Rumor: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim remaster to be announced at E3 2016

Tbh, I would buy it.

>we need a console seller
>how about we resell skyrim with new graphics
>but pc gamers got mods with good graphics
>console players don't know that

why the fuck they would remaster skyrim already

This has to be a joke.

they want that normie cash

Unless they made a proper engine for use on future titles including this I wouldn't bother.

If true, Bethesda and Elder Scrolls are truly fucking dead.


This better be a fucking rumor. Cause it sounds like a really dumb idea.

2016: The Year of the Remasters.

Only consoleplebs would need a remaster of Skyrim anyway. It already looks fine on PC with mods.

Because they know dumbasses will pay for it.

Why the fuck haven't they re-released morrowind yet. A new engine would really give it a much needed upgrade.

>Said to include all DLC, mod support, and improved graphics

What's the fucking point? We already have all that with mods.

>this could have been Morrowind remastered.

>The rumors come from industry insider Shinobi602 and NeoGAF user Enter the Dragon Punch, both of who were part of the Kotaku-corroborated Dead Rising 4 leak earlier today.

>shitaku and neogaf
Seems legit.


>yfw the "remaster" won't actually be anything but a collection of graphics mods that the fans did 4free

Didn't development of Fallout 4 start by porting Skyrim to current gen consoles? If they've just got it lying around it makes sense they'd make money off of it since people are stupid enough to buy it.


I keep hearing this yet I doubt any normalfags read the plethora of lore featured in the game. You can have a literal library of TES lore.
Are you referring to dudebros who pre-order at gamestop, kill alduin, and never play it again?

>limit mods to 2gb so they can sell remasters with better graphics

now it all makes sense

Welcome to 2016, holy fuck.

Yes because Fallout 4 is practically just a Skyrim mod anyway, same exact engine and the settlement building tools are just taken from that one Skyrim DLC.

>HD remake

lol what is it gonna look as shitty as Fallout 4?

bethesda is worse than bioware at this point

Plenty of normies play skyrim
I don't know how they don't sit down and play games for hours on end, but they don't.

but that's literally Sup Forums

I just saw this and pray to god it isn't real. Can't we get a Morrowind Remaster/enhanced remake instead?

Dude normies fucking jumped all over skyrim, and even if they *did* bother to read all the lore, which you and I both know they didn't, the lore was severely lacking in skyrim anyway

every TES post-arena has shit tonnes of lore, what is your point?

skyrim didn't even add that much to it other than the recent history of thalmor

most of the books ingame are from morrowind and oblivion

lmao please

TES is the most normie rpg franchise.

mods for console

I'd get it used. Not giving bethseda any more money from my wallet (lol as if I ever started only game I got on launch was Doom and a gift card paid it all off)

2bh openMW is probably a lot better than anything bethesda would be able to do

I'm fucking confused.
Then again, I actually liked Skyrim, so I'll stop asking questions before I attract too much of a shitstorm.
Was just wondering how different is a normalfag playthrough to a TESfag

So rather than put out a new game they spent time remastering the previous entry. Thanks?

People have been wanting a ps4 or xbox one port. It honestly makes perfect sense.

Do you REALLY want Bethesda to make a Morrowind remake? Think about that for a second.

Probably just the PC version ported over & it will sell millions because console gamers have nothing else to play but 7th gen ports

It's a masterpiece xDD



>the lore was severely lacking in skyrim anyway

spot the buttblasted oblivion fan

I was expecting a proper Skyrim 2, not this

Skyrim is indeed garbage, but people like this are the worst.

Sit down and play for a few hours the first few days of release.
Play for 30 mins everyday after that.
Beat the game.
Never play again until a facebook post gets you nostalgic about it.

Because it sold 22+ million copies and it prints money.

Also, they're having some good success with their new mod platform for releasing mods on console. A successful remastered/updated version of Skyrim with mods on the new consoles would make lots of easy money.

Personally, I hope whatever updates come to the game's engine come to the PC version. I'd love to be able to mod skyrim without all of the dumb technical limitations.

How fucking underaged are you?

Nowadays yeah I wouldn't want them to but they were the ones who made it in the first place.

ITT: Poorfags and people who don't fit the demographic they are aiming for.

Why in the name of God would you want that? They'll fuck up everything.

Looks like Fallout 4 remaster in about 1-2 years then.

>Speaking on the latest H.A.M. Radio Podcast (59:06), Shinobi602 said, “I would expect a remaster of sorts [at Bethesda’s press conference]… for something.”

>After went up with a story assuming it’s a Skyrim remaster, Enter the Dragon Punch added in the corresponding NeoGAF thread that “it’s real” and the remastered release will include all of the game’s downloadable content, mod support, and improved graphics.

So someone thinks they have a remaster and people jumped on the conclusion it's a Skyrim remaster, which makes absolutely no fucking sense, these people are fucking retarded.

I'm 32. TES is normie central. Just like Fallout.

>yfw it's even more dumbed down and homogenized and they ruin more shit by trying to make it even more approachable

I imagine, they'd remake Skyrim, then Fallout 3 because they're the two most famous in the normieverse, then Morrowind for good consciousness with the fans, then Oblivion lastly because it's neither super popular with normies nor super popular with hardcore fans.

