware is like the only video game company that can pull off WAM and vore
where do you live that you aren't taxed?
So, is this closer to muramasa or dragons crown.
>tfw canacuck
Just got to Mercedes' campaign and this is the worst and best thing of the game so far.
Do the remaining two character have different play styles as well or are they similar to Gwen and Cornelius?
From what I've seen:
Gwen - Poke, poke, poke
Cornelius - Spin2win
Mercedes - Bullet hell
Velvet - Chaining attacks ;)
I will forever love VW's dedication to good art. I mean jesus this is an eye feast. Got anymore, user?
I like this remake, but I'll pass on it since it doesn't seem like much has changed. Hope you guys (especially newcomers) enjoy it.
Amazon has been really fucking with me as of late. They said I wouldn't get it till next week but it just got shipped now and will be here tomorrow.
It's a good game, though.
I ordered the ps4 collector edition for the collectibles and the ps vita one for playing.
Id wish they release Vanillaware games on Steam. But I guess its truly never ever. Too bad.
He's just falseflagging as a desperate vita owner. Don't fall for it.
But user, I am getting it on vita. I was just curious.
$60 for a hd remaster do-over? No thanks.
I'll gladly get it when it's on sale for $20.
Anyone else gonna play on ps4 using a fightstick?
The director was asked about it and he said they were looking to port their games...in 2015. So who knows? Maybe something is in the works. I'd love to play Dragon's Crown again on PC.
That was Nichegamer outright making up shit for clickbait; people looked on his Facebook following him supposedly saying this and couldn't find any reference for it at all. A few people contacted the author over it to ask if he had a screencap of it or anything, but he just ignored any messages concerning it.
That makes me sad
What a shame.
Fuck. I guess recent impossible releases like Valkyria Chronicles and Senran Kagura made me hopeful. Now I'm feeling naive and disapointed...
Shit I might just get get a PS TV already.
Not in the mood to dump, but enjoy a Velvet for your patrician taste
I played the demo but I don't remember the game being nearly this easy. I was pulling off all kinds of crazy shit just mashing square and I think I got hit twice in the entire demo and that was because I was messing around with the controls to see what else I could do. It almost feels like I was playing on the "easy automatic" mode that most DMC/Bayo games have.
>less than a day away from NA release
What, really? I had no idea. I wasn't even aware it came out in Japan yet. Weirdly enough I haven't heard a single thing about it other than the fact the game was being made.
I never played the original, how was it?
Pre ordered on the ps3 for that sweet art book
>amazon hasn't sent the shipping e mail
I miss when you could get day 1 games without prime so long as you pre ordered early enough.