Biggest disappointment in a video game?

Biggest disappointment in a video game?

>pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

Bloodborne not coming to PC

> Change one line in notepad
> Graphics become just the same as advertised in shilling video

>"PC gamers care about things other than graphics, we swear"

Dark Souls 2
Arkham Knight

Literally nobody ever said that.

nice quote, where'd ya get it.

>console babby detected

is this why 85% of traffic comes from people on console?

Warlords of Draenor to be honest.

Blizzard has the most loyal fanbase in the world and their biggest game lost over half it's playerbase even with the subscription fee being able to be paid with in-game currency.

that's true. I wonder if I would've started playing again if classic came back


Why did it had to have all its features removed it still makes me salty

rome 2 total war

wat is Division.

Spore, motherfucker.

hmm apparently there are mods. do the mods fix the game or is it too late?

also can you elaborate on what they fucked up and how they can make it better?

C&C 3 and 4

Mass Effect 3


Deus Ex: Invisible War

Fallout 4

Oh yes.

all of ubisofts games are major dissappointments that get massive amounts of hype anyways despite all of them being same-y stealth shooters. Almost all of their agems have the same mechanics. They keep getting away with it

>the division
its hilarious how people thought it would be supported like an MMO and it basically has been dropped already. Just like Bungie did with Destiny when they promised it would be updated with tons of content.

>biggest disappointment

overwatch, by far. biggest buyer's remorse i have ever experienced.

No mod can fix pain


This means you actually had expectations.

You don't have expectations for Ubisoft games, do you OP?

I thought it would at least be fun for a little bit. But I couldn't help but feel i was playing Assassin's Creed Chicago

Was it dissapointment in narrative/story?

Honestly it seem to play well. just make up your own PMC story.

Fallout 4
The Assassins Creed franchise as of late
Saints Row 3

git gud scrub. OW is fucking awesome

seems like your taste is just shit

I know in my heart it will be this
I've also never been more hyped for a video game in my entire life.


>someone dislikes overwatch
>cookiecutter response is always "git gud" even though it's the most casual fps in years or some unrelated comment about battleborn being a blunder or something
>always alongside a picture of the shitposters waifu of choice
I like the game too, but come the fuck on.

i am far better than most overwatch players, which is why i don't like the game. shit like this actually affects (and disappoints) me

while (as you can see from the comments) noobshit blizzdrones not only are not bothered by it, but actually defend it

I like overwatch, but for some reason i feel like it's going to be the new League, which sucks.

The concept of Watchdogs has so much potential but, unfortunately, Ubisoft

>not consuming cuckold porn through your Xbox One

exactly, thats why i was hyped. the potential was awesome.

You think you would, but you won't.

>cost $90.00 plus tax
>doesn't even work

Fallout 4 or Skyrim

Bethesda RPGs keep getting shittier as time goes on

To me it felt more like a poor man's GTA.


PC gamers are more about performance. they are usually happy to run a game on medium or low settings if it means they can get 60+ fps.

>try shooting the ground or water
>no bullet impact


Saints Row: The Third.

no fuckin way this is true

I had no expectations for Watch Dogs,so when i bought it for cheap a year after it came out i had a decent amount of fun with it.Not great, but not as bad as everyone said it was.

wait. is this real?

bruh just wait for it to become an E-Sport

this was the genius metagame, don't you see

It was made by Ubisoft how did you not see that coming. Also the gameplay was fucking great kystbhfam

pic related


This is the face of ubisoft's AAA quality folks

Mass Effect 2 was garbage so I don't know what you expected from 3.

Your taste is garbage and I expected the Suicide Mission 2.0

Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts

>likes Halo Effect 2
>calls other people's taste garbage

Not him but ME2 is pretty overrated. The story is just transitional and only there to limp into ME3, the character themselves however are very well written for the most part. They also stripped the game of it's fun RPG elements for the most bare bones shit I've seen in some time kind of ruining the uniqueness of a lot of people's Sheps.

Step aside, faggots.

>very well written

That's pushing it a little too far.

That pre-release stream was the funniest shit

I think the only poorly written characters are
>All Krogan

how about kaiden and ashley who are basically the game character

and that assassin guy

Kaiden and Ashley are barely in the game, you see them in like a handful of scenes.

And Kai Leng was in 3, not two. The assassin guy in 2 was a really well developed character.

Kaiden and Ashley were poorly written but I think that's partly because they're only in the game for about 5 seconds.

As for Thane he was written exceptionally well and is one of the most liked characters in the ME series.

>muh redemption
>muh cancer
>muh son

He was a generic character.

>implying any of these games hold a candle to Colonial Marines

He was one of the only characters in the universe that actually felt like he had a grip on events happening around him and he could clearly handle himself in a fight. Him and Samara are probably the best squad mates introduced in ME2.

>What is Duke Nukem Forever

You can do that to literally any character in any format ever. It's not a valid criticism to boil them down to their base tenets and then go "they're shit", while ignoring the actual character itself.

This, a character's characteristics are not indicative of how well they are written

How was it disappointing? You should have known for the start it was going to be utter shit when its main selling point is about being an edgy movie like hacker. On top of that it's a Ubisoft game.

