
>ready to finally get a better house but realized you logged of yesterday in Foundation instead of in a housing district or even Ul'dah/Limsa/Gridania

And does anyone know what time EST the patch will be ready to DL? I know sometimes you can at least load it an hour or so before you can login, just double-checking so I don't end up getting up earlier than I need to.

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The 8th

What server are you on? If you're on a medium or small population server it shouldn't matter too much where you logged out if you log in when servers are up.

I imagine the patch will be available to download at or a bit after 1 AM EST. Seems like they're releasing it later than they usually do, probably to combat data mining.

The maintainence is scheduled to be over at 3:00AM PDT / 6:00AM EST

Yes, it's retarded.

Lamia, so I guess I'm safe then.

6:00 AM? That's actually fine with me since that'll give me an hour or so before I head into work, though I should have called in sick today lol.

I'm ready to regret the 4 mil spent on a useless gameplay feature.

I just wanna craft a qt ramuh minion and check out the new round of relic suffering


Aw shit nigga, I can't wait for them to have a Caster's version of this contest and then just color code it for WHM and BLM/SMN.

Preinstall when

I'm still kind of cheesed about them snubbing my hairstyle design last time though. My Duke Nukem military flattop was infinitely better than the cakeboy finalist designs (besides the sweet pomp).

I'll have to have a think about what armour I'd like.

who /wokeup6hearly/ here?

4mil + however much you're going to waste furnishing your new hangout

It doesn't take much time at all to make 4 mil though. What's there to regret?

It's still effort better spent elsewhere!

The only thing keeping me subbed is the fact that I have a house, but I don't even use it. I had planned to have my house auto-demolished so I could get some money back, but now cant because auto-demolishing has been suspended until 3.35. Now I dont know what to do with it.

Why should I keep my house? Why is housing in such high demand? Why are people willing to par $150 real money for housing when it does literally nothing?

What server are you on?

A dead server.

if these people want a house so bad they should play animal crossing

> however much you're going to waste furnishing your new hangout
I've already got my favorite, Faerie Chandelier.
Now I can be in an empty house worth of a SCH main

gardening probably. aside from that housing is most useful if you have an fc, for the workshop and airships.

Here's hoping the plot my FC is after is taken before they can buy it.


Because it'd be funny.

>Nidhogg EX
>i220 minimum
Bullshit. I'm only i193.
I thought this was supposed to be a catch-up patch? I'm busy this weekend, and as always if it takes you over a week to learn new content you may as well not bother until echo is added.

I'm fucking wide awake for this shit. And patches have dropped early before so be fucking ready the closer to 6am we get.

You can run midas as much as you want to get 220 gear dumbo

It is a catch up patch - in the sense that it'll be easier to get further along in the treadmill. Eso is being boosted on several dungeons, and there's no significant progression in top ilvl. The highest stuff being added is i235.

mhach (story dungeon) is i200, and final steps is i205, so you're still kind of fucked

Simmer down there, Coldsteel.

Rate me.

Didn't even open the thumbnail but I know you're shit/10


Ifrit's potatonigger lesbian niece/10

But I'm a boy

>Contests that require actual artistic ability
At least I had fun with the haiku contest.

Housing is worthwhile because you have something that other people want and can't have because you have it instead.

i have one of these and its the sole reason i haven't upgraded my house, as the mats for it cost almost as much as a house in itself

Too lazy to look through the patch notes, are there new quests for that schoolasticate side quest this time?


completely forgotten

No, but they're adding this set of sidequests though.

I hope we get more ishgard high quests through. I want their uniform since library is a pain in the ass to run and those sets aren't dyable.

How many hours supposedly until maintenance is over so I can gauge whether or not I have enough time to go get a burger.

Guess I should have expected that. I wouldn't be surprised if they did in fact forget that questline exists.

They probably decided people care more about Hildibrand. I'm just hoping we see more sidequests like the Kettle Nexus.

6 AM EST so...

4 and a half more hours. You're good.

Do we have datamined weapons and music yet?

patch has to hit servers first. so no. at absolute earliest i think the servers will be up at 1 AM PST as thats raid reset. even with one hour you just know people would blast through Mhach and get an extra drop





>planning on waking up early just so I can get a good first experience on all the content

why am I doing this?

It's just gonna be over even faster

Actually, I know the answer - because of how the game is designed, it's impossible to get a quality first-time experience without being one of the first to actually run something. It's shit design- either you play it first, or you speedrun it with everyone else and miss the fun of actually figuring fights out.


