"lol are you mad?"

>"lol are you mad?"

How do you respond to this without sounding mad?

no this is patrick

breath into your mic really loud and fast, let them feel your presence.

No, this is Patrick!



don't feed trolls

Something along the lines of "yes I mad"
you won't be able to deny looking angry so the best thing is to own up to it and make fun of yourself, that way you'll take the satasfaction from them because they can't make fun of you anymore



There isn't any way to do so. No matter how you respond, regardless of how calm, they're just baiting you. They will call you mad after literally any response.

How can I respond to a CPU character?

so mad that i fucked you're mother

Bazinga fellow bredditor

Look him straight into his eyes and whisper "Yes"

nice play dude

Don't respond, take your ball and go home.

No u.

>How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
You don't. Retards never hear anything but mad because they're retards. Remove said retards from your environment and if possible any spheres of influence they may have.

>"u mad???"
>proceed to kill him next round
>"wow what a tryhard"
>proceed to win the game
>say: "good game guys, have a nice day!"
>leave room

There's no other option

Pretend to commit suicide and don't move your character for a few rounds, or even better if there's dedicated servers don't move it for a week.

I'm not mad, just dissapointed


>dude why are you so mad
>dominating the guy who said that
every time

Just say you are to them. Saying nothing will most likely cause them to keep saying it.

>"lol are you mad?"
"Yes actually. You are better than me and it is very frustrating to lose to much."

completely disarms them. continually agreeing with them takes the fun out of their trolling and further attempts to talk shit eventually just make them look like an asshole to everyone else.

Stop responding because I don't feel like having a conversation with a little kid or mentally disabled

>No, are you?
>no haha
are fine

After that just keep saying haha or lol if they try to keep winding you up

>Define mad?
Wait for them to explain that you're booty bothered about whatever it is they think you're booty bothered about
Reply with
>Whaat no haha I don't think anyone here's mad, are you okay though?
I samefagged btw

>Nah dude GG

Just try and find where their anger is coming friends

>nah, I couldn't be mad at you :*

Just get uncontrollably mad while saying "I'M NOT MAD!!" get very loud and aggressive until it simply annoys him. Presto

Are you mad?

Just make it gay and say you want to cum on his face or something

mad enough to suck your dick

>At least I'm not a nigger

Nigger can be substituted with retard.

Just tell them that you'll suck their dick and give them a big wet kiss on the lips. no homo

You don't.
Either you drop the bomb first or you're out of luck.

lol prove it then you butthurt faggot

give me your address I'll suck your fat dick for free

"mmn" -carmack

pm'd you my address. get over here and suck my cock you booty blasted faglord. bet you won't you pussy.

omw right now get ready for the best dicksucking of your life I'll swallow too

Simply don't be mad.

Copy and paste his words

Quit gettin' mad at video games.

>tfw no bully who makes me suck his cock
why even live

>lost 20+ rounds
>finally win
> U mad ?
everytime. You can't get mad at this.

Use a soundboard.
