Games that never got a sequel. Pic related

Games that never got a sequel. Pic related.

whats this game called?


Odd World Strangers Wrath

Oddworld is on its way back. Slowly and probably surely.

It still hurts

Love that game,also Killer 7.

It's a shame too, cause Stranger's Wrath was such a great game that just needed a few tweaks to make it amazing. I feel like a sequel on the 360/PS3 would have been a great idea.

Vexx! One of my favorite platformers

E3 is right around the corner. Just don't expect it to look like anything it did before.

>Metal Arms Glitch In the System
>The Punisher game
>Dark Watch
>Armed and Dangerous
I hoped at least one of these would get a sequel.

The fuck are you saying? Are they bringing it back?!

From what I've hear they are. Prey was a great game!

>Prey 2 and 3 website domains were updated a few weeks ago
>Prey 2 Facebook group made private recently
>Arkane Austin email leak from years ago
>all Dishonored 2 previews and interviews seem to be coming from Arkane Lyons

We might see something this year.


Freedom Fighters.

It's really a shame.

They seem to be retooling everything Human Head already had made, so don't get too hyped.


Not gonna lie, I'm upset about it.
I loved the game, despite the bugs.

Project Eden