>Unironically saying gg after winning
Unironically saying gg after winning
>being a bad loser
Sore loser baby detected
I bet you call people better than you "tryhards" as well
Epitome of the beta king
Of course not, you say EZ
>mfw say gg2ez
words making you mad again op?
>I say gg to my team every time
>only the winners say GG
>the losing team all quits
>treating video games like a physical competitive sport
This is some of the gayest shit to happen in the last decade
>unitonically being a sore loser
Do you perchance play multiplayer games on consoles?
>Ironically saying gg after winning
Is it the same person posting this b8 or are there that many people on Sup Forums who can't accept losing?
OP is part of the generation that thinks it's stupid to shake hands with the opponent after a sporting event
>saying ez when you lose
I love it when people say that so I can fucking report them.
>say something like "rekt" or "get shitted on"
>taunt after every kill
>people legitimately start getting mad
>focus on multiplayer and competitive so much that you dont have to spend money on a singleplayer campaign and the cicle of competition will keep this game afloat untill we kill the servers. and no, no 3rd party servers allowed.
I only say "gg" when I am ironically making fun of the other team after they lose, or some faggotry was pulled off that cheesed the game.
Actually saying "good game" and doing polite bullshit like that is cuck behavior only little league baseball tards are taught/forced to do after games instead of smack talking like regular humans.
>League/Dota/Overwatch/game with loadout
>person on enemy team picks the most overpowered hero/loadout for the current patch
>immediately says GG after they win due to meta picking
I get the "winning is fun" meme, but what's fun in cheesing?
This is bannable in modern online games now. So fucking gay.
yes, he could have some of those elecric shock shit on his hand.
>get stomped the entire game and lose
>teammates all salty as fuck
>say GG knowing it'll annoy them
It's the only joy I can get after getting stomped
>multiplayer game
>don't say anything ever
>chose an OP character
>meta picking
This is what happens when you play unbalanced games for kids, as an adult autist.
I only say gg if it was legitimately a close game against skilled opponents that I liked playing against
>say gg after a good game
Am I the only one, or?
>taunting and typing lol when getting a kill
>entire enemy team spawn kills me like mad
>actually giving a shit about any of this
What fucking servers do you play on?
You dont play MOBA shit do you? Those games are full of autistic manbabies
Sometimes, talking to the enemy is usefull to keep it distracted, making him think that you are in some kind of argument, i got good results with it.
>paying for multiplayer games
>paying for cosmetics to show you are an unique snowflake
Fucking faggots LOL
Then just say "good match" or something.
gg is for bantz.
This tbqh, sometimes a game is a good, close game and I tell it like it is.
no it's not
I do
>Team A wins!
>Team A player: gg
>Team B player: It wasn't
>Team A player: gg
>Team A player: gg
>Team A player: gg
>Team A player: gg
>go mid
>get rekt by enemy mid solo
>team carries me hard
>type in "gg ez mid" after winning
>enemy mid fucking flips out and has a crazy meltdown
every time
>Stop masturbating for a solid month
>Join a tf2 server
>Use Lmaobox
>Shit on genuine retards who spend mom's money in cosmetics and chicken tendies
>They scream impotently into the mic
>Ram the end up my ass, and have the vibration of their manchild noises stimulate my prostate
>make lewd sounds after every kill
>cum by the end of the round
>tip $5 to my pocket medic
GG Ez.
Reported OP, GamerGate threads are banned on Sup Forums
>say "gg ^_^" after stomping
Man you've got to try it. Something about the "^_^" tacked on just throws people into an incoherent rage.
I always end up trash talking like crazy in any shooter since I get carried hard by my friends who have 6 million hours in CS each.
>Something about the "^_^" tacked on just throws people into an incoherent rage.
>This is what squares believe.
