Hearts of stone > Blood and wine

Hearts of stone > Blood and wine

also witcher 3 dlc thread i guess.

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Going to get a new GPU soon so I plan on finishing TW3 now that there are graphics and gameplay mods.

What mods do you all use?

that feel when geralt smiles at the camera ;_;

STLM is a meme
I use the ultimate lighting mod to enable cutscene lighting. It brings realistic light, shadows, and color to the real game so it doesn't look like a washed out cartoon

There's another good one in the same vein as STLM but less stylized colors and closer to a neutral yet vibrant color palette. Hold on while I look it up

I reinstalled today after not playing since like 1.07 or some shit.
They really changed the menu's quite a bit, anything else big change since then?

And here it is

HoS is great but I prefer B&W, on account of muh immersion while roaming around and doing side quests.

if you rate them on their main stories, HoS wins, no questions.

Can you post screenshots? I've used STLM and it made the game look 10x better.


Daily dose

Enriched plates and ingots can go fuck themselves.

I liked both equally
I think HOS had a slightly cooler storyline, but Toussaint is fucking gorgeous and I love Regis

Best part of the game

I used what materials I had and spent the majority of my savings to craft my Grandmaster gear early in the DLC.

By the time I was finished, I had collected enough of the required materials for another 2 sets. It all depends how patient you are.

I preferred the storyline of HoS, but the area and content of B&W was much better.

Both were superb DLCs, a great sendoff to the series. I'll miss it.

Gwent only spinoff when?


I know man. I rarely ask for this but a mobile spin off would be great.

I don't do much mobile gaming. Don't do it at all but it would be perfect.

welp time to set the level scaling and do some side quests


Dettlaff is such a whiny little bitch, why does Regis keep trying to make me feel bad for him? He tried to slaughter an entire city because of an unfaithful whore.

>he let him live

Explain yourself.

The pivotal decision was difficult for me because both sides were being equally unreasonable, letting innocents die for selfish reasons.



Witchers are a dying breed and i dont care about what they do since its not my problem

I did
Because he was attacked unprovoked and I didn't see a need to kill another person, enough were already killed


He was an out of control witcher who killed innocents and gave other witchers a bad rep.


Just like the butcher if blaviken then


He was attacked unprovoked, sure, but that's not a very good reason to go off the rails and murder literally everyone in the village except one. People fucking hate Witchers enough, they don't need more reasons. Gut him like a fish and give a little girl a new lease on life.


Even if that is the case and he was justified defending himself, he didn't need to slaughter the people who weren't attacking him. Some of the people didn't even have weapons and he killed them in cold blood.

He had to be put down.

>not more smartass sarcastic witcher



>Gay vampire haircut
>Shitty armor over glorious Toussaint plate
You're an unrepentant faggot, Geralt.

Really liked Blood and Wine. HoS has a better overall narrative and scenario design but there's no real reason to compare the two, they're both exemplary.

Just wish the villains were better written for B&W.

Best part of the whole expansion was Geralt annoyedly wiping his foot after stepping on Thumbellina.

But both got the same rep, what if witcher just came after geralt because he gave the witchers a bad name, theres a reason they dont care about shit that doesnt concern them

I really want to play this game but I don't want to play the first two. Would reading the books cover the first two games at all? Would I be better just watching story videos and reading plot an character/timeline descriptions? Do the previous games' savefiles affect the third game at all?


I killed him, either way you get his sword. If you let him live you'll also get some gold and you'll find his hideout and Geralt comments on trophies, implying something was off.

Was there ever really a main villain in B&W

W2 files affect W3, but you can simulate a save by answering questions early in the game.

I would advise reading plot summaries or watching a video. There really is a lot that can go over your head.

There's a review that says in Blood and Wine there's a side quest involving magic mushrooms, but I've played all the side quests and only have the final quest to go. But I haven't done the one with magic mushrooms.

What's it called and have I missed it?

Its something like equine ghosts something like that

Equine Phantoms, it's god tier

You can do it any time. Even after the plot

>after stepping on Thumbellina.

I must have missed that, I did the fairy tale stuff but I definitely don't remember that.

Oh, good. Thanks.

she's in a little miniature village that's not to do with any of the quests in shrekville

Lads why were there so many bodies in the lake below rapunzel's window in the fairy tale world?

Do you have the screencap from Witcher 2's prison section and the dialogue option is something like "haha very funny" but choosing the option just has Geralt telling Roche to fuck himsel?

adventurers that fell on their way to the top and drowned probably

Shitty knights failing to climb her tower and falling to their deaths. She got sick of waiting and hanged herself with her own hair.

