GTA 4 is miles better than GTA V. It's also is the best game in the series. Come at me

GTA 4 is miles better than GTA V. It's also is the best game in the series. Come at me

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Anyone can have their opinion, even if it's wrong

You're right. Making a GTA game about a bunch of slavs fucking shit up was Rockstar's best decision. GTA V was so bland compared to IV.

best online too for sure

unlike this grindfest we got going on over here with all these loading screens...

Trying to make it visceral and realistic killed the series

Them trying to go back to the original humor in V was cringeworthy

Literally everything about IV is a massive step backwards

Care to go more in depth on your opinion?

Is this sarcasm? If it is it isn't very good sarcasm

wow user, you did it! You said you liked the game previously released! You're so much smarter than the rest of us user.

That's part of the reason it felt so fucking good. It was smart. It felt like a real immersive world. But it still retained good satire and humor it just wasn't stupid.

>everyone hates on the driving of GTA IV
>i was blown away on release by the soft body crumpling and driving physics
>would drive for hours, take the subway, walk around midtown, downtown, central park etc.


It's because Niko was really cool and interesting and V had three uninteresting shitbags who were designed to be "muh pro criminals"

IV had this weird mindset of going semi-realism.
Every car drove like shit because a large majority of them were shit.
The story ended up being tragically uninteresting with very few characters to actually feel were any bit human, and when they were they were MASSIVELY underused.
Most of the in-game radio music was terrible, with very few catchy tunes to sumble across, the amount of weapons was very small, AI was about the same as every gta AI, multiplayer always meandered, never having any reason to play more than 10 minutes unless you were with friends. Gunplay was awful, and by extension EVERYTHING involving movement wouldn't work from cover fire to jumping, it just felt clunky and unpolished. Overall, that's the game it all felt like some kind of rushed mess, oh and that's not even mentioning the fucking port issues.

Go fucking play Uncharted if you want a QTE movie to play

GTA was about a large living world populated with shit to do, which IV just phoned in with its tiny world and lets go bowling kusin bullshit

No one besides retards give a fuck about Dan Housers storybooktime bullshit

They couldn't even get the driving and physics down despite it being the CORE feature of the game

>GTA 4 EFLC is miles better than GTA V


For a game of that technological caliber to run on consoles was damn impressive in 2008. I must have spent hours just pushing peds down stairways and denting my car up. It was also nice to have cars that didn't explode by touching walls.

>Gunplay was awful

Really? Go back and play VC/SA and tell me the gunplay was any better.

You're incorrect but allowed to feel that way

We can compare IV and the "ctrl+left click" gunplay all day.
It doesn't make IV's shooting any better, if anything it shows rockstar knows how to fuck up more than twice.

Yep. After playing Saints Row 2, I already got enough goofy fun, so GTAIV hit the spot for me.
also muh driving

It was still miles better than any other GTA and even several FPS.

Outside of maybe Superhot and the Call of Juarez series I've never seen a game besides GTA IV where you can shoot guns from people's hands

The driving physics where fine. I do wish gta 4 had all the shit 5 had. But in terms of straight interaction with the world 4 is miles ahead. It nailed the smallest details that made the world great. GTA V's world just seems more superficial.

>every car drove like shit
They felt heavy and were fun to drift/powerslide with after you got a hang of the controls. Is not having arcade driving controls shit?

>Outside of maybe Superhot and the Call of Juarez series I've never seen a game besides GTA IV where you can shoot guns from people's hands
I'm sorry you only play 5 games

Burden's on you, show me what other games have guns that can be shot from enemies' grasps.

>using autoaim
for what reason? That would make the game absolutely enjoyable

Literally all that yoga bullshit in V was just implemented so that Rockstar could go on for years about so called immersion and realism

GTA V atleast had a world, IV had nothing in it other than the story, a few side missions, and le character side activities. V is a better GTA game in pretty much every single way outside of story, the only people who like IV are movie game fags and have no relevant opinion in the series.

Fallout, Perfect Dark, Gun, Deus Ex, Metal Gear, RDR, Time Shift. Just to name a few

More important than le 20 copypaste sidemissions is the level of detail in the world, and making the world feel alive. While V had a lot of side shit to do that got old fast, it didnt have the same level of detail, because the whole game was more arcadey

>The driving physics where fine
They really weren't

They were tiresome and not fun when jammed into the context of gameplay. Much like everything in the game

Its like Sam and Dan had all these plans to make some sort of artistic piece to show off their "artistic creativity" in making a living, breathing world and instead just made a shallow un fun game that looked pretty

Biggest kick in the nuts was the standout thing I loved about GTA IV, namely the insanely good ragdoll animation physics, was just stripped from V and was left with half canned animations that just look like absolute shit