>used to play Dota2 a lot
>say "gg :)" after absolutely wrecking the enemy team
>immediately the enemy team gets salty as fuck
Every time. Had to stop playing ASSFAGGOTS because everyone that plays them is a no fun allowed faggot.
you gotta be more autistic than that to get more rage
>Hey good game......ppffttttt ahahahah XD sorry I cant keep a straight face while saying that XDDD
It's not your fault
I do the same only with
>gg ez noobs xDD
it throws them into a blinding rage
I block everybody that says ez in overwatch, even if we win and it's someone on my team. I just don't want to play with those type of faggots.
>it's a game where no one gives a shit about your reports
Unless you're playing League kiddo
>gg somebody after you REKT them
>they take the time to search your profile log for the last time you had a bad KDR
>gg is for bantz.
Wonder what shitty games memesters like you waste time on.
>they add you on steam just to tell you this
holy shit, the salt
glhf is way worse
like something your mom would make you say when you're 5
This is what gg was meant for, now people just use at every mediocre or boring match.
>gg somebody after you rekt them
>"stfu shitter, you had the lowest player damage on your team"
>I was playing a tank
Me too friend, whether I win or lose doesn't matter if the g was really g.
"mom they wont let me be a cool guy on the internet! so gayy!"
>say gg close
>it wasn't really close
>Game was heavily one-sided
>The winner says "GG Close"
The worst kind of person
>go 15-0, completely obliterate the other team
>gg :)
>"yeah you keep hiding under those towers like a little bitch"
memories like tears in rain
This bunny was like 60 years ahead of its time holy shit.
if your own fight was a close one i dont see why not.
This is my most hated meme. Back in my day saying GG was like a handshake. It's something you said whether you won or lost.
Now it's basically "le GG xD"
Actually, the shitposting version of it came first.
The polite handshake version is the mutation/bastardization.
You are gentrifying our long and proud gaming bantz culture.
how can people lie on the internet
>Yfw kill a guy over and over for a while that he really gets desperate
>Finally kills you
what if it WAS a good game, and the match was really close
>t. newfag who started with either halo or CShitGO
What does gg even stand for?
"Good game" or mocking?
I never say gg in any game.
I don't bother anymore, half the time I can't tell whether people are being sarcastic. It's pretty much lost all fucking meaning.
Generous Genitals
How can this even go?
>"maybe you won this game but I have proof that you didn't other time!"
>he actually plays as a team member instead of going rouge
>fuck your fucking banshees up your fucking ass
it's always moba trash
>match/round/game/battle wasn't actually good
>it was either boring/too easy/stacked/annoying/shitfest
>still supposed to say gg for some reason
nah I'll just not say anything and leave
moar like original doom and CS in shitty asian owned computer cafes.
>I can't believe baseball players still high five the opposing team and say "good game"
Same concept you anti-social fucks.
>tfw unironically say "gg" after a fun game whether I win or lose
This is normal, right?
>Bind "Good Game" all chat in the Dota2 Chat Roulette
>Spam gg ironically every time my team fucks up in any way
>Spam gg ironically every time enemy team fucks up in any way
>Have way more fun than before
>Get reported 500% more than before
I have become what I hated once
That game must've been fuckin' bugged.
It's the norm unless you are playing a game filled with underage.
>type *sighs in the fashion of a man who just played the easiest game of his life* in the chat
>haven't been reported for it once
>I probably have
Typically if you're at some kind of local fighitng game tournament you say gg's after win or lose, but I always wonder if it's in poor taste if you do that after absolutely bodying the other player?
>game ends
>nobody says a single word
Kek I'd ez u scrubs any day
Why so ownt?
this tbqh, or if the other team had good opponents at my skill level
With the way you have all bastardized the once hilarious diss that was "gg" and confused it for good sportsmanship, I hereby declare we split the usage.
gg will stay it's boring ass "good sportsman" self.
"GG faggots" will be the true term that encompasses the original intent of the phrase.
You're the only normal one ITT, everyone else is either 12 or the biggest autistic immature fuck alive.
>someone says gg after an unfun curbstomp match
>people get salty about you doing so
>"wow w+m1 pyro"
>i airblasted him off of a cliff