already bored eh?
I fucking told you so from the beginning, it will be another shallow blizzard game that everyone plays for 2 weeks and bored.
just like diablo 3
already bored eh?
I fucking told you so from the beginning, it will be another shallow blizzard game that everyone plays for 2 weeks and bored.
just like diablo 3
>already bored eh?
>well let me remind you about this shitty game
>and let me shit on Sup Forums board with yet another fucking thread
From overwatch porn?
Never. Haven't played the game though.
>focusing all your time on one game
do people actually do this?
>500% drop in twitch viewers
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Nah still not bored yet. Will be playing for a long, long time.
I was already bored after a couple of games in the beta. D.Va still makes my dick diamonds though so at least something good came out of the game.
Just means that people watched the game first to see if it was any good and now most of the people bought it and are now playing it. Need I remind you of the 7 million players? Stay mad.
>Major going on in Dota 2 apparently
>2-5AM burger time
>Competitive isn't even a thing yet
>Twitch viewer retention is indicative of success
>7 million PLAYERS
Almost as meaningless of a statistic as "10 million copies shipped"
This reminds me of the that Old Republic forum poster who said that a 25% drop in subs is a good thing because it just means that there's 25% more room for growth.
That's what happens to any fucking game, you moron. There's a huge drop off and then people stick.
>No one's watching it anymore so that means everyone's busy playnig it!
By that logic Battleborn must have 1 billion players
Anyone who thought this game would dominate twitch for a long time is a fucking retard. Also twitch views dropping ultimately means nothing when the mainstream "pro" games to watch are basically mobas and f2p shit like hearthstone. Those games dominate because their very nature is an every mans game.
Ultimately overwatch is just going to be an fps with a healthy player base for a good while so long as blizzard keeps their promises, anyone thay bought into it as an esport this early when all sense of it being an esport are ideas made by blizzard themselves is a retard.
Not bored at all.
frig off Randy
Why watch it when you can play it?
>Just means that people watched the game first to see if it was any good and now most of the people bought it and are now playing it
just like with lol and dota :^)
>75% of people aren't watching it on a streaming site anymore, that means it's a flop!
Fuck off, dude.
I don't remember the huge drop off with Dota or League or Starcraft ;)
>500% drop
So it has negative 413,588 viewers?
It's under 1000 players playing it as of this week. It's dying fast.
there's a difference between a drop in viewers on a website where the average viewer is a retarded 14 year old with the attention span of a fly and the game itself.
>a game build on a enigne from 2004 has better servers and netcode
The fucking 20 tick just kills it for me and does the game has peer to peer? Because the server feel so fucking shit.
I'm 100% sure there will have been. Even if it was on a smaller scale.
That's how it works. A huge launch gets a lot of players attention, but tons don't stay interested.
Oh gee, i wonder why a huge competition going on will take all the views away?
You guys are just acting to be retarded right?
No, that can't be! I'm still jacking my teeny weewee to it!!
citation needed
When it's a loss of 75%. Just how fucking bad at math were you?
Where is this 7 million number coming from?
500% of 20k is 100k
I'm not disagreeing with that. I just think that it's more likely that people have stopped watching it rather than 75k people all deciding to go out and buy a game.
Of course this also makes it sound like Twitch viewers are an actual metric to rate games by when it's far from it.
Yeah but it doesn't work the other way around
>the low viewers actually mean the game is doing great!!
>the viewers don't actually matter at all, it's doing great in my mind!!
Never change, blizzdrones.
>game is literally only carried by lirik and murrifat time
fucking disgusting are you fat kids still mad you have no good dota 2 team anymore?
Sorry where did you find this? Link please :^)
He was talking about Battleborn.
The viewers of everything are down during this time of the day.
Other than doturd of course, because it has the worst fanbase and because it has a big tournament going on right now.
It's on Destructoid, clearly.
nah I'm like level 123 or something (level 23 with a star), I'm still enjoying it.
>blizzcucks enjoy is fotm
did you preorder legion already?
seagull carries almost as hard as link and he's a former tf2 pro and is big into "competitive" overwatch. If anything that just means overwatch needs better streamers especially if a cheeseball like seagull can get big off of it
Just finished a 4 hour session with my friends actually
overwatch is at least fun to play and quick to pick up. diablo 3 was a hunk of shit all the way through, nothing but grind and shit story.
More like I am bored playing dva because I missed my chance to get the four man kill with her alt when I was low level
I do.
To becoming the most powerful player of a dead multiplayer game.
And by "dead" I don't mean "there's like, one or two servers".
By "dead" I mean you can check a few dozen times over the course of many days and you won't see a single server, and if you make a server no one will join.
