New Horizon Zero Dawn trailer

New Horizon Zero Dawn trailer


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Plot twist: she is from the ancient times by cryostasis

>le empowered wimmin

loving this meme


Looks cool, shame about the delay tho

I dont get this fucking game
Some robots and sceneries look pretty cool on their own, but together and with the main character they look awkward and overdesigned, like a way of saying "look! we're creative!"

Meanwhile no one has made a good straight stone age game.

the collector's edition should come with detailed sculpts of the mechs
fuck that girl, i want those mechs

Here's everything I like:

The world + combat + exploration + Monster/Bosses + Hunting/Crafting system all looks 10/10.

Things I do not like

>MC, she just looks smug and annoying, much better if she looked younger, looked less manly and more beautiful but we can't have that in western games for some fucking reason.

>The dialouge/story/character interactions
I have little to no optimism for anything related to conveying speech and pushing a narrative within the game. I just hated Killzones VA and Story and the extremely generic action trope characters and their voices and mannerisms. I hate that shit and it looks like its present here.

I'm excited to fight big robot dinosaurs.
All the story stuff is cringey as fuck.

well it's not trying to be a stone age game
it's clearly a post-apocalypse future monster hunter type

Lets just hope they keep it on the downlow and go all out on robodinos

How does she look manly? She looks fine

She is an android.
>came from nothing (no parents)
>lives in world with robots
screencap this

>cyberpunk Cavemen in an abandoned city overgrown by plants
>no wildlife fucking anywhere
>Robot animals because ?

And last but not least
>Then be ready for the darkness


It is creative. I can't think of a game that combines prehistoric and futuristic themes.

I can tell. I'm just saying there's room on the market for a good hunting-and-surviving kind off stone age game whereas everyone and their mum has been pushing out post-apocalyptic stuff for decades.

I wonder if they will have a good reason why there are robots running around acting like dinosaurs and who designed them to do that.

>>no wildlife fucking anywhere

But you can clearly see birds, fish, rabbits

just like all this

Stopped reading there. This isn't cyberpunk

>shamelessly ripping off Zoids to make a AAA game
Sony are a bunch of unoriginal assholes.
Day 1 buy

I'm guessing the words alloy was on her cryogenic pod
she's from the past, daughter of some billionaire weapon tech guy who created all the robosaurs
her dna is the key to a contingency plan to shut them all down

I dont think that combination is particularly creative. Perhaps it hasnt happened that much in games, but society going back to prehistoric times after the apocalypse is a well used trope. Its even an expression - "...send us back to the stone age". To mix post-apocalypse and futurism isnt new either, Fallout does it, just to name one.

The most original idea here looks to be the robo-dinosaurs, and it's one I kind of dont like.

I like everything about it, i just hope they deliver because it looks so promising. They were hiring a lot of Witcher 3 guys last year (story/quests etc.) so that's promising.

i'm only excited because it's PS4 exclusive

i wanna oil those metal critters.

This is post post apocalypse unlike Fallout

>Why am I an outcast?
>Who was my mother?

Kinda weird she wouldn't say "Who were my parents"

>you'll be chasing a riddle into a wilderness of mysteries

Is this an ironic meme or a false flag? Either way, fuck off.

This game might end up harmless, but lately every time I see a female protagonist in a western game i just cringe.
If anything, leftists have made women's portrayal in video games worse.

Uhhhhh where's the PC version????

This obviously.

She probably thinks that dude was her father

PC version will come out next year or something like that, all these big budget AAA games come to PC now a days

He said to her that the elders told him to watch over her

"Outcast! You came from nothing now return to nothing!"
What voice actor was that? Sounds really familiar.

>Start video
>Fast forward to get to the gameplay
>There's no fucking gameplay
Thanks Sony.

>Sony first party studio game

right when those Demon's Souls and Bloodborne hit PC.

But it sound like he was talking in present form and told her when she was older

its gameplay though, or at least in engine. you can see the shadows flickering in and out of existence and some pop-in.

Maybe you should get some thicker skin and stop being triggered like Anita when something harmless happens in a game.

>no wildlife fucking anywhere
>Robot animals because ?
It's pretty fucking obvious the game will explain this

and this isnt cyberpunk at all

I think Ive seen one post apocalyptic game too many. Went the guy in the trailer went on about the "old world" and you see its a ruined and overgrown modern city I just felt tired.

There is wildlife btw

I'm not liking this MC, so far. Not really sure what it is. Just kinda feel like they tried too hard or something. There are some things I'm not liking:
>crazy amounts of painfully obvious pop-ins
>frame drops
>looks like the spear is just an insta-kill canned animation weapon similar to the knife in Turok 2008.
>looks like just another empty open world. Why can nobody do open worlds right, anymore?
>the amount of i-frames on that dodge is fucking nuts
>slow-mo when aiming with the bow

Also the AI seems incredibly dumb.

Android 18 wasn't actually an android. She's a cyborg. She was a real person at some point. She did have parents and etc.

