ITT Shy Girls

ITT Shy Girls

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 more Barneyfaggotry


wheres the shy girls

Post shy girl ass


Where can I get that?



Give me more lewd material fags.

Where is everyone? It's not like barneyfag's coming here.


there we go

Oh boy

Hoooooh you fucker




We know you post the "bait" images so you can shit up threads. How is this fun for you?

nobody cares about your shitty fanart, fuck off.

I hope you choke on the mac and cheese and balogona that you eat everyday you spreg


Actually he was in the goku thread, and that got deleted and he came in here.

I think OP legit wanted to post lewd shygal's. Though no one's posting any...

I don't know if this was you, but it still applies.

From the previous thread and a response to:

No, what I'm talking about goes deeper than that. I'm saying that within Sup Forums and Sup Forums let's treat waifuposting, fanservice shit, or anything that relates to the obsessive sexual nature of fans, the exact same way bronies get treated across the board.

I'm saying quarantine everything of that nature to boards dedicated to that and ban people who post it outside of it. There are so many people who post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums that think they're superior to bronies, when if fact they're complete cancer and beneath somebody like me that views all that shit as equally destructive to the entire game and anime industry.

So for example this thread would be deleted and posters warned to post specifically and a thread for this type of shit. You brony haters don't go far enough, you should be shitting on everyone posting these obsessive fan images as well.

This is a whole new level of autism.
Don't you ever sleep?

Or we could just post lewd imagery instead of having a stick up our ass

From the same artist who brought you devil survivors anti-grav tits.

You're missing the point, if you're taking the time to shit on Bronies while ignoring all the waifu posting happening in this same thread you're a hypocritical and useless faggot.

Waifushit, fanservice, and every other form of fan obsession is EQUALLY as cancerous as bronies are.

Wait what's the big deal?

orrrr we could just post lewd imagery


Ok, I get it.
I know the Cute section of anime is there for that, but there should just be a general waifu board.

Go ahead, but understand that you're just as much of a cancerous faggot as bronies are and need to be quarantined in the exact same manner. And here who shit on that bronyfag while ignoring the waifufags needs to kill himself.

>Sup Forums literally has a Puritan anti-sex movement now
Wew lads.

>barneyfag rekt by mods again



There you go again, you shit on bronies but ignore all this waifuposting as if it's any better. You're a fucking hypocrite and useless. You're just as cancerous as bronies are for that.