>moogle quests are crafters only

This is the final reward for clearing the Moogles Beast quest ala Vanu dance?

>People are actually excited for another patch of content you'll complete in a week tops followed by autism grinding.
Free yourselves from its chains.

>He doesn't level crafters

What the fuck else are you using those leves for?

when za meme 2 supreme

>LEVEL FIFTY crafters only

Leveling my DPS classes

Well, I like it. It's just sickening enough for me to have it merit me running the entire Moogle Beast Tribe.

No shit, why would quests in a level 50+ area be for lower levels?

Johnny Bravo cosplay time. this and the pompador

Not him but I think it's nice. It's a continuation for the Ixali Crafting Quests. Now I can leisurely level my crafters up, the exact same way I leveled up my Crafters using the Ixali Quests.

>You could literally make a Johnny Bravo Cosplay if you have the Zidane pants.

>still subbed to this shit

Dumb weebshitters sucking that Yoshi cock, it's been the same bullshit since 2.3

I've only been subbed since February.

>I don't like it!
>Stop liking the thing!
It's the same for any MMO. It's fine.

>Its fine that its shit because they are all shit!
What a ridiculous statement.

That dance looks familar.
What's the name of that anime about UMAs with the brown haired ponytail loli? I recall seeing webms of her doing a similar dance in front of a television with a pensive look on her face.

The same could be said for alot of games though. It's really a matter of preference. What one person thinks is shit, another may think is amazing. Like that silly Comparison of Battlefield and Call of Duty.



Dance in question. Deepest lore.

The acknowledgement and agreement over it being shit by the fanbase is what makes it ridiculous. Allowing a developer to continue to half-ass literally everything about a game does everyone no favors. I enjoyed FF14 all the way until I hit the post-endgame, then the cracks showed and the post content patches made them into valleys. Post purchase rationalization is such a terrible thing.

That's the one. Thanks for finding it for me.
The dance isn't as close as I thought though.

Even with its flaws most would say the time and money put in was worth it. Not everyone mind you, of course it has its flaws, every game does. But that we love the medium being served to us in this form makes it alright for us. I don't mind handing over, what a mid-week lunch at a place?, to play for a month. It's really cheap in all and doesn't ask for much.

Name a better current MMORPG.

Most people are settling for XIV (myself included) because we want the experience of an MMO, but we don't want to play most of the absolute garbage out there.

So we found the least smelly pile and started playing in it.

ayoo nigs, download is up
restart those launchers


Yeaaaah boy!



Seriously I'd love to be preloading that shit right now but that'd be way too easy/convenient.

I am and even I think that's a smellier pile of shit.
But that's a personal preference and I don't fault you for liking it.

Download for patch is up still another 4 hours for servers only about 1.4gbs.

Shit's downloading m80s
now to wait for servers to come back up

when can we expect some high quality video game rips

What determines a housing grade?
I'm seeing some Grade 1s fucking miles from market boards/retainer bells, and there's some Grade 5s right next to them.

feels good to have fast net

Consider the following :

FFXI is the Morrowind of MMOs

Search your heart, you know it to be true

>Preload is up


So a while ago someone posted this link:


which is an nude patch for 3.2. Where would I look for one updated for 3.3.

>Current FFXI
>Better than FFXIV
Are you delusional? If you say this now, I doubt you even played it back in its prime.

WoD is the biggest steaming pile of ass to ever grace the game. I would not play WoW in its current state if they paid me, and this is coming from a 10 year old WoW fucboi. FFXIV in its current state is better than current WoW in almost every way.

Legion looks kinda neat though, we'll see how badly they fuck it up though.

took 11 minutes here.
Now we play the waiting game somemore.

Even in its current state it's still leagues better than XIV is, was and ever will be, yes. XIV is shit and practically every other MMO is better than your steaming pile of shit.

i jerryrigged up a landline connection across two rooms just for this. every edge i can get for the househunt

The difference is Morrowind is enjoyable today to some extend.

FFXI is a husk because the community is dead and all of the party mechanics that made the game great in the first place are removed/obsolete. Also the game is literally being taken off life support.

It's fucking dead user let go

So it's shit

My FC already has a house.

I could afford a small plot, but why bother? I already use my FC's gardens so I don't really need that. I could have it just to have it, but seems like a waste of money.

I think it's based on location and view of the lot. Mist lots that are right next to the beach are all grade 1s, for example.

That's just, like, your opinion bro.

Post the new music already.

ohh shiieet