I don't understand why the animation thread was deleted

I don't understand why the animation thread was deleted.

Why are Japs consistently better at animations than western counterparts? It's not cherrypicking. It's true for every genre where Japan has a presence aswell.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have a dead link/number so I can see it?

Japan hates first person games so they have to focus on pretty character animations.

How cum dungeon crawlers are so popular in Japan then?


First person games are fucking garbage

I hate to ask, but isn't this pre-old hunters release footage?

I swear to god, amelia, wet nurse and the abhorrent beast didn't look a thing like that in game, amelia in particular looks so much more lit up and wet

How come jap dungeon crawlers have no animations for sprites when western ones from the early 1990s do?


dark souls 3 did not have animations like this at all maybe except for nameless king
what a shame
post more games with great animations

because japan makes games only for playstation, not pc, not xbox

therefore, playstation is the best

Get a better TV. This is what my game looks like when I play.


>It's not cherrypicking.

It is cherry picking.

There's an assload of Jap games which have fucking awful animations and then you have western shit like Assassin's Creed which, for all the issues with the game, involved a fuckload of development time perfecting procedurally generated animations that look great.

I think what you are really complaining about is that western games tend not to have "anime" styled animations, for which the answer is most of the west are not weebs.

Remember that western games weren't even relevant in 2D animations.

>Assassin's Creed
anything else?

Why did Silent Hill 2 and 3 look so good?

>Why are Japs consistently better at animations than western counterparts?
they arent
that's a massive generalization and there are plenty of badly animated Japanese games out there just like there are badly animated western games.

There are developers that are amazing animators from both the Jap and Western spheres

some western cuck got butthurt

japs are better tbqh

It isn't cherrypicking. We're comparing high profile games between regions where it's blatantly obvious Japan does it better than west. Just compare any western fighting game to any high-profile Japanese fighting game. Or action game. Or RPG. And so on. It's not cherrypicking. The only cherrypicking are those westfags who use obscure Japanese games nobody has ever played to drive home a point.


This a 1989 computer game.


its not "objectively better" though, you just prefer the bombastic anime style and that's just your fucking opinion

Just any game with a decent development budget in general.

I used Assassin's Creed as an example because Ubisoft as a publisher have always valued animation quality highly. I remember when the first Splinter Cell came out Ubisoft spent a good amount of time talking about how much effort they put into Sam's animations, which were all done by hand and looked damn good for the time.

>all that sliding around and no start up instant punches and kicks
You could have picked something better m8

I wish I had a Yakuza webm right now to show you how wrong you are. And Yakuza is a game being made on 1/10th of the budget.

Not to mention how floaty Uncharted animations are in climbing and overall movement.

>he just gravitates towards enemies and it looks unnatural
>animation can't catch up

And then someone can post one of the Batman games in response.

We could be here all day. The notion that Japs excel at animation while the west suck is complete and utter bullshit, you prefer extravagant anime style animations over the western style.

>posting Naughty Dog
it's so fucking janky. they averted the usual problem here of characters sliding along the ground. characters jerk around unrealistically fast, there's no buildup to the punches and kicks, they just fly out as if that adds more weight to them, but it almost looks like he's suffering muscle spasms

Textures baby

youtube.com/watch?v=8KzwomBRuJQ (1:30 is fight)
This shit is the tightest. Great animations, great character models, great combat system, excellent music.


love this

What your video has is a bunch of flashy images, a lot of the animations are rather simple. Like a monster just swinging with it's head or arms is fucking bear bones. The physics/skeltal system takes care of most it.

What's skillful in animation is doing tons of little details. Having characters shift their posture slightly, do hand gestures, or have more detailed facial expression in a cut-scene would be an example of something impressive.

Souls series actually works to minimize animations as much as possible. This is a common thing in Japan. It's even found in their anime where they relay on shifting the camera and lots of zoomed in shots to make it so they don't need to animate bodies as much.

The height of animation skill is Western 3d movies like Pixar crap, it doesn't matter if you think the stories suck or whatever. They are objectivily the most detailed animation and are always at the for front for new technology that makes animation better.

Before the age of 3d the king of animation was disney. Snow White is from the fucking 30s and has more fluid and detailed animation than most just about every japanese movie not made by Ghibli.

>Batman games

We are talking just about animation here, not gameplay.

I'd never argue that the modern western gameplay is superior.

You forgot the best part.





Because all the western 3D animators get sucked into the movie industry (where thanks to simplistic pixar and dreamworks designs can rarely show their talents well) while Japan is still dominated by 2D animation meaning the talented 3D guys are in games a lot more.

