What are your favorite XBOX games?

What are your favorite XBOX games?

Mechassault, and you better pay for it you fuck

OG Xbox was god tier
>Halo 2
>Crimson Skies
>Doom 3
>Panzer Dragoon
>Steel Battalion
>that one spyhunter(?) game where the car transformed [was neat as all fuck]
>DOAXtreme beach volleyball

those are just my personal faves, looking at the huge stack of games I own on the wall to the left of me. There's tons more I haven't mentioned.

PS2 definitely had the most quantity of games, but personally OG xbox had the most quality.

if anyone says breakdown don't listen to them

woah woah, its 11.99 on ebay user, I'm not made out of gold.

eh 360 was way better

Is replacing the HDD in an xbox huge still a gigantic ball-ache?

that was really the only thing stopping me from hacking mine.

There was a lot I liked and a lot I unfortunately didn't get around to. After all this time the game I have the biggest urge to replay is Jet Set Radio Future

I have to get the halo games, of course, any good split screens you might recommend?

>Ratchet and Clank
>Jak and Daxter
>Final Fantasy
>Monster Hunter
>Metal Gear Solid
>Phantasy Star

Those are my favorite Xbox exclusives

Only the best fucking game next to Halo and Mech Assault

I miss GunValkyrie.

Literally nothing I want to play. The complete lack of diversity on consoles is astounding.

How do you softmod an Xbox without splinter cell ?

Xbox exclusives are pretty much boring shooters, fighting games, or racing games

oh you


Piracy is not what free to play means, user.

Kingdom Under Fire Heroes/Crusaders. They're Dynasty Warriors + RTS +RPG hybrid games, the combination is strange but it actually works.

But why wouldn't you just use Splinter Cell?

Easiest way and you also now have a great game,



you go on amazon/ebay, buy a disc only copy of splinter cell for 5$, and then follow the splinter cell explot.

Ninja Gaiden Black
Halo 2

>buff dude shoots things
>buff dude shoots things 2
>buff dude shoots things in flying car
>buff dude was once a child now has a wife
>buff dude shoots things 3
>buff dude plays starfox
>buff dude shoots things in an armored car
>buff dude drives fast
>buff dude drives fast AND shoots things
>buff dude stabs things
>buff dude punches tits
>buff dude takes pictures of tits

Worst console of all time.

You make it sound like those are bad things user.

I'm just not that into buff dudes.

my favorite xbox game is generic shooter #4618934

The hardest part, besides getting that huge ass Torx 14 screwdriver (if your dad's got a Craftsman toolkit he might have it, it's used on car stuff), it's copying the HDD key into the new drive.

>hes not into buff dudes
what a fag

>>Final Fantasy
>>Monster Hunter
>>Metal Gear Solid
>>Phantasy Star
Those are on Xbox too.
Fuck off asspained Sonygger.

How delusional are you?

>Final Fantasy on Xbox

Final Fantasy was historically always a Nintendo or Playstation exclusive after FFVI

Yeah but, those are all on Xbox now.

Do you even know what this thread is about?

Do you?

I hope you remembered to:
-remove the capacitor
-clean any shit that may have leaked on your board
-remove any dust
-clone to a bigger hard drive(currently using an old 250gb)

if yes, install some emulators and enjoy yourself. I frequently play punchout and smb3 with mine.

now if I could find a wireless controller that works with it, my setup would be complete.

Which Final Fanatsies or Monster Hunters are on the XBox? How do you play MGS3 on it? Tell me your secrets.

you're not wrong. ps2 library was garbage for the most part
also, NG black

not that difficult if you have a PC with an IDE cable. if you don't have a PC with an IDE cable, you might as well buy splinter cell.

That dude mentioned Uncharted. Which Uncharted is on PS2? He was trying to show off his exclusive movies but backfired when half the shit he mentioned was one way or another on Xbox too.

>backpedaling this hard

Oh, ok. I guess since he was wrong about something then you aren't. Seems reasonable.

Bought it from a guy off of Craigslist, will probably upgrade the hdd, currently 250 in a month or so, any guides on how to change thw capacitor?

Battle front, battlefield modern combat 2, star wars republic commando I has more but its been a while

Serious Sam
Voodoo Vince

Few videos on youtube that show you how. One guy has a diy channel just for the xbox, with a lot of great information on how to super charge your shit.

Tried to find it but I can't remember what I originally searched for.