64 > Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > Sunshine > 3D World
although Sunshine is my personal second favorite, I believe this is the correct list. 3D land slightly lower than 3D world if you count it
64 > Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > Sunshine > 3D World
although Sunshine is my personal second favorite, I believe this is the correct list. 3D land slightly lower than 3D world if you count it
>not having Mario Party or Mario Kart
3D Mario was ruined the minute they let Luigi appear.
I have played all of these extensively and I think Galaxy 1 and 2 would be the best if it weren't for Wii's gay ass controller.
8=7>Wii>DS=Double Dash>64>GBA>SNES
2>1>5>4>6>3>7>8 havent played the others
>Mario Bike Wii
>better than DS or DD
they need to take inspiration from yooka laylee for 3D mario and go back to 12-15 large world collectathon with heavy platforming elements
I'd say
3D World = Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > Sunshine = 64
Collectathon just doesn't fit Mario as well as solid level design and secrets hidden throughout.
mk wii online was some of the best online the wii had to offer. plus koopa cape and coconut mall are god tier MK tracks, as is the volcano
>3D mario and go back to 12-15 large world collectathon
Please, god, no.
>Funky mach bike simulator was good online
I think 3D world wouldve worked a lot better as a 3D land sequel for 3DS, with matchmaking for multiplayer. I think collectathon was going in the right direction in 64, sunshine i personally loved but i know a lot of people disliked but I think they could make a huge, 30-40 hour mario collectathon/platformer if they really tried but they never will
SMG2 > SMG = 3DLand > 64 > 3D World > Sunshine.
SMG2 is better than SMG on all counts, but that is my personal opinion. All of them are great games though, I love all of them.
The problem with games like Galaxies and 3D World is that their levels are forgettable.
There are just so many levels you only visit twice or thrice the entire game and never game.
Can you honestly say you remember ALL Galaxy levels by heart?
Now go over 64 or Sunshine levels. Everyone remembers all the stages.
as for why I think collectathons work so well, i think only having 12-15 or up to 20 large areas is better for a console setting because this creates more memorable areas. after beatng 3D world I couldnt remember most of the levels because they were generic cloud or platforms floating in the sky, there were only a handful of memorable levels but those levels only last a short time. i think galaxy 2 started this trend
I feel like everything people liked abotu the collectathon games are in 3D World, and done better, ON TOP of the game having actual destinations and finish lines. No getting kicked out for finding a star at the end of a bonus area or hidden behind some platforming tricks, more levels and far more variety to them, and the multiplayer is nice, too.
I really don't see how people can say 64 is their favorite (outside of nostalgia, which is powerful. DIre Dire Docks still gets me any time I hear it), when Sunshine does the open world collectathon aspect better, and the Galaxy games and 3D World have better focus on platforming.
Sunshine had generally bland stages, and people often forget that 64 had 2 snow worlds. I remember plenty of Galaxy and 3D World stages, and look forward to playing them when I replay the games.
I agree with you mostly, but I give galaxy 1 a little more credit because I think it was a great mix of memorable levels and platforming. lots of levels were forgettable but some were amazing, I espescially remember the large water racetrack area but i couldnt give the name if i tried
Maybe 3D World, sure, but I disagree on the Galaxy games. Galaxy 1 and 2, and 3D Land as special mention in my opinion, was the pinnacle of level design in 3D Mario games.
3D world is stripped of everything that makes a collectathon enjoyable, its more of a pure platformer with a couple collectibles thrown in, similar to the older marios (World in particular) just translated to a 3D landscape. but I do agree that multiplayer adds an insane aspect to the game, makes it feel like a completely different experience for some levels and I would hope if they make sunshine or 64 2 that it would have multiplayer. and personally I like sunshine just as much as 64 but i know sunshine gets a lot of hate. 64 has tick tock clock, the entire upstairs of the castle, bomb omb battlefield, it was very ahead of its time and even now playing it to me it does not feel that dated level design wise
Congratulations you did it
This is the right list
I have to say, as someone who feels 3D World is the best 3D Mario, I think 3D Land is the worst. All the complaints shitpoosters tend to lob at 3D World actually fit Land.
I'd have to amend my previous list with:
3D World = Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > Sunshine = 64 >> 3D Land
It's the only 3D Mario game I have ever traded back in. I can't forsee ever wanting to go through it again.
>Galaxy ahead of Galaxy 2 or 3D World
>3D Land
my nigga. 10/10 game imo and the best game for 3DS hands down. 3D land 2 with yoshi when?
Why not user? I'm willing to hear you out.
3D world is literally the 3D land engine thrown onto the wii u and given better controls to fit the gamepad/pro controller. It's more of a sequel than galaxy 2 is. what are you on about?
I had trouble placing the galaxies. I havent played them as much as the others but maybe I need to replay 1 but I know for a fact its better than 3D world as a 3D console mario game. I love 3D world but it feels like it shouldve been for 3DS
Galaxy 2 was a direct improvement to Galaxy, with more levels, the addition of Green stars as incentive to explore (like 3D World and Land), and (I feel) better level design in general, less directionless areas like the Honey Bee levels. The soundtrack is better overall in Galaxy 2, and I already talked about what I liked regarding 3D World in I love collectathons, 64 and Sunsihne especially, but the more linear obstacle course design with rewards for exploring the levels as well just makes for a better game, at least when EAD makes it.