Since we're on the subject, isn't Taito's Space Invaders, from 1978, the very first game to have animated characters?

>middle aged man with short brown hair & middle aged man with short brown hair & middle aged man with short brown hair & middle aged man with short brown hair & middle aged man with short brown hair VS one middle aged man with short brown hair

>detail is skill
No it's not. Overall sense of impact and how it complements the gameplay is what matters. Not how many fingers are animated. This is what differentiates west and east. Japan makes animations on the basis that will complement gameplay. West makes animations on the basis of little useless details and realism.

Just look at Street Fighter V. Look how well animations complement what is actually happening in the fight. What combos are being used, what attack (heavy, light) and what stun and health impact it has Small details aren't important. It's these large gameplay-dependent animations that matter.

it just looks like he can move inhumanly fast. They arent going for realism in the animations, if that's what you are thinking; it's supposed to look like an over the top action movie. BTW if that kind of unrealistic animation is a problem, then every fighting game ever made suffers from it

>Before the age of 3d the king of animation was disney. Snow White is from the fucking 30s and has more fluid and detailed animation than most just about every japanese movie not made by Ghibli.

anyone have a webm of that cutscene from that Star Wars game that has all the fighting with lightsabers?

It's already announced coming west in 2017.

>Snow White is from the fucking 30s and has more fluid and detailed animation than most just about every japanese movie not made by Ghibli.
That shit was rotoscoped. Stop talking about shit you have no idea about.

I wasn't talking about that.

I don't know why.
Witcher 3 is great but the monsters move very robotic and saw unbeastly. They don't hold a candle to the monsters in Monster hunter and Darksouls

Nate is probably the floatiest character I've played in an action adventure. He floats towards enemies. He floats towards ledges. Hell he even floats when just walking normally. All those flashy explosions don't change just how poorly Nate himself is animated.

They don't dare have Nate beat the shit out of minorities because it's too racist for modern western devs.

GOD FUCK! I just finished the 4 mainline games and am at the Saejima section of 5 but shit am I hyped as hell for 0 localization. I've pretty much want to go into this blind so I watched so few videos and only listened to some of the music but this fight is tempting me to buy the jap version right fucking now.

Spoken like a true weeb.

The only animations you care about are stupid anime AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! animations.

Well the west doesn't all love your chinese cartoons as much as you do.

you're retarded

Akira was good but still used a lot of corner cutting Japan animators use.

so instead they got a strong independent black woman to beat the living shit out of him?

No counter argument, can only speak in little buzzwords. You have no idea how fighting games function and why those animations are necessary to begin with. No wonder you suck westernshit dev cocks.

What's your TV user?

>muh old Disney
rotoscoping and rehashed animation

If you're going to try and talk about how great Western animation is, at least use Richard Williams or something.

how dare you

Basically yes. Western devs are cowards and faggots. They don't dare to display any minority in negative light. Amy Hennig was kicked out of Naughty Dog because she wanted old school adventure and not this modern SJW shit.

To actually stay on topic, it's because Japan likes things to look and feel cool. There's a rule of thumb with art that if you can choose between looking completely accurate but not so hotor something looking really good but a little unrealistic, you go with the latter.

>mfw comparing Street Fighter animations to Mortal Kombat
Is the West even fucking trying?

The two most important things when it comes to animating an action game is 1. Impact 2. Weight
The best way to do this is to over-exaggerate the animation. Maybe this means to have a slight pause before someone does a fast slice, or a dramatic wind-up before the punch.

Western developers using mo-cap for every fucking thing doesn't allow them to have this over-exaggeration. Japanese Developers still do most animations by hand, it allows them to go over the top.

Did you ever saw mortal kombat in motion? or killer instinct?

damn, is this really what sonyggers are "NEVER EVER"ing over?

Old Disney shorts and Tom and Jerry cartoons have far more fluid(hell they are better than most modern tv cartoons) animations than Akira. Akira uses lots of panning shots and "fake" camera movements to give the impression of movement. It's not bad it's just a different technique

Western devs care only about realism because they are dumb shits without the slightest hint of imagination or artistic integrity.

>There's an assload of Jap games which have fucking awful animations

this, off the top of my head MGS1-4 including the spinoffs (only ones with good animation are GZ and TPP)

from west comes to mind Naughty dogs games, ubisofts games, remedy games, rockstar games etc etc which all have good animations

Because Japan try to make their animations look cool, and we try to make our animations look realistic.

