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Am I allowed to be interested in this game?
I'll drop it right now if you tell me to.
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Battlefield 1 actually might be a change for the better.
If you give money to EA you deserve to be hanged 2bh
No, fuck off back to r*ddit
curiosity is fine
just don't expect it to be better than their products have been lately, that's a mistake
>le back to r*ddit meme
>being that much of a sheep
>implying reddit
What are you even doing?
>not wanting a AAA WWI game
Taking video game advice from Sup Forums is like taking music advice from Sup Forums.
Interpret that as you will.
It's not going to be a change at all. It may have a WW1 theme, but it's going to play the same as BF3/4 do. Everyone's just going to be running around with machineguns spamming each other and bolt actions are only going to be used for sniping.
>thinking this will be a proper WWI game
>implying everyone won't end up with submachine guns, semi autos and LMGs
That's exactly what I want.
That's what I find fun.
Most of Sup Forums will instantly reject it, but fuck. That's what I love about it.
Blowing the heads off kiddies from a mile away with a bolt action. What sounds bad about that?
So play Verdun then
It's historically inaccurate, panders to people who wont even play the fucking game, going to be a rehash of previous 2 battlefields, will have DLC out the ass (not to mention day 1 dlc already confirmed) and is going to ruin the market for WW1 games for quite some time.
Yeah, buy the game you piece of shit.
>Historically inaccurate
You actually want a historically accurate game? Fucking hell. I bet you are fun at parties.
>Hey user! Wanna play some guitar hero?
>No, It's musically inaccurate, panders to people who can't play the guitar and has a shit load of DLC.
>Yeah, but you could have fun?
Are insecure white kids on Sup Forums
>le whitey pretends he's a nigger boi
lmfao at you, kid
Think for yourself, sheep
Playing Battlefield online means you are bound to interact with the 12 years old who actually still buy Battlefield.
I'd totally play Guitar Hero with people I like even if it's a boring QTE game, but not with 4th graders.
It's called a mute button.
You don't have to stoop to their level. Just shoot them.
I do. BF1 will be a WWII/BF4 in a WWI skin
Sad thing is he is not trolling and really wants others to make decisions for him like most of you losers.
Sad thing is you making blanket assumptions about people you've never met and know nothing about.
>It's called a mute botton
Ok who do I play it with then? Because none of my 20+ years old friends like Battlefield.
Play any of Dice's last 3 games and decide for yourself
I've already preordered the deluxe edition from my local Best Buy.
I didn't see a single black guy or bedouin woman in the officially released teaser, but now they're being pushed as main characters. I get the black guy because the Harlem Hellfighters and other blacks from the AEF and also blacks serving in colonial armies, but why is he the poster boy? Why not a German or French soldier? You know, the lads who did most of the dying. I don't get why everything has to pander to "muh diversity" people who will never buy or play the game.
>Serving in military roles in the Arab Revolt
Don't make me laugh, swedecucks.
go back there
What was his name again?
Then make friends.
>historically accurate game?
In the sense that bolt actions are the standard for most players, yes. I could even live with fast tanks and 20 red barons. No arab warrior women. I can live with black americans too (tho I'm mad about their stupid fucking pandering).
All I want is some sort of mixture of Red Orchestra, Verdun, and War Thunder. Maybe an old style Medal of Honor campaign if they feel the need to make one.
Time to get into game development then.
Go make that game.
Niggers with submachineguns on World War 1. I hope the soundtrack is gangsta rap too.
Picture related is another famous WW1 nigger also known as the Red Baron pimping his ride yo.
>if you tell me to
Exactly, we are under a permanent operation to bleed EA dry and end their tyranny so all their ip's can be sold of to indie devs
we'll see, I got another game idea cooked up first and I'd rather make that
New teaser doesn't even look that bad honestly.
Can somebody from /k/ tell me what the hell kinda weapon that German is firing? It sure as hell ain't an MP18.
No you just don't get it. It does look bad, terrible, awful in fact just plain damn disgustingly shit.
It'll be good. If they don't americanize and nigger-rize everything
No bolt-actions.