What the fuck happened Sup Forums? They use to be good.
What the fuck happened Sup Forums? They use to be good
The last Mario Tennis was bad...fuck dude, I've bought a 3ds mostly to play mario golf, you can let me like this
"Nintendo still make games, but even that debatable"
What did he mean by this?
they dont want to make games anymore
You forgot to add the rumored VR for NX
that has become pretty clear since last year
define good
Because those "censored" games are still good.
--though I agree that the #FE tweaking is a bit excessive
They have to do that though today because that's how you to compete for attention. You don't think Sony or Microsoft don't have tie ins and product placement with other companies. It's all about how you can get the most attention to your brand because people are idiots.
>they teamed up with playboy
Are you fucking kidding me?
Tell that to GTA
Mario 64 DS was the start of their downfall
>paper mario
a-at least we're getting a fan made texture pack, am i right bros?
>What the fuck happened Sup Forums?
What's wrong with Pokemon Go?
Fucking shit, I regret my Wii U.
Pokken was fun, for a week.
Wonderful 101 was one of the best games I ever played. I'll give it that.
Wasn't enamored with Bayo 2.
MK8 was great
Sm4sh was just-fuck-my-shit-up tier
No interest in Splatoon or SF0.
Why the fuck did I get this?
dedicated nintendo shills pretending these gimmicky outdated games were good because of "gameplay" or some shit
Oh fuck, don't remind me.
Their US branch got infiltrated by sjw and their HR department now only hires sjw. SJW in their company are now censoring everything they can just so they can keep charging nintendo more money and make it look like they actually do work.
People were retarded and didnt think there would be microtransactions
>NX will come out just as stronger versions of PS4 and Xbone are coming out
playboy loves video games, you'd know this if you ever cracked one open, they have more journalistic integrity in their reviews than the actual fucking video game media
I actually read some playboy articles once out of curiosity. The journalists for playboy really are much better than they should be for a porn mag.
>Fire Emblem
They removed a feature that no one other than the most degenerate would use. No actual Fire Emblem fan gives a fuck, stop using it in your shitty images.
They've been slowly downhill since the SNES, you just didn't notice because they were so high Tier in the SNES era that their fall hasn't become that noticeable until recently.
This exact same thread at least once a day. That's a lot of personal investment for something so pointless.
What's the matter? Did a plumber step on your pet turtle and kill it when you were growing up?
It's not a porn mag user.
You'd know this if you knew history and had taste.
Looking back, and I mean, really looking and thinking about it for long periods of time, I've come to realize the greatest Nintendo consoles weren't great because of the Nintendo games, but because of the 3rd party exclusives. The first party shit was merely a bonus, and a lot of it was ho-hum. Nintendo games have always been average with that one here and there that just happens to be purely excellent
Now that 3rd parties have abandoned them, I don't know if a Nintendo console can be great anymore. The most they can hope for is something that's barely worth owning for someone who already has another console or a PC. And the lackluster of most of their titles is starting to shine through. No one would notice games like Amiibo Festival and Star Fox Zero on a console that was getting a constant stream of actually good games, but when it's the only single game that releases between MONTHS of droughts, how can you not be disappointed by it?
The NX is going to be this all over again, too. If they're truly unifying their handheld and console library, it might be better but still, even if you could combine all 3DS and Wii U of the last year together on one platform? It would still leave so much to be desired.
The only thing that truly bothers me is the censorship and localization. It's pointless and only makes the product worse. Also Fatal Frame being digital only seriously pissed me off.
Otherwise, the stuff like Federation Force and Chibi Robo is simply failed attempts at changing things up. It's disappointing, definitely, but not the end of the world.
I don't really see the hate in amiibo, either. I get not liking them locking content, but honestly it's mostly filler, and absolutely not worth such overreactions you see here. I like the idea of cheap collectible Nintendo characters, at the very least. And for those who don't, simply ignore them.
Mobile stuff is pretty much the same as amiibo. It's easily ignored and means pretty much nothing. A lot of other developers do mobile shit, and nobody seems to care.
Same even still goes for movies, except there's a lot of potential for that to actually be great. I don't get the hate for this at all, it's not like they have game developers making movies instead of games.
Just in general it seems pretty clear that Nintendo is shifting gears to NX. The stuff we're getting now is mostly mediocre because it's simply rushed, mandatory filler.
And finally, the stupid "bad haircut XDXDDD" meme is the worst fucking thing to ever come to this board. I wish tumblr would leave forever.
Feel free to respond with more epic memes and console war shit flinging, but if anyone wants to discuss this stuff, let's do it.
>The only thing that truly bothers me is the censorship and localization.
It's funny that drones pick out the single least important aspect of why a company is failing and focus all their energy on it.
>And finally, the stupid "bad haircut XDXDDD" meme is the worst fucking thing to ever come to this board.
Quoted for truth.
OK, back to your silly console wars.
I can't believe you put this much effort into making this retarded picture and these shitty threads.
End yourself immediately.