>any speed = BLUR
>shit driving
>shit multiplayer

Lol you must be a blast at partys

GTA IV is shit, here's why:

>awful driving controls, practically unplayable
>city is empty as fuck, nothing to do in it
>the few things there are to do , like darts, bowling or pool, were fucking shit mini-games that weren't worth doing more than once
>friends calling you all the time was super annoying
>game is ugly as fuck, grey everywhere
>story has hardly any focus, the concept of "niko is looking for someone" is only brought up a few times, while he just does random tasks for money that he doesn't even need after the bank job
>dimitri is a shit villain
>ending was rushed as fuck (just go back and watch the death cutscenes and look at the horribly designed final missions)
>very low customizations, very few clothes to choose from and they all looked shitty, cant get a haircut or anything like that
>most of the missions are just the same shit, it basically boils down to just driving somewhere and shooting guys
>pretty much no good music at all
>niko's voice acting is shit, sounds like an exaggerated version of an eastern european
>when you try to save cars in the parking space, they disappear half the time
>taxi drivers often get stuck
>the collectable of 200 pigeons was shit, and the reward is a boring helicopter that usually doesnt even appear anyway
>the "lose the cops by going outside the circle" system was a joke, worst in the series

And something rather minor that bothered me, but it speaks to the game's boring, empty, unpolished nature: a whole carnival near where you start out, but it's shut down and abandoned. what a tease.

I get what you mean. They need to go back to that shit in the next game a just refine other shit, like controls and add more stuff. But the world and gameplay in 4 shits on 5

>shit driving
Yeah I really enjoy the GTA V/Saints Row 3 type of driving where you go full speed towards a corner, hit the handbrake and powerslide the tight corner 200/kmh

It's like driving for the first time IRL, it takes a while to master
>WOOOW Why cant I control this like I want
>WOOOOOOW bad mechanics


I'm sure the kind of fun you're looking for, you can find in Saints Row 3/4
It's like saying driving sims arent fun because you actually have to learn how the car behaves

Come at you? But I agree with you. Better police AI. GTA V often times feels like a game of "Pacman" when working against police.

GTA IV HD when?

>But the world and gameplay in 4 shits on 5
Saying it over and over isn't making it more true

The world and gameplay are unarguably the weakest of all the 3d GTAs

Best GTAIV tracks coming through

It's a shame GTA IV is so antiquated in so many ways though. Tried to install an ENB earlier and for some reason I couldn't launch the game because the Social Club wasn't running (even though it was). Wish it could have just been a cleaner release.

underrated post.

>Not the complete collection which merges GTA IV and EFLC radio!

Yeah but GTA isn't a driving sim, it's an open-world RPG where you rob some poor arabian man's store and then run him over for chasing you.

>no u

Yes and no matter the game, a decent compromise between sim and arcade works in any open world game.
Or I'm sure that the driving mechanics of such games like GTA V, Saints Row 4 or big trucks racing is widely favored.
The type where driving consists of pressing a direction and holding handbrake when taking a turn at full speed

I thought it was alright, but I honestly think it's the biggest waste of an overworld in the history of video games. It wasn't meant for a GTA game. It would have been PERFECT for some kind of dating/life simulator. Liberty City in this game is just a monument to wasted opportunity. You can tell they spent so much fucking time designing each and every street, and yet most of the game you don't really interact with any of it.

Yeah and that "decent compromise" is making it so driving during timed missions and whatnot is not a hassle

In GTA4 it was

I just found it way harder to get into the story of V with multiple protags. Quality over quality right there.

Even tho niko was a whiny hypocrite. Johnny and Luis were pretty good in their stories.

Okay I get your point about "SR is babby game becuz no real"
but if IV was attempting to have real driving it failed worse then the arcade variants because every vehicle is crap, no in the "no drift" sense but also in the sense that vehicles NEVER performed how they should. You could have the best car in the game, on the most reasonable road and the vehicle would still just chug along.

Unpopular opinion but I like GTA V's police system way more. People say the cops in V are annoying and hard to lose, but I found them significantly more difficult to lose in IV.

In IV, it always felt like as soon as I left the circle, another cop just appeared out of nowhere. V was a lot more fair in that you field of vision is a lot further on the map, cops are more clearly marked and you can avoid them. I actually like the sort of "Pacman" feel, in IV it just felt like a crapshoot.

>Gunplay was awful, and by extension EVERYTHING involving movement wouldn't work from cover fire to jumping, it just felt clunky and unpolished.
This is objectively innacurate.

I'm I the only one who didn't give two fucks about the worthless "lore" of the GTA series?