How so

>why can't everyone look like my animu waifu?

Just go play Witcher then

In that 20 minutes gameplay display, when the deer bots (whatever they were called) attack you it spent most of the fight charging toward nothing, not doing anything, then standing still. I think it only attempted to attack once.

I have never heard of this game. I've never seen anything about it.

It LOOKS fucking cool as all shit though. The design and world seems amazing.

I'm a bit cautious though, in case it turns out to be a something stupid like Assassin's Creed 3 or something.

Shit though, I'm pretty excited about it all the same.
its coming!!

Why are they releasing trailers before E3 instead of during?

Most likely the case. If anyone's seen pic related it's essentially that.


>put to please male gamers
>put to destroy patriarchy

Learn the goddamn difference

Would literally be a 10/10 game if they scrapped the story and just had you make your own character
If they're going to try and make western monster hunter, then they should just do it and stop pussyfooting around with this dumb story about some cave woman

Is that Skullface voicing the dude that says "OUTCAST"?


I could believe it

>MC also fights other tribes
This is extremely meh sounding. You have armor piercing arrows and all this other shit for fighting robots, and you fight humans? I like that she gets a mount, but the aspect of fighting humans makes it incredibly mediocre when you stray away from robots for MUH MYSTERY STORY

I'm guessing the humans will be the biggest pain to fight. It's like Freedom Wars, right? The entire game is designed around fighting giant robots and then you have to fight humans sometimes. And they're way more dangerous than the robots because you're designed to take 3 hits and die, and robots are big and slow but humans aren't.

Its a TPS with minor stealth mechanics, fighting humans will be like fighting humans in Far Cry 3/4

It sounds like Crispin Freeman

>Create posts about how SJWs complain too much and have thin skin
>have just as thin skin as them
You're 2 sides of the same fucking coin: the mong coin

>I hate SJWs, but aren't anti-SJWs just as bad?

Game looks fucking awesome

Where are the silky smooth 13 fps?

>I have never heard of this game. I've never seen anything about it.

So you've been on Sup Forums for less than a year.
It was shown last E3.


She's literally Ygritte.

Looks fine, kind of reminds me of Enslaved. Don't really want to buy a PS4 just for that game though, and none of the other ones look appealing.

>you came from nothing, you will die a nothing
>I came from somewhere
Great writing

He never got the story and boss fight he deserved. Rip Texas Ghostface

Daily reminder that she does not have dreads, the hair is just shit

> pcucks will eternally be ass blasted if this ends up a great game

I tend to ignore E3 and E3 threads. It's all promises that almost never get fulfilled, endless speculation and "X GOT BTFO, Y IS ON SUICIDE WATCH" shit posting.

I just wait until things are closer to release date and I find out about them then. My expectations and hopes will be more realistic and there will be less speculation.

That was gameplay in different angles but for unatlered footage wait for Sony’s E3 conference

Yes they are. "anti-SJWs", are just the same annoying cunts just on the opposite side. Loud, sheltered, hate new ideas, hate debating ideology, whinge about anything that doesn't cater to their worldview, constantly live in a world of confirmation bias

Her tribe is going to get wiped out by that tribe using the robots. By saying she comes from nothing, he is saying her tribe was nothing.

deepest lore

I hope she gets nice r34

Or maybe I just hate shoehorned progressive stuff and wish everyone would shut up about it and just make good video games.

I just wish this wasn't open world.
Expect large plains full of nothing.

They will come to PC eventually! r-right?

>People believe this won't be on PC
>People will play this at 910p 15 fps

Helldivers says hi peasants

Fuck off retard, not everything has to be condensed into tiny linear sections.

>shoehorned progressive stuff
How the fuck is anyone even getting that vibe from this game? Jesus fuck

>same OP image
>same OP text
Can you shill any harder marketer?

>Expect large plains full of nothing.

>comparing sony first party games to ubishit

Time for babbies to learn

>If any game has any important female characters for any reason, the only possible explanation has to be SJW pandering.

>muh strong female protagonist!

>I tend to ignore E3

Why would you ignore the most vidya relevant event of the year?

Maybe a female sci-fi protagonist kicking ass isnt a new thing at all since Ridley Scott's Alien films have been around for fucking decades and you're just an anti-SJW faggot who gets triggered just as often as they do. Ever consider that?

I like her design because she reminds of a shield maiden


So, Samus is SJW pandering and should never of been a woman to start with?

I guarantee you you'll only be able to go through specific corridors between a few large open plains-

No way they'll actually let you climb and explore all those buildings, it wouldn't be organic.

I literally googled Horizon Zero Dawn and grabbed the first image, stop being paranoid

Here's another one I could see them doing. The girl is actually a robot like the mechs you hunt but with fake skin and all that, regardless of the fact you see her when she was younger and she grows.

Ellen Ripley was far from a progressive shoehorn. She was vulnerable and realistic, and she didn't spend the whole film making oh so funny quips about men being useless.

>guerrilla games