How can Sony even compete?
>Every PC game is now an Xbox Live game
are any of them actually fun and good? I don't want to play shooters or MOBAS on consoles. Give me exploration, dial down the combat. I want a unique artstyle, instead of wasting resources on high res textures take that time to work on the animations and mechanics of the game.
>requires you to actually own an Xbone
That's how
its like less then 300 now with a free game. whats you excuse user?
When it allows me to play Xbox One exclusives on my PC without owning one of those doorstops I'll start buying those games.
I really only want to play Sunset Overdrive though
Its nothing.
Let me play pc games on an xb or let me play xbox games on pc without uwp.
This is just a stupid app that ms watches you with now. Who gives a shit if my friend is playing wow on pc and another friend is playing cod on x1, neither can play with each other, and why would someone on x1 waste their time messaging someone thhrough thr shit app when a phone works better?
Its nothing.
>Sunset Overdrive
thats free with gold
>Windows 10.
I'd rather snort powdered glass through my dickhole.
Yes but at the moment it'll cost me upwards of $350+ AUD so that's not happening
>make it sound like they're porting it.
They're not.
All they're really doing is the equivalent of seeing someone pop up on Steam and what game they're playing.
Except if it's say, Overwatch, all you'd be able to do is voice-chat with each other.
It's overblown. It's fucking nothing.
Having a PC that allows me to play the games already.
Also an xbone can't play them by itself, it needs a PC that can already run that shit to do so, so they fucked up.
>Games like XCOM 2 achievements/screenshots and gameclips now appear to Xbone users
>Even has a gamehub for stats like play time
>They can't play it
For what purpose?
future compatibility
>shitty version of google now is now on xbone
>you can use xbox's social features on your win10 pc
fucking horrendous; microsoft is DESPERATE to do anything but make games for their box
they are merging windows and xbox
you'll be able to play xbox one games on pc in a few years
It's so your XBone friends can be seen on certain compatible PC games. That's it. Which genuinely begs the question, who has an Xbone and a W10 PC when you only need one or the other?
>and just like that pc loses all of its exclusives
thats the bigger joke here, my family man
Idiots have been saying this since the og xbox. There is no proof to this anywhere and ms goes through a cycle of releasing ass ports to pc that make no money and then go "pc gamers didnt support it"
>playing pc games
>on gamepad
>buying games that you can just pirate on pc
It's way easier to port from Xbox one then from Xbox to PC. It basically runs on the same software.
it's the opposite, dumbass. Every Xbox game will be on PC.
>i did not read the article!
>neither did i! (unless you mean that streaming shit)
They are both x86 and running on windows 10 now. A dx12 pc game can be made to run on xbox one and vice versa.
pc is dying and Microsoft is going to synergize with xbox
they figure every home will have an xbox or a pc
So does that mean I have to pay Xbox live to play PC games online on Windows 10?
Can I play my Xbox library on Windows yet?
>microsoft is basically turning windows store into an inbuilt wannabe steam
On the one hand this is fucking hotrifying and an even better reason to not upgrade to 10; on the other hand it might make gaben sweat enough to actually upgrade some of the shittier parts of steam (example being improving the shitty ass browser)
>Can I play my Xbox library on Windows yet?
Just like 10 years ago, no, and it won't happen anytime soon, is always smoke and mirrors with Microsoft on this simple question and they never deliver, they just want you to buy something else or use a new bullshit store and lead you to believe is going to happen some day it won't.
So even less reasons to buy a shitbox?
Kek they won't ever try that again after getting Btfo with gfwl
No it doesn't
how can either compete with PC?
yet there are tons of console sales.
dont underestimate the stupidity of peasants
>Window 10
>Can I play my Xbox library on Windows yet?
Depends. A lot of xbone games are on windows.
Going forward however, the xbox is being put closer to a pc. Not the other way around. Meaning those old ass games were specifically made for console design and architecture they likely won't bother with.
All the future games are likely gonna be on both like the forzas and dr4. So in the end both platforms will be under windows going forward. That's what project helix is anyways.
It's actually a good move when you think about it.
did anyone even read the story? nothing is involved with xbox live besides the little 'hub' bullshit and being able to see people on your friends list playing them.
100% NOTHING to do with playing xbone games on pc and vice versa