Name a worse Monster.
Protip: There's only one
Name a worse Monster.
Protip: There's only one
anyone wanna take bets on how many postsit'll be til vita user shows up?
A French Hunter
>tfw no something something on the vita
Any Rath variant?
You gen 3/4 babbies don't know shit about awful monsters
both crabs and their subs are in generations though
Tidal Najarala
huegcrab isn't though
Gravios isnt even a hard monster he's just fucking annoying
Like if youre having a bad day and want to play MH he's the last monster you'll want to fight
That's shen gaoren, not shogun or daimyo
It's a huge piece of shit and it wears the second worst monster's skull on its back
Khezu and Garuga
This dainty prancing piece of shit
>he's the last monster you ever want to fight.
Except Rajang of course.
nigga I will fight you
Die you degenerate barneyfag.
Easy. They player that keeps knocking you over is a monster and should feel bad.
I knocked a guy down roughly 20 times in one quest, idk wtf kind of bad luck that was but it happened.I wish I recorded it, it wasn't even on purpose.
Meet Gao. Nigga is huge, tall, and boring. His skull shell is a Lao Shan Lung who is also huge and boring but instead of tall is long.
The fucking sandwhale monsters are at least somewhat fun with the whole ship and cannon thing going on.
>git gud
Nigger, no. That fucking faggot monkey is broken. His drops are fucking broken. Rajang is not for fun.
Also the only thing that makes Najarala really shit is when he fucks up your camera by coiling around you.
Lao and Shen both had pretty nice "wow" factor when you fought them for the first time, especially if you went into them with no prior knowledge.
Learning how to fight them, figuring out you can jump on and carve/bomb both, and then finally taking them out was great.
However, the very moment you know what to do, it's boring as shit.
every underwater monster in MH3
This game is fucking triggering me.
Can someone please explain why I can't break the gypceros' head?
I'm wailing on it with the charge blade, over and over getting AEDs and ultra AEDs on it's head, mounting it and just going to fucking down on this bitch's face, but he always dies before I break the head, and never complete the subquest/get his head as a drop.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?
All I can assume is that with the AEDs/Mounting you're hitting more the neck instead of the head itself.
Try one run where you give priority on just hitting the head with single hits and see if it snaps off better.
I just made this rollchart. Is it any good to you lot?
they did goy
Break it a bit more
My biggest problem is he just keeps charging around shooting poison everywhere, trying to focus too much on setting up perfect headshots has gotten me poisoned too much.
Any tips? I started this game yesterday, so I am pretty shit when it comes to manipulating monsters more than I am at just outright slaying them
Use a blast weapon
Is that gonna be easier for me? I've only used Swaxe, CB, GS and Bow
At least Gao goes down quick once you realize you can drill through its shell with a heavy bowgun. I just wish it didn't take him about 80 years to drag itself on the map.
Don't be afraid to swap weapons to test things out.
Some have better abilities to pick and choose targets than others.
But in terms of learning to stick hits on specific parts, try saving your bigger hits for when the monster's incapacitated (trap/KO/knockdown), and instead use the quicker swings and pokes at your disposal to feel out openings.
The longer you spend doing that the better you'll be at anticipating and nailing the target you want while the monster's moving and flailing about.
Blast is an unusual type of status that does a set amount of damage. Brachydios, Teostra, and Crimson Fatalis weapons have innate blast on them. Molten Tigrex weapons can be awakened to have blast.
Who had the bright idea to make it unkillable until it reached the final area?
It takes like 20 out of the 30m timer for it to reach there
Well, you can kill Lao in the first area easy as well if you have end game weapons smashing the dick pouch with abandon.
They both get HP locked until the final area though so it's slog city until then.
Except for Frontier where the HR100+ Lao/Shen/Yama can die anywhere.
2 Min Lao's are great.
Blast is a status that does fixed damage after a certain amount of hits. Every explosion contributes to breaking every part of a monster, even if the explosion activates on a non breakable part.
i'm having trouble finding which weapons do blast damage. Is there a specific icon?
in 4U and X it looks like a bomb and in 3U it looks like a slime puddle from what I remember
lets find out
Sup hunter
Hope you dont mind if I fuck up your directions or put you to sleep.
It doesn't seem like there's a single weapon I can make yet that does blast damage :/
I hope you like Dual Blades
you generally have to wait until you fight Brachy till you can get your first one, he's decently far into the game in 4U/X and late game in 3U
lets test
you might want to make a sub roll thing for styles for X
I suppose, but some styles (and arts) are just bad on certain weapons. It could make results more hilarious though, but for now I want to keep it fairly simple. Maybe the hundreds digit could decide.
Was thinking of a separate roll chart for monsters/quests, the roll based on the room posted.
There's truly only one response to this.
The double plessy G rank urgent in the desert made me want to kill myself in FU
it is one of my favorite MH4 monsters though
>tfw no more MH on console
Honestly, the only monsters I actually enjoy fighting are Naruga, Barroth, Zinogre, Brachydios, and Magala. Everything else is either too annoying or too easy.
