Everyone loves Bravely Default

>Everyone loves Bravely Default
>Ending shows this awful warrior chick showing up and leaves the mystery open of who she is
>Bravely Second comes out
>Story makes no sense
>Contradictions and retcons everywhere
>Magnolia's rescue scene is in an awkward place and it makes no sense for the others not to be with her rescuing Tiz
>Turns out she's just a lovestruck girl from the moon or whatever
>None of the new characters are as memorable as the old ones
>Ringabel only shows up for five minutes in an optional sidequest
>Coup de gravy
Great final boss, though.

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About ten hours into Second and I really want Yew to stop saying gravy. I also want the cat puns to stop and Edea talk about anything but food.
Wizard and Charioteer are cool classes.

Is it fair to say that the consensus is that the story got worse while the gameplay and pacing got better?

They basically stopped caring about the writing and probably just had fun with it, for better or for worse.
I assume the original script is even worse.
New jobs are great though and the gameplay is still pretty damn solid.
pretty much

Gameplay is better, yeah.

Bravely Default's always been shit.

It's just a longer, worse Final Fantasy V.

Only turbo weebs love Bravely Default. It's a sub-par genre entry, shameless pseudo-retro nostalgia cash-in for otaku.

Too easy, bad plot, bad dialogue, mostly bad cast, ugly chibi crap. The job system was the only highlight.

If it wasn't a Square game tangentially related to FF it would be as brushed off as Legend of Legacy, or something like Contact on the DS.

I love Second much more than first one

Judging from how they did things in Second, they probably figured that putting the game in "another era" would be too ambitious for them and instead went with what we got.

The special movie from Bravely Default made me imagine that Bravely Second would start with Magnolia rescuing Tiz straight away or something.

Also that "opening" was really weird. I have no idea why they thought it'd be a good idea to play inbetween chapters.

What jobs did you pick in the side quests?

Thief vs Red Mage
Summoner vs Swordmaster


>Everyone loves Bravely Default

Nice one OP

Red Mage, Swordmaster, White Mage, Black Mage, Ninja, Monk, Performer, Dark Knight.

Chose purely from having those classes and not what they represented in the side quest.

So far I picked exactly what you have. I never used the opposite choice class much in the original

The first time you mean? I sided with the thief, swordmaster, merchant, ranger, ninja, valkyrie, pirate, and dark knight.

Pacing was terrible too.

I'm not sure why people say it's not just because there was not time-loops like Default.

4 fucking chapters of nothing but whoops the Skyhold escaped again :^) and then suddenly OH SHIT WE FORGOT THE GAME IS ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT BA'ALS NOT JUST GENEOLGIA COCKSUCKING CRAM THEM IN THE LAST CHAPTER SOMEHOW.

Blame Team B. Second had completely different people at helm.

Even the Nips complained about how much "anime-like" Second was in comparison to Default.


All we can do now is pray for Bravely Sword to have Default's people and Revo back because otherwise I'll just not bother.

Red Mage
White Mage
Black Mage
Dark Knight.

I disliked how inconsequential the side-quests were. They affected absolutely nothing and had nothing to do with the plot unlike in Default where they all added and expanded on the game and it's world.

And let's not forget how they flanderized and out of characters the Asterisk Holders were.


Was the original team busy with something else?

>Janne betraying you not even an hour into the game

That has to be a record or something.

>Janne and Nikolai betraying you
Damn shame, I would've liked to actually use them. At least you get to kill them several times.

What baffles me is why their hair color changes completely after they betray you. Their outfit I get but that just was strange.

Yew is unlikeable as fuck.
Everyone seems to have a boner for his murderous, obnoxious sounding, long haired butt buddy.
Tiz's revival was shallow. Was expecting more out of the entire situation.
Plot was nearly as random as Mother 3. Altair & Vega, people I could care less about because they are brought up so little, is the final plot content we get at the end of the game.

Music and new classes were not nearly as good as Default's. Other than that, I enjoyed the game.

>Ringabel only shows up for five minutes in an optional sidequest
FUCK, you kidding?

wow this is SHIT

>do i look cool guise?? :(


He's there throughout the entire game, you just don't know it's him till later. The side quest is also one of the longest in the game, not to mention he's in the ending.

Eternia has no ports in the original game, it does now.

also Al-Khampis

And Sagitta,some new dungeons, Lester having new paintings in his castle, yulyana supposedly died, but i don't believe that .

Eternia was still blocking itself off from the world in the first game while the war was going on. It's not that there were no ports, it's that there were none available. The 2 years spent creating peace could have very well resulted in trade routes being re-established.

What's wrong with Al Kampis? The fact that it's there? You can't seriously think there were only 5 villages in the entire world. These cities aren't as big as they look on the map you walk around on, it's perfectly reasonable to assume there are a few in the mountains and such.

Sagita was a hidden village, Lester died in the first game and Yoko created illusions for the new paintings or simply made them herself, and Yulyana dying isn't a contradiction.


And those sidequests to make the lower Harena region a port. Bravely Sword might have a new world.

...how is giving the Harena region a port a contradiction? Profituer didn't have the money to start working on it yet.

Red mage, summoner, white mage, black mage, knight, monk, pirate, and time mage. Most of those were pretty dumb decisions though, besides summoner, white mage, and pirate.

Ba'als and gravy.

1 was pretty cool, 2 is absolute shit.

No, Edea explicitly says Eternia was cut off until the invention of airships in the first game.

It's not like that port got built recently, when you did the yokai story it's pretty clear that it's been there for awhile so it outright contradicts with the first game. Al Kamphis and the bath house town don't though to the best of my knowledge

>Everyone loves Bravely Default

Stopped reading there

I'm fairly certain the port area of the town was built thanks to Diamante's impact on Luxendarc.