Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace?
Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace?
yes, retsupurae
Everything would have been fine if their edgy retarded teenage fanbase hadn't taken it upon themselves to bully the ones being restupuraed.
I've just been watching their Dark Souls 3 run, what happened?
Dark Souls 3 apparently.
Also, current crop of LPs is pretty meh.
Bunch of unfunny sjw faggots if I remember, didn't Patt gasp when someone said whore in a video?
You know, for being the angry one, Pat is by far the most sjw of them.
Also, ten bucks says at least one of them is watching this thread.
The channel was nothing BUT bullying.
Retsupurae picked on the easiest fucking targets imaginable and then acted surprised when their bully fans started picking on those easy targets themselves.
It doesn't take talent to pick on the kid with no arms or legs that can't possibly fight back, which is why Retsupurae was never funny.
I kind he's just responding to Matts overly pc'nes lately
they're fine. they're too sterile and unpolitical to ever completely bomb like Jim Sterling or retsupurae.
they've been doing more unPC material recently as well, so it's been better.
You can't deny that it IS hilarious to make fun of autists tho
Only to a certain point. Look at Chris-chan. He's objectively a horrible, horrible fucking person and yet shit got ridiculously out of hand.
Pat in private doesn't give a fuck.
But Cucklord Matt wants to placate the tumblr audience, by banning any mention of rapehorse or whatever.
Current saving grace of the channel is Liam "Cloud Niggers" Allen-Miller.
Current bane of the channel is Matt "I am not funny and add nothing to any LP" Kowalewski
They were good back in 2012 when it was just two off them, Matt and Patt may be awful as well now but it was because of Woollen and Liam.
matt has always been, and continues to be the worst of the bunch
>best friends play hearthstone
>best friends play overwatch
When do you think it will happen?
They are like the plain white bread of LPs, only worth watchig every now and then. Matt is a massive faggot and a humor vampire who should just fuck off and manage things. He hasn't been funny since before they rebranded to best friends play. It's also pretty amazing how bad they are at fighting games and how little they know about JoJo, even though the spergy idiots can't stop forcing references to either at all times.
Overwatch soon.
Hearthstone, long odds.
>Woolie joins
>now Matt and Pat mention how white they are every other episode
Liam is both the best and the worst member.
>and how little they know about JoJo
This shit bugs me more than anything. All they do is make reference that everyone knows already. They can fuck right off.
Now that you mention it I did notice Pat trying to talk about the censorship of Knight in Dark Souls because of Nig and he tried his hardest not to say the word.
I can imagine Patt was just sitting besides him just staring at him.
Liam rarely pulls punches which is what early best friends did. Hopefully their souls binge will lead them to the shadow tower/kings field series. I would rather watch that then dark souls 3, but for the love of god let liam be at the controls, the others will break at the controls
>"Swing first nigga, swing first"
>"This is where the cloud-niggers live"
>"Matt's too afraid to say nigger"
- Liam Allen-Miller
Retsu was fine until Slowbeef decided to use the channel to make fun of people that didn't like/care about the femfreq gal.
But what would Woolie be without his surface level Jojo references and stuff he read about Gundam on /m/ one time?
>tfw all the brawls with Liam destroying everyone were "lost"
wut happened did they leave their machinima contract yet
Liam is the closest thing to a balanced and normal person in the group. Aside from being a massive weab, he generally gives things a chance and a personal try before forming an opinion, and isn't afraid of being a bit contrarian.
>it's a "let's spend 20 minutes talking and arguing about something we literally have no knowledge base in and care nothing about" podcast
When I don't know anything about a subject I don't talk about it or just let my friend that does know something talk and then move on.
>Aside from being a massive weab
And that's not even true.
He's said that it's really played up for the channel, and that anime is way behind vidya for him. He doesn't even watch or read very much.
Man I hate Liam but without him on the podcast it really does show off how much Matt does not give a shit about video games anymore. He just has nothing to offer even though he buys every single game and when he tries to offer some sort of opinion it's like pulling teeth. He reluctantly plays each one for about 2 hours and then he's done.
Pat will die before that contract expires.
Game Grumps after Jon.
Liam needs solo content.
Pretty much, Matt was always shit, and Liam was great from the start Desu Senpai
I almost wish that there was a second channel that was matt free
No. Because it was never good outside of Matt and Pat I hate how they shoved their faggy friends in
Was the last semi-decent LP they've ever done fucking Super Mario RPG about 8 months ago, where they had to look up a guide for the Lazy Shell anyway?
God damn they'll never capture the original Downcoming+Deadly Premonition+Sadness Trilogy charm. It's been YEARS and their subscriber count is still nearly the fucking same at around 500k. Sad as fuck.
Definitely not as bad as TBFP. Opinions aside GG grew exponentially more commercially successful (through no fault of Danny or Jon though, that's just a time thing), and some Danny moments are okay.
You guys ready for Pat and Liam going through Planescape Torment?
Liam>>>Pat>>>>>Woolie>>>>>>>>>>Matt, if you don't agree you are smalltime.
He's a french canadian who went out of his way to learn basic Japanese including reading and writing hiragana/katakana. He's definitely on the weab spectrum.
>this lone liamfag spamming the thread pretending multiple people actually can stand him
Pat and Woolie switch places all the fucking time tho
I think its cause pat isnt even caught up on it. I wanna hear stupid speculation about jojolion
>You know, for being the angry one, Pat is by far the most sjw of them.
no that's Matt. Pat still tells rape jokes on a somewhat consistent basis (which makes Matt squirm) and he'll occasionally get racial. Matt is basically Sesame Street on prozac at this point
when the channel first opened it was 50/50 on who plays the games. Then it was 60/40 Pat. Then 70/30 Pat. Then Woolie and Liam joined and it was like 40% Pat 30% Liam 20% Woolie and 10% Matt. Now it's just Matt is at 0% and even when he tries to play games he gives up as quickly as possible.
>Matt is a hardcore MGS fan
>quits the game 4 hours in and just reads neogaf so he can shit on the game
still 4 more hours he played of mgs4
Side tangent, does anyone really have a problem with them using guides?
It's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If they spend 3 parts fucking around trying to get a ting, people will shit on them for taking too long. If they use a guide and do it in one they'll get shit on for using a guide
Oh shit, is that happening?
It's to read the porn that he got arrested for having
Matt, nobody likes you. Go watch shitty movies with your rich cow wife.
At least Matt still understands context for creepy japanese bullshit.
Pat just freaks out at every sign of sex in anime.
Sometimes it's funny like with ElectricalBeast. Hell Beetus outright states that he likes him.
Pat is a literally insane manlet who lies and actually believes he's telling the truth, Woolie is a literally retarded stinky nigger who cannot tell up from down and plays games worse and slower than a snail could.
The only saving grace for Pat is that he at least has some vidya skill.
No, it's because Matt isn't caught up enough actually. He only just finished Part 2's anime and complained about the ending on a recent podcast. They're all babies who find reading the manga is too boring despite it getting them through the content the fastest.
>SBFP Star Fox Zero
>it's another Liam apologist LP
>Star Fox Zero playthrough
It's because Pat is a fucking pedo perverted imp.
Sup Forums found out that he's into age play which is why he never comes here any more.
Woolie amazes me, he manages to have all the worst traits of a dindu, with all the cowardice of a suburban white kid. Watching him play anything that requires at least the testicular fortitude of a small girl is so frustrating.
>Pat is that he at least has some vidya skill.
Isn't Woolie actually one of the best Necalli's in his city?