I play the game so I can rob hookers and run down pedestrians not so I can have a pisspoor fanfic of some old 80s movie written by Video game devs

id buy it if it at least runs substantially better than it does now

It's a small city full of traffic and obstacles, there's no reason to make the cars go any faster. The whole game wasn't so much about going fast, but going skillfully.
>No drift
If anything, GTA IV is the only game you can actually kinda drift in. Not burning rubber or powersliding but actually drifting
Also I'm not saying no realism is bad, but making mechanics that you will repeat for hundreds of times during the game boring probably isnt good

If it was your first GTA game I could understand why you believe that, but when compared to the others you'll see why people complained GTA IV had shitty missions with no variety.

>realism is better even if its less fun
average gta4 tryhard

Anti-thesis of my opinion.

Oh well.

Its fucking Grand Theft Auto, not Dark Souls asswipe

>tying physics to character movement
both 4 and 5 control like ass, san andreas is still king

>Everything about IV was a step backwards

Really my nigga?

-Best physics in the GTA series
-Best driving (beyond a shadow of a doubt, come at me.)
-Best Voices
-Best shooting mechanics

What GTA IV lacks is interaction with the environment. They hide this by letting us interact with certain characters at certain places, but it doesn't change the fact that that world feels inadequate compared to even San Andreas. What they did in V was fail once again in making a decent interactive world- the single player felt the weakest since III, the comedy already felt dated and awful when it hit the shelves, and almost all of the fun and interesting TECHNOLOGY and PHYSICS moments of IV were stripped out of V's engine for no apparent reason at all.

I like to stab my hooker in the thigh and watch her try and crawl away from me when I'm doing my simulated serial killings. I can't do that in V- I always magically run at SANIC speeds and instantly jab them in the neck for an instant kill. Lazy as fuck.

i found more people complaining about how fucking poorly it ran


Arcade mechanics are only fun in simple games.
If you're gonna do something thousands of times during the game, might aswell make it something that you will enjoy by seeing yourself develop in it.

Yet is has the most deep actual gameplay of any GTA, including the gunplay because of an actual crouch, all the little things like parkour and melee, fantastic cop behavior and driving, and probably wins best GTA because of that.

The music is at least niche enough not to sound repetitive, and the missions are fun and bring something fresh to the series. It's neat covering drug deals for Jamaican and overall enjoying it because of the diverse gameplay options.

>open-world RPG
You're thinking of San Andreas.

GTA IV is a car driving and leisure sim game.

You're wrong. :)
Good physics /= good game.
They made many important improvements in GTA V.

this is also why the gunplay is more enjoyable in IV

>Best Voices
I almost took your bait seriously


Even the awesome car damage of IV was toned down for plastic cars.

You keep confusing "skill" with fumbling with broken mechanics to find a reasonable "sweetspot" just to get around

I actually liked the online better in IV. It gave you more freedom to fuck around. In V I'm just being bombarded with mission prompts I don't want to do and need a huge investment in money/levels to do anything fun.

This. Freemode in IV was so much better than V.

I also preferred the versus modes. Tighter combat with less cheap shit.

One thing I kind of didn't like about GTA IV was that it basically killed Midnight Club. The racing in IV was pretty good when it's the sole focus.
>inb4 it was bad because I didn't know how to play

The missions in GTA IV were beautiful in their simplicity. The main focus was basically just going to different locations and shooting people, which made for some really interesting layouts. Like ducking behind urns at the museum (amazing mission), that shoot out in a strip club, the really cool mission where you shoot up the construction site

Most missions in the game had an interesting concept. Like the one where you call the guy in the park, and then have to locate him and shoot him, the one with the job interview, that really awesome bike chase where you ride through the subway tunnels, or the one where you kill the guy in the hospital. A lot of them felt very intense and immersive to me because they felt like events that could almost happen in real life: I love the one where you have to lure the guy to the window to shoot him.

I think "variety" is sort of an overrated concept, I'd rather have a game do a few things very well, then a bunch of different things only sub par. GTA IV was a more grounded game so the missions were more grounded scenarios, and since the shooting mechanics were really fun, I thought it worked out great. Viewed from above, they have some really nice layouts. Sort of like Gears of War in that the main focus was take cover, and shoot.

GTA V for instance, could have gone with less variety, the missions where you pilot a submarine or go parachuting are just stupid as fuck. The best missions were the ones most reminiscent of IV, like when you were Franklin shooting up places.

But its fucking badass and thats all that matters in gta V. No one gives a fuck about muh deep story or muh mission variety. All people want is a non lackluster world and story to fuck around in.