Mass Effect's "RPG elements" were not worth shit to begin with. The inventory and skill system was fucking garbage.
Tossing away the inventory and focusing class skills made the game better.

Skyrim. Trailers were great and I really expected Morrowind 2.0
recent Stellaris

Im not sure what people expected from Watch Dogs or Fallout 4, ie Ubisoft and Bethesda after Fallout 3 and Skyrim.

ME2 is okay. Biggest fault of story is that ME3 didn't deliver.

Nah bro. Duke nukem softened my shit nice enough for this to be a smooth disappointment.

This shit bouquet was the biggest disappointment of the last 5 years for me. I was stupidly hyped for this game when they announced it like 3 years ago.

Fuck this game. I'm sure the DLC will make it better, but with a $60 price tag originally it's not worth it.

I agree with Stellaris. It was hyped up here massively, so I gave it a download, and it was just really disappointing. Stopped being interesting straight after the early game, felt like it was lacking heaps of systems and interesting content.

Plus, the research system was fucking stupid, and made it difficult to actually design your empire to specialise in a certain thing, because you ended up just researching random shit.

The inventory was only garbage if you didn't keep it clean and the the skill system was great, it meant that even if two Sheps were the same class they could play differently if they focused on different skills. In ME2 two Sheps who pick the same class will play nearly identical because of the lack of skills.

>a character's characteristics are not indicative of how well they are written


Forgot to add that the inventory system allowed even further customization with how weapon mods and ammo types were handled.

He's right. A character can have generic characteristics and still be fleshed out well and exceptionally well written.

Same as you can have a character with less generic characteristics that's still written incredibly badly.

The weird thing is that game actually feels like it was originally going to be threeie, but then at the last minute decided "fuck collecting things, lets throw in some cars".

My biggest disappointment is people genuinely claiming that this is a bad game, when it's actually God-tier. Watch Dogs 2 however, won't be very good, as it won't have Aiden Pearce as the main character.

ahh ok I still thought he was very generic though

>The inventory was only garbage if you didn't keep it clean
Having to clean it was what made it garbage.
>the skill system was great
No it fucking wasn't. The whole "oh wow, same class but soo different" shit is worthless when the differences don't matter.
No matter how you built Shep in ME1 the combat was always garbage in desperate need of the overhaul that it got.
That's not to mention that there is no real value in the idea itself from a role playing perspective because the game never acknowledges your build outside of combat.

New Vegas upon release.

Pre-patched NV was a mess, and I wish they used a different engine. The base game should've been watch J.Sawyer's mod is. I wish they improved the Karma system a bit.

I guess a better way to explain would be to give an example.

Pic related's characteristics are being a demon fox trapped in a feminine high schooler's body who likes plants. Now that's some of the dumbest shit I've ever typed out but he's written so well that he became one of the most popular characters among fans.
>In the Animage Anime Grand Prix, he was ranked as the third most popular male anime character of 1993 and the most popular male character in both 1994 and 1995.

Yeah, and you're right, he wasn't particularly original, though he did have a pretty good backstory I think.

This, it premiss was an interesting concept of a MMO shooter and twist on the Tom Clancy license.

[spolier]Of course let's be honest we really should've known better [/spolier]

As a 17 year fan of the series, MGSV was a disappointment. It was a good game, just not a good Metal Gear game

>Having to clean it was what made it garbage.
But cleaning was easy since you were always getting new items so you were constantly switching out and thus clearing away what you no longer needed.

>No it fucking wasn't. The whole "oh wow, same class but soo different" shit is worthless when the differences don't matter.
How did it not matter?

>No matter how you built Shep in ME1 the combat was always garbage in desperate need of the overhaul that it got.
The combat itself was pretty much the same, you took covering, used abilities and took potshots when you peeked your head out

>That's not to mention that there is no real value in the idea itself from a role playing perspective because the game never acknowledges your build outside of combat.
That's because its uses your backround/combat history or whatever for that.

Does anyone have the greentext about Mass Effect 3's ending. The guy that will never stop hating Bioware for what they've done. Something like when all the stars are ashes and the universe finally dies from heat death he will still be ma as fuck

Because that's how I feel about ME3

>all very shitty titels and worst of their franchise.
You,sir,have shitty taste.

Just found it on google searching "ME3 hate Sup Forums"


>Same as you can have a character with less generic characteristics that's still written incredibly badly.
Damn near every indie game has this problem

For me it has to be Mass Effect 2

I was so incredibly hype since ME1 was a fantastic game. Then 2 turned out to be a butchered gears of war garbage with a shit story to boot.

My bad, I thought it was greentext. No wonder I wasn't getting any results.

Yeah, I honestly think that less talented writer should stick to more generic characters, it's better to do an average job at something like that than to do a shitty job at something unique.

I don't get this game at all. I know it was in development since the early PS2 days, but why was anyone hyped for it? There were already marine campaigns in pretty much every AVP game, hell there was an AVP game that came out like a year before colonial marines and while it was pretty boring, it was better than this shit in every way.

>being disappointed
>about a ubisoft product

are you retarded