Someone help me
twitch is a shit metric to measure interest. the game is fun to play, not fun to watch.
top-down multiplayer games have always dominated twitch because they're more watchable than first-person games. they also dominate e-sports.
really just a idiotic measurement of popularity
i fucking love seagull
literally just wanna hug him because he's cute
Seagull has like 10k Lirik has like 30-40k.
>more views than CS:GO
What went right?
And 75k is 75% of 100k.
Also, 100k is 5 times 20k. No one says 500%. 100k is a 400% increase to 20k.
The marketing. Viral Marketing helped the game a lot.
took me a minute to see it
>it'll die in a week, guys! Just watch!
>I meant two weeks, guys! You're already BORED!
>MP only games never last more than a month!
>Give it half a year and watch it die like Evolve, user.
>Wow, a year out and Blizzard is still trying to get people to play the game by releasing heroes and modes and people are literally falling for it! D E S P E R A T E!
Your gayme is already dead, user.
Are you telling me that im bored?
Can't argue with that logic
Just wait till the next big AAA games is out.
have you never seen an actual dead game before?
Blizzdrones can't see that their game is dying even when it's clearly the case, can they?
There it is. Already down to sub 1000 players. What will it be next month, sub 500? Maybe sub 600 if you're lucky? Your game is casual trash and has no future.
Neo-Sup Forums really watches other people play video games instead of playing it themselves, huh. This is really your source of the playerbase, Twitch. Your go to.
>tfw send mail to blizzard during WotLK about that they should make FPS mod for WoW
>this happens
all we have is meems and SFM...oh wait
Nah, lvl 40 and not a single moment of boredom. Also diablo 3 on release took 5 hours to be boring.
I got only 30h in OV and Im having lot of fun this game is made for people like me who have some time between normal life, family, work ect.
If you are NEET like most Sup Forums you will burn trough this game guickly.
On D3 habe 250+/h and I still like this game and play a lot every season.
I'm not bored
I am however tired of my team ignoring the objectives every fucking game
Just in case you didn't see the bait there user.
little bored of solo but playing with friends is great
Why do people still make and fall for these bait threads?
I guess its something to do, but you could do so much else in this time.
I played diablo for 300 hours.
Dodo2's got some e-sports shit going on in some shitter country.
>I wonder what took all the views away?
>Hearthstone viewership remains stable
>League of Legions increases
You're so fucking retarded it's unbelievable.
Don't worry, it's all just those mean trolls tricking you. The 500% decrease in viewers is actually the trolls nega-buying the game to remove players. It's all one big conspiracy.
>game was confirmed 20 tickrate
>not even client update rate
>LITERALLY the tickrate is fucking TWENTY
>blizzard is "monitoring the situation to see if changes are needed"
>that means they will never EVER fucking change it
You boys should be refunding en mass.
Sorry, still having a blast. First time in 5 years I enjoy playing a shooter.
It was starting to get frustrating playing solo queue, but now that we miraculously assembled a complete team, it has been a total blast. Feels like a more intimate game of (goodold) TF2.
I'm still very salty at the quickplay netcode tho
see ITs obvious bait. Just as your post is an obvious shitpost. Can you explain to me, why you are doing it (every day)?
Does it compensate for the loneliness in your life?
The tickrate and the fucking netcode both are so fucking shit in this game. FUCKING 20 TICKRATE IN 2016 IN A FPS FUCK BLIZZARD.
I didn't take that pic now in case your retarded ass didn't notice. If you wanna keep being delusional and dismissing any facts with made-up internet buzzwords like "shitpost", keep going, but you look like a loser to everybody. Just accept that your gayme is dead.
I think you're the retard for falling for that guy's obvious bait.
You've obviously never been on /vg/
Literally nothing worse than defending someone who went full retard
Also, we can tell you're samefagging
When you get fired from a job do you ignore your boss for baiting you? When your parents call you a failure do you say "YOU'RE JUST BAITING MOM"?
falling this hard for meme
this is 18+ board
Not everyone against you is the same person
>M-m-muh samefagging!
Good job exposing yourself as a nolife idiot.
>he thinks 20 tick is a meme
play the game mate you will notice it in your first match.
Player levels encourage me to keep on playing, but I would really like a balance patch or competitive mode to come out to spice things up.
It was confirmed by blizzard....
Or do you mean overwatch is a meme we fell for?
>only 10 seconds apart
Oh fuck, someone just got absolutely BTFO.
It's just not fun to watch someone stream the game, it's more fun to play it yourself.
>tfw I'll never been as good as seagull
his Genji is so fun to watch. Wish I knew how to move like that
Just quit it my man, you got btfo hard