Most of the lore books were recycled from oblivion anyway. That's what I meant. There's hardly any new shit, and all of it are in books that are only 3 pages long

Why? Aren't they currently working on TES VI: Valenwood?

I'd buy it, but only because I didn't buy the original.


Well, they did say that FO4 was started by porting Skyrim to next gen consoles and then rebuilding it into Fallout, so it's not improbable.

Do we really want it though? Not really. Not unless PC version gets a free update to the new version.

>they'll never let obsi remake NV
they could add in all the shit they cut from it, theoretically.

>Release with updated graphics for consoles
>Add in the fallout 4 mod app for consoles.
>Faster loading time for consoles

DESU senpai, its a smart business move.

Won't fix the quests being mediocre or the combat

So who fucking cares

That would without a doubt be one of the dumbest god damn things.

I think they could remake Oblivion or Morrowind with a large number of Skyrim assets and I'd buy that game.
And those games are already games you could point to and say
>Just make this with this
They could spend some time.
Maybe ad some content here or there.
But for the most part are reinventing the wheel with an entire wheel for reference.

I don't think you can sell Skyrim again with just better graphic mods pre-packaged to console plebs.

They're probably at a crossroads of deciding whether to use the same engine with more layers of shit stacked on it

Remastering Morrowind would be much harder than remastering Skyrim. With Skyrim they just have to port it to an updated engine and slap some new gaphical things on it. Morrowind is too old in terms of gameplay to be released to the general audience. They'd need to make some drastic changes to it in order to market it, and that's expensive. Remasters are supposed to be cheap, ultra-lucrative cashins, not expensive ventures.

Well, considering console Skyrim already looks better than FO4, anything they do to it is gonna be an improvement.


A separate team could do this, and supposedly there already is a rough copy of a port made by the main team before Fallout 4.

the only reason to play skyrim is for the busty dickgirl mods so no reason to get it on console

Now that you mention it, morrowind isn't like played by the majority so that would be a safe bet

Skyrim though? Are you fucking serious?

An Oblivion remake could be good if they addressed the various problems in the game.

>and never play it again

That's what normies do.

And yes, TeS has bee normie ever since it got consolized.

Oh this actually makes a really terrible amount of sense.

Neuter mods in the way that most directly affects graphical upgrade mods.

Then sell the only version that will have a graphical upgrade.

well here's the difference in playthroughs between me and my former roommate

>must collect all the best gear in borderlands-esque manner
>must get all the achievements
>must clear every dungeon
>skips everything that's not necessary for the above
>never opens the books
>wears full daedric

>design my character with autistic precision
>imagine a backstory for him
>imagine his story from the scratch within the game since all the meager RPing options from bethesda fucking suck
>imagine my character is an indiana jones-kind of part adventurer-part scholar
>build a personal library, try to find out all the cool bits of lore that I can
>wear mage robes even though he's mostly melee because its appearance suits my char's profession best

Money man, machine won't stop

I'll wait for The Elder Scrolls VI: Valenwood.

>he busty dickgirl mods


If it's anything like Fallout 4 that's gonna be hard.

>ITT: Sup Forums throws around the term "normie" without grasping it's meaning in order to look cool on an anonymous chinese board

Tood thinks money can make him taller.

It's not happening, the rumor was that there was a remake and retarded "journalists" assumed it's a Skyrim remake because they know no other TES game.

will probably then be fallout 3 in fallout 4 engine

>Morrowind remake
>Add fast travel
Already ruined

Has Bethesda ever sold a remaster/remake? I can't think of any and I can't imagine Skyrim is what they would use to break the mold. Morrowind is far more beloved but I fear for what they would do it these days.

No shit it's easier to just put the shine on. Shitty graphically enhanced remasters are a dime a dozen these days. I miss the days when a remaster meant an enhanced remake featuring new content or mechanics and sometimes built from the ground up. Not just some tweaks here and there and a higher res.

Yeah, then you're stuck with a potentially worse version with no way to obtain the older version.

Also, all your mods are fucking broken. HAVE FUN.

Just don't use it....

>Project Greenheart

Based Todd

....oh god
they're going to sell it at full price, aren't they

would they have the scratchy dork elf voices instead of yuri lowenthal and/or some snide british-sounding faggot

If it's not TES or Fallout, what could it be?

Zenimax owns the rights to a ton of old games, so what could they have told Bethesda to remaster?

If they made a remake it would probably be Morrowind, senpai. Those journalists are dumb as fuck and have no clue what they're talking about.

>>design my character with autistic precision
>imagine a backstory for him
>imagine his story from the scratch within the game
Your roommate's a shitter, but you have legit brain problems.

>implying it didn't have fast travel

It had those giant fleas that at least got you places

It's far more beloved to real fans of the series, but more casuals bought Skyrim because it looked pretty and "look mom! dragons! pls buy it for me"

If they remake any TES game, it'll be Skyrim because it sold the most.


remember where you are

Didn't skyrim come out like last year

Vert is finally getting a game.

I wonder what it's like to work under todd

I liked Skyrim and would unironically purchase an updated version of Skyrim.