What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Who should I choose for my party?
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Who should I choose for my party?
Sup Forums will tell you it's shit, but it's really not that bad.
I usually roll with Cas and Iron Bull, bur Dorian is pretty good too if you need yourself a mage.
you should just decide for yourself who you like and take them with you so others don't shape your opinions of the companions before you meet them. it'll be a lot more fun
that being said if you havent played the previous titles then you'll probably like it. i like dragon age and i wasn't really as fond of this game as i was Origins.
A decent game with alot of stuff to do but with forgettable gameplay, story, world, and DLC.
Pick Varric, Dorian, and Iron Bull.
Yeah it's neat they included her as a party member this time around. Right now I'm settled in with Cassandra and Varric.
Thanks user but it's too late for that. I'm actually hoping for some reference to previous games. Got any tips for a new player?
A very boring game.
Seriously, it plays like a single player mmo. The game is like 80% filler.
An offline 'mmorpg' styled game with a disapointing story. I litteraly had to force myself to finish it because I wanted to see how it ended but as expected it was shit.
Get the mod that removes the gathering animation. Improves the game 100%
The gay dude is funny to have in your party
What did you think was decent? Was managing the keep at least worthwhile?
So, like Hollow Fragment.
I've heard some good shit about Dorian without hearing much at all.
What class?
Rogue. I'm planning to replay for each class.
>see images of Dorian before the game comes out
>absolutely hate him based on his appearance
>finally meet him in game
>he's one of the most likeable characters in the game and my favourite party member
well shit
The thing that made it decent was the occasional fun quest (like the Grand Ball or your party's personal sidequests)
Managing the keep is a bore and provides no benefit
Melee or archery?
Dorian and Bull were some of the coolest motherfuckers in the game, even Sera is fun after you talk to her for a bit and figure out what she's about. The only one I don't talk to at all is the retarded tranny.
Cool, I'll look out for those. What did you think of Sera? I was going to romance her until finding out she doesn't swing that way.
Melee, baby.
Magic is absolute fucking shit in this game.
Just total fucking atrocious shit, especially compared to DA:O or even DA2.
>Baseline specs are
>allowed one specialization, which are all pretty fucking lame too
That should tell you to stay away from mages.
Well...aside from the obvious of most people thinking she's ugly, I thought she was pretty annoying and never used her.
But I think if you're gonna roll a chick she's a good romance pick for lesbo stuff.
Honestly the combat and classes are so shallow playing through once with a class will be enough. Plus your partners are literally the other classes, which you can play as, so...
Melee is gonna be all about trying not to get hit.
desu rogue is the one class I haven't played ever so you have me at a disadvantage.
Sera is cool if you take the time to talk to her, the only truly shitty party member is Solas.
>He didn't play Knight Enchanter
>What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Shoddy craftsmanship overall.
>Who should I choose for my party?
Considering they took out healing spells you basically just need a dedicated tank and any other setup will work.
Complete garbage - game doesn't even try to immerse you into the world. Your a commander of most world feared Inquisition - and what do you do after you get to first map ? - you collect goat ases - 50 was it ? don't remember - wan't to forget i ever played this shit.
>What did you think was decent? Was managing the keep at least worthwhile?
What little actual main story there is, probably 10-ish hours or so, isn't horrible. But really game is amazing if you're a completionist and want to 100% each zone because it's your modern open world game checklist bullshit some people seem to like.
Best Class Specialization:
>Knight Enchanter
I might roll a female apostate so I can whine to everyone how hard it is.
I hear you, I'm also doing it for the additional dialogue and swapping alignments.
I was planning to build around hit and run tactics & burst damage after trying the multiplayer.
I'm not really one of those people, so I'm hoping the side content is rewarding enough.