Is this the worst thing that's ever happened on a Giant Bomb livestream?

>Is this the worst thing that's ever happened on a Giant Bomb livestream?
>Uhh, I can think of one worse thing. One.

What was it Sup Forums

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whats a good one? link me

I can think of several times where Matt Rorie was on it and just all around terrible

that one time a while ago some bitch got drunk and was screaming and ruined everything
its funny in hindsight for viewers but Jeff fucking hates it

>The document is fucking dead

When will someone save us and finally upload UPF again?

giant bomb is horrible. Why the fuck do you idiots even follow or watch anything they do?

They're part of the 'gamers are dead' bullshit. They are idiotic white knights that are willing to defend sjw for anything.

when did they do that

>giving bizarro sjws attention

Jeff wrote an article telling people that if they actually want to do something about journalism or whatever, goobergate isn't a group they should associate themselves it.

So you have to realize is a goober gater

Suck it, I dished over the $35 bucks when the yearly thing was on sale. Wohoooo, now I'm an official GB member.

Rip the videos. Save me from this hell.

>They're part of the 'gamers are dead' bullshit

Why are you lying?

>the audio that plays after the website confirms your sub

An old thread mentioned it but I forgot. Think somebody got drunk and started shit.

When Dave Lang was drunk as shiet making Ed Boon uncomfortable

giantbomb are just a bunch of miserable fat fucks

also sage

>New Stuff
>still missing the last 2 upfs
ded doc

So good.

I was laughing the whole time though.

Not the worst thing though

that was gdc 2014 live stream
if anyone was interested

That sounds perfectly reasonable.

>giving current giant bomb money
>even wanting to view any of the current premium content except for maybe Mario Party and Hitman

>if they actually want to do something about journalism or whatever, goobergate isn't a group they should associate themselves it.
this is a perfectly logical statement

associating yourself with a group at all is an implicit bias that should generally be avoided at all costs when attempting impartial coverage, esp. in journalism

Patrick calling Nolan North an asshole when he tried to stop Patrick from cutting him off followed by Ryan stopping the interview should count too.

link it


Am I the only one who really enjoys the Giant Bombcast but can't stand anything else they do especially playing games?

Bombcast is perfect when I'm driving to work and I like the tangents they go on, but any video they're usually just playing a game in an unremarkable fashion.

Only good videos I've seen was the classic Rider Meet Horse, Horse Meet Rider and their reaction to that Alpaca Visual Novel.


>things that literally never happened

When one of the developers posted Dave Lang's phone number on a live show because he was being ignored was great. Especially when Dave was shocked that the only person he didn't offend fucked him over


thats literally fucking OP

I can tell you one thing for sure.
Phil isn't going to talk to them this year.

that actually did though

I like their conference streams
but I wish they'd stick with only 3 or 4 people
6 people is too many talking like last years E3 stream
but they did better with Sony's Paris show and other smaller conferences

Link to this?
I dont follow gb, but their vr video was hilariously bad and awesome


This is why Jeff Gerstmann is the only guy in the industry that I follow.

>fat but no tits

its a fair question though. its microsoft and they shipped halo mcc as a complete fucking broken mess for like a year. tons of games have been shipping completely broken, MCC was just the shining example of last year.


Near the end here.

I think Patrick was trying to fit in too hard more than him actually calling him an asshole. Still seems pretty rude if they arent that well acquainted, which it seemed like since Nolan was pretty much just having a conversation with Ryan the whole time with Patrick trying to butt in.

>mario party

I'm not paying for any content dan is involved in.
that manchild is the worst.

Wasn't that the GB Live live show, live?


it was e3 last year


Oh lordy

Could I get a link to this

>its a fair question though
Well I can see you will never get a job in this industry.
"Why does your game suck so much?" is hardly a fair question.
It's rude, insulting and he only did it to pander to his fans. You don't gain anything from asking that and it makes Microsoft look bad.

>"Please, adults are talking"

How the fuck do you recover from that

>Journalists doing what they should be doing is now considered pandering
Forgot it was summer.


>Somebody has those pics store on their PC

>not wanting to confront a company about the shoddy quality of their expensive products

Sounds like you really are cut out of journalism

he had just spent about 20 minutes talking to him about Xbox One and how it was doing without Kinect and how indie games were doing on Xbox One and how they were working to integrate Windows 10 with the platform. 20 minutes of your so called "fair questions" that are nothing more than boilerplate softballs. its a completely fair question dude. they shipped what was supposed to be this incredible love letter to Halo, the game that made the Xbox, and it shipped completely fucking broken and for 6+ months it was fucked. someone has to ask him what the fuck is going on.

and did you listen to his response? i'd say you gained something from the question, phil went into way more detail and answered the question in a way you'd not expect most people in his position to. if anything that question made phil look like he knew what the fuck he was doing. that he answered it took just as big a pair of nuts as it did to ask it.

Don't even try to oversimplify this, faggot. When even devs are admitting sometimes that their games ship with loads of issues and bugs, they have to answer the consumer why this is the way it is. This is not about "hurr durr, my subjective opinion thinks these games are bad", this is the issue of $60 products clearly not working as advertised or setting bad precedents to follow.

We're talking about Giantbomb, who unashamedly have butt buddies in the industry and constantly defend and advertise games like Divekick or Bastion for free.
They are so far from impartial journalists it hurts.

you mean like the time they wouldn't allow votes for Bastion to make it on their site wide GOTY lists because they had worked with Greg? that seems fairly impartial to me.

you can say they're buttbuddies with Lang or Brad Muir or whoever, but no one else in their position in games coverage gets those dudes to be as open about their experience making games or their thoughts about the industry as they do. if that means i have to watch Brad Muir watch Brad Shoemaker play Doom, or that i have to hear them make jokes about how Divekick looks like a flash game every now and then, i'll take it.

