Snipers ruin every single multiplayer FPS.
This is an objective fact of video games.
Snipers ruin every single multiplayer FPS.
This is an objective fact of video games.
no, just widow
she's designed to be more rewarding to less skilled players, as snipers are a harder character in general for those without a decent aim, but it also allows players who are already good snipers to go absolutely apeshit with her and lay down whole teams with no effort
These 4 characters ruin every game they're in because they attract the shittiest kind of players.
Funny 2 of them are snipers. Sniper is fundamentally the shitter class and a plague in every single team based shooter.
>tfw I'm absolute shit at the game but still enjoy it
Ill git gud eventually
>still playing multiplayer fps
The fault is yours
This is correct. Makes for shitty gameplay and is always played by shitters.
Automated turrets are worse
Almost every FPS game has a sniper that kills in one or two hits. This usually means that if you have any skill at all, you will completely dominate with this weapon and it will be nigh impossible to counter you.
bad genjis are utter shit though, he requires some practice to use well
How do I get better aim in an FPS lads? Ive been playing them for years and I still absolutey suck at aiming
why can't she just be blue
why did they need to add the stupid shit about her having almost no heartbeat pumping blood
pretty fucking sure that doesn't hold up with running around and doing non-sniper things (anything besides laying still and aiming carefully)
like i'm sure some science user could explain in greater detail how fuckin stupid it is
didn't it recently turn out that nearly EVERY current Sniper player (including numerous ""pro"" tf2 players) was using auto-aim hacks, too?
Staying calm, good awareness, and good positioning is most of it. The rest is gitting gud at aiming and staying mobile.
I've been playing widow for my group of 6 and it's ridiculously easy to shut the enemy team down in this game. She's ridiculous.
>Snipers are not flashy so they are useless!!!
Says the Reinhardt just holding a shield while
>I killed the enemy sniper and offense heroes
>Mercy can't revive the whole team thanks to me sniping her
>Lucio can't heal anyone because I killed him
>Zenyatta can't buff or debuff because he's dead as soon as he leaves spawn
Fuck you all, I'm winning the game for you, ungrateful cunts.
are there any lewds of her getting boned with her armor still on? It's kind of my fetish.
In games with team/deathmatch, snipers are fine; in games like Overwatch where there are objectives, snipers are cancerous--especially on offense. A sniper might have their place on a defense, but on offense, they are worthless. They only go for kills and have zero interest in winning the game. And the worst part is when there is more than one sniper on offense. Fucking retards.
Snipers in TF2 are an incredibly situational pick though.
>make fake tumblr account
>turn off safe search
happy hunting
The memes.
Slow the fuck down and practice. Particularly on enemies that run in weird patterns and are constantly moving. since that is the reality of your situation.