Why aren't there more games where I can play as a reptile?
Why aren't there more games where I can play as a reptile?
There's Spyro.
I want to fuck that.
At the risk of sounding like a scaly, I wish there were more. Reptiles and amphibians are cool as heck.
Because reptiles make good monsters, not so much protagonists. They're dumb scalie things, the dragon to be slain, not the hero of the story
Reptiles shouldn't be lumped together with amphibians. It triggers me that people do this in media when they have so many differences.
None of these characters are salamanders. Are you blind?
>Croc = crocodile (duh)
>Yooka = chameleon
>Yoshi = dinosaur
>Gex = gecko
better question is why aren't there more games where I can play as a bug?
I suppose it's because bugs are difficult to make humanoid without removing what makes them unique.
I'd actually love a game where you play as Hillary Clinton.
Because bugs are the scariest things ever.
hey thats pretty good
Why wasn't he in any of the Adventure games or 06?
There's Scaler.
>not qt
This spider has a water droplet on its head
It's reptilian.
Spiders are arachnids, not bugs
Jumping spiders are cute :3
Yes, that's correct.
>I still saw loss
Post the other one.
You know the one.
I thought bug generally meant non-crustacean arthropod, not just insect
Is there a reason Yoshi porn has become more common recently?
>wait up
>see something black running on the windowsill next to my bed
>eyes focus, its a jumping spider
>while I stare at it, it stares right back at me
>lay back down knowing that little bro is protecting me in my sleep
Green locust is my spirit animal
I wanna fuck that bug.
>No Turtles
Best reptile. Fuck you gaywads.
How about we post actual cute things instead of gross things that aren't cute?
more like waiting for you to fall asleep so it can crawl into your mouth
fucking velvet worms
so cute, right?
cute and very unique
I want to die knowing that these things exist.
that's not a velvet worm
now I'm disappointed
You try chameleon twist?
It's even better. It's a Waterbear. The most resistant living being known on earth.
They resist the vacuum of space.
what if they're feathers?
velvet worms have literally no interaction with humans and only live in the tropics
water bears are microscopic non parasit animals
if you want to hate something google pentastomida
Then it still isn't a reptile.
Dinosaurs and reptiles aren't the same thing
There was a massive collab recently
Really good game
Get out avian scum
Super frog.
>freezing solid would be no problem to a human waterbear
>human waterbear
fucking american television
that's a weak one
Bitch fuck you.
Hey, if they can do it in Twilight with Human wolves.
I read jumping spiders like to live around humans because the humans attract stuff like mosquitos, which is a jumping spider's favorite food.
Adventures and 06 were both shit. If you want half-decent sonic games with Vector play Shadow the Hedgehog or Heroes.
Best jumping spider
Because bugs are hard to animate and would require entirely new armor models.
A bug is actually a specific order of insect called hemiptera.
In the case of Yoshi, who was thought up around the days of Jurassic Park, they are.
I mean aside from the fact he's a FICTIONAL dinosaur.
Do dragons fall under the dinosaur category, or
Dragons aren't even vertibrates. They have too many limbs, so they split off from the vertebrates much earlier in the evolutionary timeline.
>in Japan Spyro is called Ripto
The fuck?
>in japan vega is called balrog
There are no salamander in this lot.
Oh boy, the Thri-kreen meme.
>putting fucking dragon's into a evolutionary chain
user, it's a reptile with two wings, that breathes fire. That's seriously it.
Next you'll say a unicorn isn't a horse.
Anything that resembles a stink bug/shield bug is a true bug, as in the official common name for those insects are bugs.
basically colored, thick Lacey wings and a proboscis (tube mouth) that isn't a fly or butterfly.
Their lineage goes back to the Cambrian era, they aren't even arthropods.
Reptiles aren't actually well defined, technically turtles aren't reptiles either.
Whatever happened to Tuba Croc?
Post lewd yoshi
It actually says Spyro, it just looks like it says Ripto
Which is where Ripto got his name from
Then what would be a dragon?
it's スパイロ, which is "supairo", basically pronounced exactly like spyro. but the font is weird
>Which is where Ripto got his name from
that's interesting
Waterbears are some eldritch shit I tell you what.
Why is Yooka so shy? Look at his trailer: his eyes are shifting everywhere and he's all bunched up.
>shitty Japanese cover art
This is a dragon.
no fuck you this is
I want to kiss Gex
Is this a reptile?
This is a dragon.
Reminds me of the baby dragon thing from one of the lunar games
No that's a poorly remodeled hedgehog.
Guilmon is my favorite reptile from video games.
3 minutes in.. why tf am i still watching this shit?