Starbound might be a shit game,but has atleast got some pretty hot races ?

starbound might be a shit game,but has atleast got some pretty hot races ?

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I had fun with it.

it's ok for the first hours,then it becomes boring and repetitive

Bird tits were the best thing about the game

What mods should I use to make the game more interesting and fun?

>talking about games
how much are they paying you?

pics or never happened

its fun with others
the updates added some more stuff

it was worth the 5$

it's 15 $ not 5$

I wouldn't even fucking watch the game. Terraria is perfect, especially considering the upcoming WiiU release and all consoles coming to the full 1.2.4 release very soon (literally the perfect version of terraria.)

Probably got it on a sale, I'd assume.


Floran best race. Eat other racesss.


Sure, it blows Starbound out the fucking water five ways from sunday but it has its own shit to deal with.



1.0 SOON™

There isn't enough starbound porn out there.

then go make some user

>set up a base
>mine some ore
>create the equipment you need to survive the earlygame
>fight the eye/worm boss
>farm it for the good stuff
>mine some better ore using new pickaxe
>create next tier of equipment
>fight the next boss
>farm boss and explore harder areas for materials/gear
>mine some ore
>create next tier of equipment
>fight the next boss
>activate hardmode
>your world is fucked now
>you just spent 100+ hours doing the same thing over and over again
>you'll continue to do so

>immediately dig down and get core shards
>hope you find a diamond somewhere along the way
>make iron gear
>do collection quests to get the requirements to make the next tier
>make steel gear
>do actual decent moonbase mission
>spend the rest of the game strip mining each planet surface in the hope you find enough ore as well as doing collection quests to allow the requirements for going up a tier
>there is only 2-3 decent missions in total
>any random weapons you find will never be better than what you can craft
>there is literally no reason to farm any kind of enemies nor explore areas for anything other than pixels+bandages+ropes in random chests
>any build that doesn't use a shield and one-handed weapon is fucked in the mid-to-endgame due to shit armor scaling
>guns are useless until endgame
>any differences between the races is purely cosmetic
>much of the work the devs have done is to remove and add the same features over and over again as well as add yet more useless vanity items
>it should have been completed 3 years ago
>you spent money on this


how much did they paid to to reply ?

here user

>go on site
>see this
>exit site

fucking SJW

>much of the work the devs have done is to remove and add the same features over and over again as well as add yet more useless vanity items

This. There's no steel now for instance, there's tungsten in its place instead.