Itt your favorite skyrim quest


Damn I kind of want to play this again but i know i'll reach the point i'm so OP it isn't fun anymore

The uninstall the game quest

The one where you get trapped in a skintight rubber bodysuit and you have to have sex until they let you out.

The one where I removed all essential tags and purged the entirety of skyrim. The world is better with 90% of those towns wiped off the face of the earth.

the where you go into the genric cave, fight skeletons and get some generic item

The one where you got into a cave and fight ice mummys for ancient swords

In my opinion only Riften and Markarth absolutely NEEDED to be wiped out, but I see where you're coming from.

The only hard part is resource management.
The only fun part is archery and some magic
I miss custom spells

The one where you install a cock mod, skyrim hairy muscles+big cocks makes it a pretty good game

Fetch quest #315.

I cry erry time.

The Wolf Queen questline was surprisingly well done considering Skyrim's fairly lackluster quests.

Pretty much everyone in skyrim is an asshole in some way. Best to just get rid of all of em. So what I leave a few alive, you know what happens, they make the same mistakes. Nah I purged the land hardcore.

>No option to join her and be her undead husband/king
Why do all bethesda rpg's refuse to let me have fun? Why would my deadra worshipping vampire assassin not want that type of power?

I thought the questline where you go to prison was pretty good.

The Forsworn Conspiracy, was it?

Lost to the ages

The one where you drink too much ale and wake up somewhere else

like your fav game?

SoS is the most essential mod out there.

The one with the ghosts and shit that references Mantling

Nice memes, everyone!

Which quest was this again?

The one where you and your coworker get captured when working as prostitutes and get beaten and raped for hours

the one that the charus eat a whole family

Frostflow lighthouse, iirc.

Forsworn quest where you're thrown in jail.

Lost to the ages

Any good mod quests

Dimhollow crypt. You get to meet best girl.

>solve the mystery of the dead family and finished the quest
>that was neat time to move to greener pastures though
>realize I have a key still
>walk to the top of the lighthouse
>do thing
>get a permanent passive buff
>it wasnt part of the quest at all

Why didnt the game have more shit like this trollsbane and bards leap

>doing some quest to get a special dark dagger
>have to kill this guy on a huge ass mountain
>send him flying all the way off with meme shout
>takes no damage and I have to walk all the way down and kill him

I dont remember this quest