Gets her "Bring the whole team back" move at the same rate/much much faster than Reinhardt's "Knock people directly in...

>Gets her "Bring the whole team back" move at the same rate/much much faster than Reinhardt's "Knock people directly in front of you and within your line of sight for 1 second" move
This is fucking bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>is fragile
>has to reveal position to heal
>incredibly easy to pick off

>Character I choose to play is unlike character I choose not to play

>meanwhile Reinhardt has a giant shield that he can use anywhere he wants, aim at any direction, and cover multiple allies with while they shoot through it
>the shield also has an incredibly short
>and he has a charge that lets him insta-kill any non-tank class, while also serving as an escape or speed boost

>has a passive heal on herself
>can ping pong around her team
>if her q is charged she can literally just go hide and press q through a wall

>No map in Australia

Where would it be? What type of game would it be?

>is against Mercy

user, are you craze? She is easy to take out, but invaluable if on your team. Mercy is the greatest player to have with or against you.

Mercy is the best.
Mercy has a fanny pack filled with mommy kisses.

How can you hate Mercy?

It'd just be a shitty Route 66 ripoff.

It would be a nuclear wasteland, just like modern day australia.

It's your fault for letting her live long enough to rez.

>Huge NPC spiders randomly drop down and take out a player.
>Every 15 seconds, a different portion of the map goes on fire.

Some destroyed outback town would be cool, since we still haven't really seen any of the effects of this huge war that seems to be the center point of the story.

>letting any of that happen whatsoever

Can't bring her team back if she dies first

>Australia is the first to fall to the dindus

Completely unrealistic considering Germany would be the first to line up and take the thick robot cock.

OP there is no reason to be upset.

>No relevant matches

My country is too busy having too many loud ass drunk bogans, they wouldn't know what the fuck was going on.

give proper sauce please

Daily reminder that if you're losing on capture the point use this guy to literally save your team




Mercy's ultimate is fast acting, but at the same time she's constantly got a big shoot me target on her. If there were a few second delay between her ultimate activating and actually reviving people, pretty much everybody would focus in on her the moment she even mentioned heroes never dying.

He said Australia not Canada.

>Playing Mercy instead of a real support

how do they kill anything?

Its not fast acting, its instant

And the rate at which it builds up is god damn outrageous

On the final points of capture maps she can just keep on ressing her whole team through the wall

>1 bastion + 5 mercys

Is it viable?

Mercy has a gun, user. It's actually pretty reliable if you can aim it well.

The husk of the destroyed Omnium so we can explore Junkrat's home.

Possibly, until the enemy team charges pretty much any ultimate.

>enemy picks 2 reapers and 2 pharaahs
>the 2 pharaahs instantly kill the bastion by shooting him at the same time while behind a reinhardt or just flying
>the 2 reapers kill all the mercy players in 2 hits


2bastions 2mercys

That match must've been silly.

Will she ever smile?

We don't have huge spiders though bud.

i fucking suck at support/healers
how git gud

She smiles in the selection screen.

well what the hell did you expect to happen?

Gee I wonder why sometimes Mercy survives to get the ult off. It's as if she has some form of cover to prevent being spotted/shot.

Is she a tranny? That jawline is far too masculine.

>heal/buff people
>don't die

>pick lucio
>jump around and skate on objects so people don't hit you
>right click for easy get out of bad situation free card

Go to /vg/ plebfaggots

released at the same time as the first abo character in gaming history
Ultimate: Conjure seven copies of _____ and mugs nearby enemy for 1000 damage. Deals double damage in shadows.

>Is she a tranny? That jawline is far too masculine.

No, just Indian.

we do have huge americans turning up unexpectedly looking for food, though. that's at least as bad

go look up indian women.

It's a penalty for not killing her


Posting in this thread because it has my new waifu in the OP

Why does Sup Forums hate fun? You niggers told me not to buy Doom but I got that on release day. Fun as fuck and spent hours playing the shit out of SP and some MP.
I listened to anti overwatch niggers till today and wasn't planning on giving in because I figured it might actually be shit.
That game is the shit, the only reason I'm posting right now is because I had to take a shit and finally put the game down.
0-2 Sup Forums
I hope you contrarian faggots get blue screened

People tend to lie on the internet to piss off others

>Why does Sup Forums hate fun
You shouldn't take this place so seriously

I figured it'd be a good place to get some advice but it's just crying kids who probably never even played the game because they're pirate shitters

Anything is viable

>4 seconds out of combat to get passive heal
>Slow as fuck air mobility
>Can heal theough a wall for only a second or two

*as long as you have Lucio

*as long as it's mayhem

she's total bullshit right now


>she needs to stay alive to use it
>one of the squishier characters
>Reinhardt's ult is pretty much a free pass for his team to rain death on the enemy

Seems balanced to me

>See team getting assblasted by a Mercy+Pharah combo
>Go Pharah
>Kill them both with direct hits
>Do it again
>Going ham
>Our Mercy is near me
>I have ult and a good position to us it
>She is healing me
>Go in
>Mercy doesn't follow me
>Would have lived and killed the 5 people on the cart and stop the final push if Mercy would have healed me
>Ask her why the fuck she didnt come help me
>Lose because I died
Healsluts are the worst. Why the fuck do they get praised so fucking much?