Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Falador Massacre.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Falador Massacre
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Believe it or not, I had an opportunity to do the same thing before this guy, but I chose not to. I left someone's house and the boxing gloves (house only item) were still equipped and it gave me the option to attack people. I went back inside the house and unequipped the boxing gloves and left and everything was normal again.
Are they doing anything? Any holiday items, cool event?
I rejoined OSRS and quit again because I really don't have the time for the grindiest MMO ever made, but I wonder if I'm missing out.
you're a fuckin fag, dude
PVP event on Oldschool and RS3.
Durial321 has been made an NPC.
And the music is fucking radical.
fucking kek
that was a common glitch, it would just say you can't attack someone out of a wilderness zone
I didn't play this one I played Chink Story
Ah yes, I remember I was so hype because I actually got to be a part of the action even though I was a non-member peasant.
Good times.
Where in osrs? I've seen his face flicker sometimes and can't remember if it was in the 666 world or not.
>go to the wilderness with a friend
>he stats attacking me
Nigga I don't know what you're talking about. The song that plays in Falador is really good.
He wanders around in World 666 in Falador, it's can be annoying to find him but since there are no green p'hats in Tournament worlds its easy to know when you see him.
it's ok, better than most of the shit they've cranked out since they tried to make it sound vaguely midi-esque
They completely fail to emulate Ian Taylor's style though, so it's the average mess of notes you'd expect from a midi
>Almost got my skill put into OSRS
>Everyone voted it down
>Still super salty about it
fuck runescape
Greed is a nasty thing
i'm sorry
What was it?
Why did this call this a massacre? I wasn't on the day it happen, but from the one video of it that exists, he killed a handful of people at most before running out of the city and then got booted off line
I have a legit story.
This one time, I was playing at the beginning of the wildy, and these two guys were wrecking everyone that they saw, but unlike them I kept coming back after getting killed until I figured out how they were doing it... Attacking people without getting skulled.
It involves teaming up with someone. It turns out Runescape would allow you to attack anyone without getting skull'd as LONG as you were getting attacked by someone else first.
I reported it to Jagex and they took down Runescape for a day to fix it.
I dunno, why do Americans call it The Boston Massacre?
>that Hosidius House country music
fucking abhorrent
You're a good guy.
>I warned people if they didn't vote for it, skilling would be dead in a year and the game would be combat only with only slayer updates and some shitty skill additions that don't change anything
>wow look what happened
Exaggeration for war propaganda, come on user.
The harps are some ear bleeding material, but the guitar makes it sound like it'd be decent in Age of Empires or something if the harps were tuned down and it kept a minor tone throughout, but it's too slow and unvaried for doing some scaping to
maybe I got the wrong song though
Is chronicle a shitty hearthstone rip off like TB said?
>google it
>"Can't wait to vote no it before the elite clues have requirements change to even higher requirements and more time spent for 50 mahogany planks and 40 oak planks. "
What did he mean by this?
I meant this
jesus christ that is awful make it stop
it's like flute salad had an abortion
tl;dr: Skill was meant to tie in all skills into endgame content and prolong the lifespan of the game by preventing it from turning into 'do slayer or pvp until you get bored' like rs2 became. It failed a vote because no one wanted to do skills, and now osrs is going down the same path rs2 did.
And I would've gotten an NPC.
Oh well, at least beret masks are in the game because of me :^)
>Runescape 3 changed the Shadowland track
For what fucking purpose?
>wake up the day of the massacre
>brother is playing RS, tells me what happened
>mfw I found out it actually happened
Boston massacre was 5-6 people
Its not the amount, its the fact that they were slaughtered and stood no chance to defend themselves
what the fuck man
creating a bastardized remix of a song is one thing, but outright throwing the old version out the window and just throwing some strings together in fruityloops with no regard or inspiration from the original is a sin
it sounds like it'd be fine for something that wasn't runescape
I remember that, glad I wasn't in that world.
>Tfw I was one of Durial's victims
>Tfw his green partyhat often depicted on him was mine
>Tfw nobody knows my name
vae victis I guess.
Love how Jagex embraced it
I've never played OSRS before, but I've wanted to play it.
Is it good?
lmao you can sync it with planet hell
Which is retarded. Cursed You requested is name back and they wouldnt give it to him even despite going through the efforts of making an event out of it.
I remember that horrible day. I just barely started playing for a week. I didn't get it when my friend told me but explained it.
Thinking of it makes me sad.
There are F2P servers, may as well go check it out for yourself.
No, play Ultima Online or something.
OSRS is a grindy MMO where you feel like hot garbage after looking back on the hours you've wasted doing nothing, accomplishing nothing.
>What should we call the boss for our new antagonist?
>Let's call him Greg
Boss fight is also a lot more enjoyable that I thought it'd be
the only remotely good song from that was the zaros one and only because it had zaro's theme in it
wubstep is not for medieval british fantasy chatroom minigames
to be fair it kind of fits the character
it isn't like every new music track is wubstep shite
fits the character
>to be fair it kind of fits the character
yeah, it's pretty cancerous alright
rare footage of fally massacre
>mod doesn't even know how to fucking spell
I was there, little known fact there was more than one PKing incident, there was a least one other dude who got to kill people because of the glitch too
so does jagex treat OSRS well?
I never see any criticism of it in its current state let alone bad criticism
I found what I was looking for in the rare footage video
The one I was at was at the 2:08 mark, now to see if I can find myself...though I remember getting muted by the mods
Because its ded
People complained that they changed a bunch of shit
You wish.
Graceful is the ugliest shit that is basically the default outfit if you're not geared for combat because the grants bonuses related to run energy.
That's enough to tell you it's shit.
I have skewed opinion since I was only F2P when I played it as a kid. Friend convinced me to get back into it and get members a few months ago.
Since all the content was new for me I've been having a lot of fun even though I'm terrible at grinding and playing "efficiently".
My biggest complaints are with void armor and graceful. Both require massive grinding in retarded mini games and are some of the most op shit in the game. I don't understand why and armor from a mini game should be the top pvp armor in the game. It's fucking stupid.
>I'm terrible at grinding and playing "efficiently".
Don't listen to the "xp waste" faggots. Back when I played that wasn't even a term.
I don't know who invented that phrase but runescape players nowadays don't seem to actually enjoy the game and just chase the most efficient grind as possible. Yeah there was grind in 07 but we still enjoyed the actual game too
Yea my main goal is to get high enough cmb to pvm.
Right now though I only have 9 more quests and some skills to grind before finishing all the quests which would be my first big achievement in the game. Pretty sure I'll never be focused enough to get near a 99 in a skill. Thankfully the bulk of the quests are great. Dialogue actually has me laughing a lot of times
Can anyone confirm? Is it actually playing that right now in Fally?
Anyway, I played this game from like 2003 - 2007, so during the best years.
The fucking memories.
I do remember the massacre too. It was madness on the forums and in the community.
player mods, though judging the blurbs accompanying recent updates the crew they put together doesn't either
>teleport to falador
>see this
what do?
>People who rename their characters to Pvm (name)
it's worse than the hundreds of people with "Azn" in their name back in the day