Speaking of Switch Axe the animation for the final attack of Translash III is sexy, I wish I had a webm of it

>etc etc

Am I the only one who's noticed this basically means hey I'm out of examples but I need to make it look like there's more?

speaking of god tier animation games
west could do a great animation in games but they don't want to

Are you smoking pot?
Squeenix was one of the first to use mocap on a large scale with their shitty movie. Ff12+ have used mocap
Even souls games use a ton of mocap for humanoids.

Are we all ignoring the elephant in the room? Western games, with a few exceptions, are made for PC. The ones that are console exclusive are the ones that have the better animations, such as Uncharted. Meanwhile, Japan RARELY makes games for PC, and coincidentally, those games are shitty in both a gameplay and technical standpoint, animations included. So it's fair to assume it's because the westerners have to appease a fucking cancerous platform, while based Japan does whatever they want.


you have no honor

Yeah, I was hoping to find a webm of a good SA combo in order to show my point of over-exaggeration. But google showed nothing so I had to resort to that lackluster gif.

Does Yakuza have co op? The battles seems too simplistic and dull to be fun on single player but the atmosphere and shit looks great for going through it with a buddy

i was always amazed by monster hunter games: 240p screen, shitty textures, low poly models but then the animators always save the day. Everything just moves so... good.

hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, the console war club is two blocks down

>such as Uncharted

Sure, those western AAA studios have stepped up their game with all that booming industry money in recent years but as far back as I remember it was the Japs who really pushed the limits with what can be done with limited budget, technology, and visual communication.

It's Capcom. They've been consistently good at animations for a few decades now, even when everything else around them crumbles.

I hope youre not implying that the souls games have good animations, the only ones that are decent are the combat animations in DkS1 and BB and maybe the (constantly clipping) cloth physics in BB

>im-fucking-plying Japan vs the world threads aren't stealth console war threads

Japan absolutely refuses to make games for PC. The rest of the world doesn't mind. Japanese games are also better than anything made from the rest of the world.

Japanese developers use mocap.

MH animations were done with mocap.

post the cards

Rockstar uses a really good physics engine, not animations. And this thread has already gone through why Uncharted has terrible animations. Especially for such a massively budgeted game.

I hope you're not implying you don't suck cocks.

Not at all, just wanted to post something art related. The west may have streamlined conceptual design and art into the video game production pipeline, but in terms of innovative animation techniques and just the creation of countless visual tropes, I gotta hand it to them nips.

Shitty enviorments with a low poly count leaving room for amazing character models.

I don't think she just up and got kicked out, but ND fucked up by letting her go regardless. She's great.

im saving myself until im engaged

never claimed otherwise, however thats less about western studios lacking talent than the management and producer culture being different/ worse which means that the people who might actually be better at making something wont get the job because a pink haired tumblr woman will be a better candidate to increase diversity

>One problem well familiar to anyone in international business is that things which have a nice, simple word in one language turns into a drawn-out explanation in another that still manages to lose the meaning. Case in point is merihari, a Japanese term with roots in kabuki theater that literally translates to "modulation," although that doesn't really explain it.

>"For example," said supervising producer Hideaki Itsuno, "let's say you're making a punch motion. If it's going at the same speed from the time you start swinging to the end of the follow-through, it's not going to feel all that forceful. There's a sort of charging-up period at the start, and then a snap or a whoosh as you quickly push forward on it; that's what makes it feel good. But at the start, it was all going at the same speed."

>Explaining merihari to Ninja Theory took time, as did Capcom's expectations of DmC's violence level.

Itsuno's life is suffering. Seeing your hard work outsourced to western SJWs who want to turn it into some punk rock star shit.

I don't think Japan is better.

I just think the US is getting lazy. Miyazaki games are basically all animation. Not that many cutscenes. It's a good focus for them since people like the realism--or at least the gauged challenge.

So basically it's because of culture, their arts and performances depended heavily on conveying convincing actions.

I want to see what's under that skirt

I feel like TLOU had better animations. Almost everything felt brutal.

>Why are Japs consistently better at animations than western counterparts?
I don't think I've ever seen any game that could compete with Ass Creed or Uncharted as far as character animations go. Not to mention all of Rockstar's games, like GTA and Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3.

Not to mention his spotlight being taken by an employee who is no longer there. Especially when it comes to Japanese developers, there's always "the guy behind it all" and "the guy with the simpler name".

The point is it's better animated than all but a handful of Japanese media is fromt he 1930s, when everything else looked like shit.

Japan has made rotoscopping too (aku no hana) and they couldn't even come close to what Disney did 80 years ago.