>Learn the timing on the actual damage frames
>Become immune to the check
I-frames are a precious treasure.
You talking shit about one of the best monsters?
Alright, I hate tacking on shit but how's this? I gave a little bias to Guild to use up an otherwise spare slot.
Learning a new weapon would be cool, hopefully it's not something useless.
what weapon do you use to fight him? I always found him pretty easy. CB, IG are pretty good against him since he likes to stay still a lot
hammer, cb, any gunner weapons are all good counters to gravios since his armor bounces off slicing weapons
m8 that's one not finalized but alright
>Be total newbie/shitter at mh
>playing 4U, still pretty new
>Having a fucking blast with sword and board
>Reach Gore Megala
>Proceed to get fucking pubstomped six ways to Sunday every fucking time
>Accept my life as a shitter who can't even make it past a generally considered easy boss
>Haven't touched the game since.
Lao Shan Lung
Shen Gao Ren
Rolling for weps
>dark souls babies
I actually like Gravios
I can name a lot of worse ones.
>Lao Shan
>The Sand Whale
>Shen Gaoren
Those 4 don't even fit into the fucking game, its like a gimmick fight which is more annoying than fun.
For normal monsters theres:
Dinovaldo - His tail swipe hits half the damn map
Hororo Horuru - Confusion and sleep spam
Ferocious Tigrex(Blue) - Constantly leaves maps (like every 3 minutes)
this, I'm a fucking tri-babby, but going from two games on the silver screen to fucking two inch nub controls killed the magic
the games are still fun, but I used to be excited about unlocking a new area and looking around at everything
Now I could care less at staring at some muddy 300 pixel image of an over-saturated mountain
I actually fucking hate playing dark souls. I'm all for perseverance but fuck me if I'm.going to watch two hours of progress go down the fucking drain like that. I enjoy monster hunter a lot though.
>Accept my life as a shitter who can't even make it past a generally considered easy boss
>Haven't touched the game since.
DICK, almost none of his attacks can get you there
sword and board is a good weapon for gore too, since you can pretty much stay on his dick 24/7
get a fire sword and then proceed to castrate the motherfucker
>I'm all for perseverance but fuck me if I'm.going to watch two hours of progress go down the fucking drain
So, you're not for perseverance?
You gave up on fucking low rank gore magala, you're nowhere near "for perseverance"
>Playing MH1
>Only experience I had was some watching friend who grinded on Kelbi for hours for money
>Fighting Velociprey and Velocidrome was dramatic because I didn't know any better
>Get to Kut-Ku
>Shit slapped all over the place
>Beat it
>Get to Cehpadrome
>Don't really understand how to combine sonic bombs
>Get my shit slapped even harder
>Eventually go on to beat the offline game with fucking Velociprey armor and the Defender GS because I was a fucking idiot back then
I've yet to find something that gave me the elation and excitement of seeing Rathalos' tail come off after 10+ failed hunts and realizing the he wasn't actually invulnerable.
The fucking revolver ocelot subspecies
Same here. I just feel bad that I never really appreciated Loc Lac until it was gone.
W-what? I thought it was a real neat fight. One of my favorite in mhx.
It's hit and miss for most people. It is the only huge monsters besides Alatreon and Amatsu that actually fight like a real monster instead of taking an eternity to do something but.
1. the monster is super spongy
2. the wounds haven't healed from Lao Shun Lung-like fights and it gets mixed with them
>two hours of progress lost
Sounds like you're playing the wrong game.
>take Najarala
>remove it's leg weakness
I'm still mad, he's such an awful sub
Hopefully I don't get a bowgun
The only shit monsters are Lagiacrus, Gobul, and Brachydios. Even Plesioth and Rajang are "manageable frustration" compared to that fucking bullshit. Thank god underwater is gone and never coming back.
Thank fucking christ this fucker and Laoshan are gone. I fucking hate Ceadeus more than anyone here but at least that's a step in the right direction, as opposed to "longsword combo its legs for a literal hour"
>Using LS on either Lao or Shen
I'm so sorry for you.
That's like purposefully rubbing salt in your own wound.
>hold on bro, gotta walk in place for 5 minutes. Oh yeah, simply walking hurts you
and don't forget the most adorable thing
>the fucking STAGGER it had hurts you and it has an awful hitbox
The two good crabs, not Shen Gaoren. He's been reduced to decoration status for the Jurassic Frontier to remind you the abominations still exist somewhere in the world
Fuck it, here's a small update with MHX/Gen style rolls. Everything else is mostly unchanged so don't worry if you rolled for MH4U.
>Complaining about the stagger hurting you
>It's a giant fucking crab
>Probably weights multiple tons
>It falls on you
Of course it's going to hurt.
Yes, but it has a really bad hitbox. It hurts you before the animation begins so good luck getting away from it
Instead it's more Jhens and it's fucking stupid and boring.
Never really had a problem since I never stood directly under it while fighting.
Even then you had a pretty damn good indication on when the full stagger was going to happen with the red legs.