Well no shit, that's because GTAIV online was a real GTA online

GTAV online is some sort of microtrasaction second life clone hell

How they could literally make the free roam shit was beyond me but they accomplished it

Hell even red deads online was better than V

i just dont get all the hate for IV's driving

its just so much fun. its not about whether its more realistic or not. its just straight up fun to control.

i don't get how people had so much trouble with it. do they not adjust the camera as they drive? do they not utilize the break at all?

same here man. even if i did fuck up while driving it usually ended with some funny ass physics


>all people want
>all that matters
>Hello I am all

>its just so much fun.
Most people disagree, hence all the hate.

>le meme XD
All most gta fans care about is what i said, which is why IV is one of the most hated games of the series outside of this board.

The driving in IV was fine for the most part, but I felt like during missions there were some problems that made it seem a lot worse:

For one thing, the margin of error in driving missions was nearly ZERO. If you crashed or hit a solid object, it would take a long time to back up and accelerate enough to catch up. I remember one mission where you're chasing a guy and as you drive down an alley, the alley becomes blocked with construction shit, and you have to go around. By the time you do it's too late.

Also, the drive by shooting is just too hard and not precise enough. Aiming with it is just a joke. But what makes it even worse is that most of the missions where you have to eliminate another driver, you can't tell if you actually CAN, or if you have to wait for them to get to a certain point before they become vulnerable. In a lot of missions their car is literally invincible until they reach the end of the route which is bullshit.

>is miles better than GTA V.

this doesn't really say much. gta5 is a cash shop game, you can get more fun out of playing solitaire.

Why don't u join them then and GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD U NORMIE REE etcetc.
While it doesnt have such a large fanbase because it doesnt pander to normies who want le arcade fun, it definitely has it's fanbase, especially in Sup Forums.
And since when has fanbases unrelated to Sup Forums mattered?

but you don't have to pay for anything you huge faggot and all the game modes worth anything on 4 are there in custom maps and even better ones

It's the only GTA game where you can constantly do a moving 360 degree spin in a vehicle- real fucking hollywood stunt driving shit that lets you feel like a fucking bad ass when you correctly power slide your vehicle around a corner, or spin around at 100 MPH and shoot your pursuers in the face through the front wind-shield and then spin back around to face traffic.

IV's driving mechanics in V would have been superb. But V ended up being the most casualized GTA of all.

The missions in IV felt the most badass of all. It was awesome saving Roman from the warehouse and shooting the shit out of everyone as Niko yelled NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY FAMILY!!

The thing about IV's driving is that it's pretty good on fast sportscars and luxury vehicles. However, it's fucking terrible on big vehicles like trucks and vans, which is what the story has you driving like 95% of the time.



you can enjoy both. I'd say the mindless fucking around for aspect hasn't really changed from game to game but you might disagree.

not only is it a worse game than V, but it's probably the most dull and boring GTA out of all of them. at least the 3D entries.

yeah physics and "realistic" driving and a bunch of other details that make everything "real". too bad none of that makes for FUN. nobody was asking for saints row "humor" where they essentially gave up and started making fart noises into a microphone and calling it standup, but christ IV was ass.

thank god the expansions did something right, but even those couldn't bring back the missing location variety, planes, color to the city, good driving, or the other half a dozen things IV got rid of than San Andreas had.

V was a return to form and even though it didn't quite do some of the cool stuff IV did or have ALL of the insane amount of things to do that SA did, it was leagues better than IV.

I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me until I loved it. After playing GTAV a ton, though, it's kind of hard to go back to IV's driving. I would have liked if it were just a bit less weighty. Also, motorcycles were pretty annoying and I agree with the guy who complained about too many truck driving missions.

>handles like a boat=handles heavy
>doesnt take an hour to learn how to drive in GTAIV then complains how the driving is bad because it doesnt control how you want

You're wrong. You're just wrong. GTA V has problems, but it's still a better game overall. You're straight-up delusional.


>come at me
>no ur wrong
u told him fampai

>but you don't have to pay for anything you huge faggot
But you do unless you want to get butfucked by 100 level assholes with tanks, RPGs and C4s

Yeah having to play hundreds of hours just to get a machine gun is fucking heaven

I miss the online setup of IV so much.

Deal Breaker, Bomb da Base 2, Hangman's NOOSE, 3 years straight, over and over again. So much fun.

That phone call mechanic (and them patching out replaying jobs) in V was ultra-ass.

>Also, the drive by shooting is just too hard and not precise enough. Aiming with it is just a joke
Really? I liked it. It bothered me that you couldn't aim without firing, but then I got the PC version, which fixed that. It's definitely better than in V, where the camera zooms in. That and the camera being over the left part of the car tends to screw with me.

considering every other GTA had that "arcade fun" i'd say the only game that pandered was IV because it tried to become something gta never was to appeal to stuck up aspies like you that should just play a fucking simulator and shut up about it.