>no one else in their position in games coverage gets those dudes to be as open about their experience making games

>Hey Dave Lang why is Batman so fucking broken?
>I'd rather not talk about it
Wow that was enlightening.

>associating yourself with a group at all is an implicit bias that should generally be avoided

Like 80% of journalists are registered to a political party. It's impossible to not belong to some group.

Anyway, the problem with that statement is that it implies journalists won't report and dismiss the next group complaining about their disclosure policies as sexist. At this point the media has defined gamergate as anyone either critical of games journalism, reporting that such campaigns are fronts for an international sexist terrorist cell. We know this, because the label continued to stick even after proactively purging the hashtag of obvious trolls, harassers, and sexists. It's not enough to be feminist, civil, nor is it enough to cut off contact from people who aren't. The degrees of separation get larger but the labels keep getting applied.

As a result there's now a portion of their audience that is convinced enough to send bomb threats to any event or panel talking about ethical issues in games journalism. At this point the number of documented death threats sent to gamergate supporters greatly exceeds the number sent from them.

Anyway GG is less active now that most of the original goals have been fulfilled, but overall a bunch of stuff happened that resulted in a net positive.

he answered the question as best he could without completely tanking his business and cutting himself off of a business partner in the process. he even mentioned that in his answer.

You realize that Lang was under NDA to not talk about it right? Christ you naive child, how do you even function?

They openly disclose their relationships with Iron Galaxy. Everyone knows they're friends with Lang. How is that misleading?

It's perfectly fine for journalists to give coverage to their friends, roommates, or girlfriends. They just have to disclose it. This is why GG sprang up

>its a goobergate supporter outside of his home board

literally fuck off and die, no one cares mean girls won't talk to you because you're a fucking nerd.

>giant bomb is horrible. Why the fuck do you idiots even follow or watch anything they do?
>They're part of the 'gamers are dead' bullshit. They are idiotic white knights that are willing to defend sjw for anything.

I don't, I follow Easy Allies.

So what benefit is there from Giantbomb being so close to them? We don't learn anything new from that relationship.

The same goes for their friends at 8-4, equally frustrating people.
>Yes, we censored those games and added memes, but you have to understand there were very good reasons
>We can never tell you what those reasons are, just believe us about this
>If you ever bring this up again we will just laugh at you now

>can't watch shit for free
>I'll never get to see the second half of the Hitman episodes

>it's an Ian talks too much episode

But I am home. I've been posting here since 2005.

Sorry if my info had offended you.

its another 2 hours of Brad stumbling over his words and Dan yelling about how Brad should do something "funny" like stab a guy who doesn't need to be stabbed, you're not missing much.

GB isn't going to take 8-4 to "task" for their translations most likely because they don't feel the same way about them as you do, i.e. they don't think they're censorship (protip: they're not).

Phil might still chat with them, he is a surprisingly cool guy in all aspects. I think he realizes the absolute sideshow MS has been putting on this generation and is doing his best to mitigate the damage, but their is only so much one man can do.

>they don't think they're censorship (protip: they're not)
Yeah let's get into a semantics argument rather than discussing the actual issue.
You friend, would make a great games journo.

last year's E3 was a complete shit show
gonna skip this year's . I think i'm finally over giant bomb, their quality of content has really gone to shit.
every piece of content its either alex, or dan. and both are insufferable pieces of shit the world would be better without.

whats the actual issue? that when they talk to Lang and 8-4 they don't have some hot scoop every time? that sometimes they just shoot the shit and talk about the business or how things are going? you do realize that not every conversation is going to be some huge info dump about something awesome and sometimes its just a developer or team talking about work right?

The issue is that journalists are supposed to be unbiased and when you see literal shit games like Divekick appear on a Giant Bomb game of the year you quickly realize that all you need to do to become a successful video game developer is live in San Francisco and suck journo dick.

how in the fuck is this e-celeb shit still up

Dave Lang lives in Chiraq though

didn't it appear on a personal GOTY list? and not a site-wide one? also
>when you see literal shit games like Divekick
do you know what an opinion is???

and Dave Lang works in Chicago.

What the fuck are those on the guy on the left's feet?

shoes with a velcro strap for fashion reasons.

>Watching old stuff on their youtube channel out of boredom because 99% of new shit these days is locked behind a paywall
>Watching their PSTV Quick Look
>At one point Jeff pops in P4G
>"Didn't you guys do an Endurance Run on this a long time ago"
>He looks really sad for a moment
>That feel when Ryan's still dead

I thought they were really fat flip flops and he had tiny feet in black socks.

Probably this?

Or when Ryan said faggot and had to apologize, but I think Leah Alexander is #1

>video from a GB panel
>clueless autist precedes his question by sloppily thanking the crew for continuing after Ryan died
>Jeff dryly says "Cool" and waits patiently for his question
>can't find clip anywhere

Guy you replied to here.

> it implies journalists won't report and dismiss the next group complaining about their disclosure policies as sexist.
Still don't understand how I'm implying this.

I do agree that GG was overall a well-intentioned movement distorted by the media, and I'm ultimately on your side although once someone sent a death threat to Anita it was kind of all over.
That's not what I was talking about. Sure, it's impossible not to belong to *some* group, but there's no need, as a journalist attempting to create an impartial report on a subject, to identify yourself with GG, when doing so won't really do you any favors unless you're trying to make a #notallgamergaters sort of argument.

It's not the same thing as registering with a political party, I don't think.

Again, I'm on your side, I just don't think that professionals who want to maintain a neutral standing should take on the associations of an internet activist movement that is so divisive.

I'd wanna talk about this more, but I gotta get sleep. thanks for posting that image, btw, didn't know some of that stuff