>my body shudders to life
>piercing white light floods my eyes, stinging them painfully
>my muscles unresponsive and my sight blinded, I desperately rack my head in an attempt to recall events leading to my fall
>I remember ruins, a flash of light, and...nothing
>I try to think back. Why am I here?
>Memories slowly creep back into my mind.
>I was searching for a city. No, a myth.
>I seek remnants of a legendary hero. A Savior with ashen-white hair that sacrificed her all to stop the bitter cold from reaching our world
>what started as a childhood curiosity grew into a teen obsession. Years of research, journey through treacherous caverns and crumbling ruins, and sacrifice be it blood or sanity, led me to this.
>led me to this...
>suddenly my vision is restored
>blinding white washes the grogginess from my conciousness
>around me, snow, cold, cloudy sky
>beneath me, more snow, cold stone floor
>and in front of my eyes there she was
>"H-Hero C-C-Cirilla c-could it b-be?...huh?"
>my wrists won't move
>bolting my head side to side I see a pair of hands grasping my wrists tightly to the ground. Testing my legs revealed that they too have been bound by another pair of legs.
>realization dawned on me as I slowly turn my head back to the ashen-haired legend.
>a lust-filled gaze stares back
>a knee slowly grazes the gap between my trousers
>I moan softly as my captor now descends upon her prize
>I have finally found it
>The Wild Cunt

But how could so many people find that place, there were even nilfgaardians and bandits in there, wasnt that a magic place that only the girls knew

Dettlaff and Syanna could easily be called the villains even if you go in to finding out why they do what they do.

Dettlaff in particular, he doesn't really shift from an adversarial role throughout the story and the other only kind of does if you pander with the right dialog choices, and even then never fully justifying what they orchestrated.

>Tfw you turn a guy into bacon

There was an explanation but I forgot.

>means the djinn granted your wish

her wish to want to enslave the djinn? this doesn't make sense

Probably just re-using assets, couldn't be bothered to design a whole new set of corpse models based on Toussaint knights or fairy tale knights.

Haven't played B&W yet but IRL the story of Rapunzel has loads of people trying to rescue her and fail

it was basically just knights end up wandering in.

You're a retard
Her original wish was to bind Geralt to her

But theres a nilfgaardians there, they even say that they were

Was pretty great to watch him and Regis plough through like 40 soldiers in a blink though.

Granted her wish to break the wish Geralt made years ago that they'd be together forever. She wanted to break that wish and see if they'd still love each other despite it, or if they only stayed together because of the original wish.

Her wish was to break the bond between her and Geralt and see if they still loved each other, she literally says this
Are you dense?

>tfw i instantly recognised Orianna from the trailer

I didn't realize till I went back and watched it again after I had done the Elder ending.

Geralt is a man of his word, I'll give him that. Interesting how the cinematic that came out before the base game takes place after the last DLC.

Definitely. That was a good sequence, good music for it too.

>it took about 20 mins just to craft the Wolven Grandmaster set because of fucking materials


oh i thought they were referring to the last wish (short story).
i'm only halfway through the game, sorry senpai.

you mean geralt's wish?

Y-Yeah thats totally what I meant, I knew that

Just did the bank quest, gotta say it made me laugh.

There has to be a Ralph Wiggum edit or animation for this somewhere, right?

It was pretty funny, I love how TW3 parallels it's world with ours. Reminded me of going to the DMV.

God the look he gives all throughout the end is just the best. Gerald gives no fucks if you choose.

How much better is Griffin gear compared to Wolven for signs? I want to make a sign build with Wolven gear, would it be shit?

I know Griffin gear is technically better but I don't really like the look of it.

Started to finish up hearts of stone.

I haven't played the game in half a year and I don't remember how to play this god damn game. PLus all the menus changed on me. WTF!?

You slam down yrden then double cast igni and watch as everything explodes immediately.

It's pretty outrageous.

Mod to get all your friends to Corvo Bianco when?

Lets just sit a while

it didn't hit me til I heard her singing

They're better now son.

This is our town scrub


Objectively the best scene in the whole game



Arise, Your Crispness! Arise, Duke of Deep-Fried! Sultan of Sizzling!

I prefer the HoS wedding, possessed geralt is best geralt

Definitely a close second

>Detlaffs third form

I found his second form to be the hardest, that bat swarm hits so hard.


Blood and Wine is objectively better

>That part where you, Regis and Dettlaff fight through a horde of enemies

Fun as fuck, moreso than anything in HoS

Fucking retarded bats one shot me on hard

Doesnt block it.

Goes through empowered quen with 440% sign intensity and takes off 3/4 health. This nigga don't play

If you have the alt cast and put up the bubble, it will pop in one shot but mitigate most of the damage.

Where to find meteorite ore? This shit is rare as fuck

Regis is best bro

>tfw the next Witcher game has Regis as the main character