World of Final Fantasy Thread? New trailer
World of Final Fantasy Thread? New trailer
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what did he mean by this?
out October 25th in NA and 28th in EU for PS4 and Vita
Is it like hat based combat?
>and Shadow
Theres something hilarious about hearing these deep grown up voices coming out of tiny little blob people.
>you can ride a tiny Chocobo
I can't lie I thought this game was going to be shit when they revealed it at E3 but all these old FF characters are getting me hyped about this game.
Looking forward to it. I just need to buy a new Vita.
Oh fuck what?
the combat looks like this
Best and only good version of Lightning.
I'm a lot more interested in this than XV. Combat seems like it could also be very cool.
>E3 last year
>What the fuck is this shit
>News throughout the year
>Hey this is pretty cool
>This new trailer
I'm honestly surprised it is a Playstation game. Everything about it screamed Nintendo 3ds.
totem based combat?
Does it have dual audio
I just hope it's long and has fun bosses.
The more monsters you stack on your head, the stronger your attacks.
Flip side is more monsters means it takes longer for your turn to come up (it uses ATB).
so there's a stacked system?
I saw a chocobo on top of a tonberry on top of a cumdumpster
I wonder how that thing works
Is Square Enix good again?
or they are gitting gud at making smaller projects due to experiences from mobile games?
Is that fucking SHELKE from Dirge of Cerberus of all things?
Are the chibi's the actual characters themselves? Like is the chibi lightning the real lightning in chibi form?
I've barely played FF and I want to get this.
Oh shit a mother fucking Tonberry King.
except for the graphics
and sorry, i'm retarded, but is this an MMO? I'm used to "World of" being an indicator of MMO
>tfw you're looking forward to this more than FF7R
No it's just a final fantasy spin off jrpg
Real Lightning. They can go full size in battle.
Although it seems like alternate versions. Sort of a "they're all in one world, the events of their games happened in broad strokes" type of thing.
Full fledged RPG.
that's what I thought
It's a single player game with all past FF characters.
This game is for girls.
I'm just wondering when the blockhead Lightning porn is gonna happen
>Previous FF characters interacting in a unified world that isn't empty like Dissidia
>They have their original voices
I never knew how much I wanted this until now.
>shitty KH OCs
this game could have been good too
Me too.
We're all little girls here user
Kawaii as fuck. Is the MC the same as Noel's voice actor?
Reminder that Quistis is voiced by Sawashiro
Sweet, I just hope I don't have to know much about all of the games to understand it all.
but I'm a boy/
I have mix feelings about the battle system. Like what is it even
>still no Terra
Menu Screen
square is so fucking dead to me, as dead as their shit games
on the other hand, this game looks fucking great. Its like a love letter to old final fantasy fans
>that thread last year where everyone thought this was going to be the final fantasy 7 remake
Looks super cute. I will definitely get it on release.
Hopefully the Vita version is good so I can get comfy in bed with my chibi lightning RPG.
Why does this game look so adorable goddamn
At least Square still tries to brings something to the table nowadays instead of Capcom.
Will this shit have dual audio
That Shiva will be my wife
Good times.
I wish they would save these trailers for E3
obvious shilling is obvious
pathetic. and a shit game to boot
So the main characters are basically the twin Vocaloids...?
Jap trailer with English voices.
It just hasn't been synced yet.
>Adorable chibis using adult voices
the same way minecraft porn happened
I'm guessing the S, M, L stand for small, medium and large.
Will be good for my Vita.. I don't think I'd bother playing it on PS4.
Looks like I'm finally dusting off my Vita
>They kept all the voice actors
hey cool man
Don't get too excited. Reminder: the director has literally NEVER directed an actual game before this.
Not anymore. Don't worry, it's 2016!
Odin Sphere comes out tomorrow so you can dust it off right now.
Tiny potato lightning a cute
Where is the jap trailer
yet another final fantasy rehash is not much
I wonder why they decided to release it after FFXV.
>TFW britbong so no Odin Sphere for 2+ weeks
Guess I'll just play more Digimon in the mean time.
I haven't ever played Dragons Crown or Muramasa, Are they worth picking up at their current prices?
>Even Yuna's shitty voice actor
hey cool man
Does Squall have a new voice actor?
Japanese version-
I have never 180'd on a game so bad,I can't wait for this now
Using adult voices with the chibi characters is a 10/10 choice
Muramasa and DC are both amazing. If you had to pick one I'd go for Muramasa since i think it gives you the best bang for your buck easily. The dlc expansions are also amazing.
I genuinely hope that this, along with final fantasy XV are an enjoyable experience.
Does Vivi have Anne's VA?
The Complete version is £22 on PSN right now.
Dragons Crown is £7.
It still doesn't sync
Mfw square loves us
>Pre-PS2 era FF characters
>Original voices
Nigga, the fuck you on about?
Chibi lightning has nice tits
>chibi Lightning's voice
Not even a waifufag.
>nice tits
Look at that swollen mound on her.
God damn this looks fucking great