3D Land is completely directionless in design, the levels are short, tiny, and cramped. The controls are pretty poor for a Mario game, and the fact that the "extra worlds" are 90% the exact same with a shorter time limit or some more enemies is pretty silly. I know 3D World did a bit of that as well, but it also had much more variety to the levels overall. 3D Land also repeated bosses far worse than World, and had the worst (that is, least great, as it's still good) soundtrack in the series.
sunshine > galaxy > 64 > 3d world > galaxy 2
I agree that this level design (pure platforming with slight collectibles to give incentive for exploration) is indeed fun, but I think they should still make large scale collectathon games as well, as in those games the collectables and exploring the levels are the main objective, there is no straight path and flagpole at the end of larger areas like 64, sunshine, and to a lesser extent, galaxy had. I think 3D land and 3D world are the pinnacle of the gameplay you mentioned, however since 64 is starting to become old at this point I would like to see them return to the collectathon genre to create a next gen, perfect version of that, since the last 3 3D mario games have been in the pure paltformaing style. I think with yooka laylee looking better and better, the timing would be great
What a shit list.
Galaxy 2 = 3D World > Galaxy > Sunshine > 64 > 3D Land
I can agree with that. I would love to see both the 64/Sunshine style games AND the 3D World style games continue to be made and expanded upon.
I think the reason why i loved 3D world is because they managed to make that large of a game on 3DS as its lead launch title. in reality the controls are great imo and world doesnt feel too far off from land engine wise, I am still very impressed by Land when i play it today and I dont think its going to age for awhile. agreed the postgame was a little lame but they probably ran out of space for levels, but I still fondly remember a lot of the game
Hey, here. Good taste.
I've always preferred the 3D collect-a-thon Mario games to the 3D Land / World style of games.
I consider Galaxy 1 to be better than Galaxy 2 simply because of the smaller things. The levels in Galaxy 1 took more advantage of being in space. The game had a better hub world, and probably one of the best plots in a Mario game when it comes to Rosalina's story. I also find the Galaxy OST superior to Galaxy 2 OSTs.
Now that I've thought about it though, the two games are just so similar when it comes to gameplay, that it's really hard to pick a favorite between the two. It's like picking your favorite child.
yeah they need to just make a 3D world 2 with matchmaking online and rideable yoshi and that franchise is good to go. just miss my collectathons and i know yooka laylee is gonna make me want more
Because being able to remember it means its good. I don't even remember half of the worlds in 64, and I could barely name all of Sunshine if you gave me 10 minutes. But I know all the levels when I start playing them.
3D land*
But collect-a-thons are dead for a reason. They're really, really tedious to get through. I played Sunshine again last year and I don't have the will to play another Collect-a-thon yet. They're really, really tough to complete because of sheer boredom going into the same area 6, 7, 8, hell, even 10 times. The only Collect-a-thon I can manage repeat playthroughs of frequently is Jak 1.
>even including 3D World
Mario: Buyer's Remorse edition
It's couch co-op only so you can smack a bitch if they get you all killed. Matchmaking would make it shit. Just like with Mario Party.
Galaxy>Galaxy 2>3D World > 64 > Sunshine
because my friends are fucking scrubs. give me smash online split 2 modes for casuals for good players
I have 0 regrets beating it. Went through it twice. I 100% enjoyed it more than SM64 and Sunshine, despite going into thinking I would hate it.
The game was easily on par with SMW and SMB3.
I'd agree with you, but I feel like Mario games have always been the best at it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed 3D World, but it didn't captivate me in the way that all the other 3D games did.
Except for 3D Land, 3D World is just 3D Land but bounds better.
no way 3D world is anywhere near any of the 4 games you mentioned imo. I love 3D world to death still but I dont 3D world and 3D land felt like the marios with the least amount of heart by a good margin, moreso 3D land and i still love that game
>The game was easily on par with SMW and SMB3.
I agree with this, but not the other 2. Sure it's better than old 2D mario games, but not 64 or Sunshine that actually have level design.
3D World is a 3DS game on a big screen. You go forwards and nowhere else.
yeah 3D world didnt wow me as much because it just felt like a better version of a game I already played and fell in love with, was very confusing but i still love 3D world espescially for the multiplayer
Galaxy 2>3D World >64 >Galaxy >3D Land >Sunshine
Linear level design is king. It's exactly why the gen 5 Crash Bandicoot games are still highly regarded. The sandbox "open" design of 64 was good the first time but with Sunshine they completely missed the mark. A series like this has to be judged by its level design and gameplay, not by its graphics, visuals and "wow" factor.
All arguments about "real" and "fake" 3D Mario are either cheap bait or really fucked up opinions.
>MK tier list is "New = better" except for knocking the GBA one down a peg
>Mario Party list is well thought out and accurate
I don't know what to think of you. I do think 8 really knocked it out of the park but I'm iffy on your Kart opinions.
I think 7 is just as good as 8 because they are nearly the same game. from there, I think wii is great because it had the best online experience the wii had to offer hands down. Ds is next because it was the first nintendo game with reliable online, and it was very fun to exploit. double dash and 64 are both very dated at this point, I personally like double dash and 64 a ton but I think the others are better for the reasons I stated. glad to know a nigga knows his mario party tho
to expand, I also think double dash controls play like shit nowadays and im glad the newer versions have some of the best DD levels. same with 64 and ds but wii is when the controls started to become great imo. if you had motion controls off at least
64 = Sunshine = Galaxy = Galaxy 2 = 3D World
No 7 is shit with it's stupid coin grinding, roster and part stats and 8 is only better due to track design, item blance and generally not having twisty shitty courses like Neo Bowser City (Until they added it in DLC).
I agree 7's roster was lacking, but wii and 8 also has some interesting choices for their rosters but 7 shouldve had 24 or more characters. I think 7 track design was hit or miss but the online was amazing, fun as hell as the voting system was better than 8's voting system. 7 also has possibly my favorite selection of retro tracks
I like you.