>No one talking about the remake confirmation of the greatest thing to happen to the FF series
What's wrong with you people.
No one talking about the remake confirmation of the greatest thing to happen to the FF series
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We've had threads all day. Call me when it eventually comes to PC though.
You can already play it PC m8
I'm a huge fucking faggot who need hours and achievements logged so people know I'm a real gamer.
Nobody even liked 12 when it came out. Must be baby's first ff for you
it's a fucking remaster. a port of the game upscaled with probably some higher res textures, maybe new models here and there. its really weird to me that people get excited about rereleases of PS2 games. I'd at least understand if it was a full-blown remake.
anyway you can play the superior version right now on pc, all you need is dolphin and an iso called xenoblade chronicles
Is port begging required for every game that isn't on pc
it had tons of threads like 15 hours ago, the info is already old and boring.
>shitty offline MMO
It's the worst thing to happen to FF and gave birth to that abomination XV.
Sharper music and graphics is not going to make the plot and characters any less dull.
I'm eager to play it and it's nice to see that there are new models and all but this shit doesn't come out until next year.
>remake of FF with the worst combat system that has ever existed
>expecting threads or hype
OP pls
>watch the trailer
>ground textures are still blurry as fuck
Id rather emulate it
>No one talking about the remake confirmation of the greatest thing to happen to the FF series
They released new Dissidia news?
It's not begging. I'm just not going to buy a console for a game I beat a dozen times when I was 13.
>It's not on vita
you meant best
this. after ffX remaster, i'm not to excited anymore. heck, after all these recent remasters, any of them past the DS FFIV one, especially the mobile shit, it's plain to see squeenix is just shoving a tiny budget to some no-talent shitty b-team and reaping in the blind fandom's cash. even bravely second was nothing more than a huge rehash.
yay the most forgetable ff ever made in the setting with the most potential.
Blah blah only one game I'm interested in blah blah
Fuck off
>>expecting threads or hype
>look at the archive
>12 wasn't the beginning of the end
>12 didn't fuck up the FF genre beyond repair
I hope you like your shitty combatsystem
You're one day late to the party for XII zodiac age threads OP.
>anyway you can play the superior version right now on pc, all you need is dolphin and an iso called xenoblade chronicles
FFXII way more than Xenoblade.
Not really. FF12 was, more than anything else, an attempt to actually modernize the JRPG genre mechanically while staying true to its roots. Combat-wise it was basically ATB + movement. It was also a 180 turn compared to FF10 and coming after FF11 which made people pissed because it was an MMORPG. Then you got a direct followup/knee jerk reaction that was FF13. I have a feeling FF12 will get a much better reception with this re-releases than it did back in the day when it had to deal with babby's first FF that was FF10, for example.
>ATB + movement.
ADB doesn't mean anything to someone who played previous games. ATB plus movement does.
Let's see what people will bitch about.
>Release 12 Remaster
>Fucking brilliant!
FF12's initial reception was fine but that didn't mean that the game didn't mark the end for good FF's. It was average and FF13 and the following games were just disgraces.
custom shaders in PCSX2 do a better job
Is that the one with the retarded 25 hours boss fight?
Unlike the usual summons, the espers in FFXII have some lore and are related to the game world and story
yeah it's not like people were clamoring about it ever since 10 got remastered or anything
since it fixes the muddy colour pallete
>FFXV comes out before this
apply yourself
This is a really bad joke.
Dude, fuck yes. Gambits are the shit, ivalice is amazing, raid manager solo mmo is comfy as fuck. Just remove the shitty chest lockout, give vaan a shirt and I'm on board
washed out cololurs
who'd want that?
Literally nobody cares, it's all drivel
How did they go from this to 13 in a single iteration?
Everything outside of the Ivalice/Vana'diel/Eorzea type settings were a mistake.
>greatest thing to happen to the FF series
Proper Tactics remake when?
>remake everything
Kill yourlsef nigger. I would rather a new FF tactics than a remake.
I just can't get past the faggotness of the main character, it is the most feminized male character I have ever seen. If e were just a side char it would be ok, every other male char looks ok, looks like a guy. Japan's taste in what looks good is the worst taste.
>I just can't get past the faggotness of the main character
What's wrong with Ashe and Bash?
>How did they go from this to 13 in a single iteration?
Like user above said, 13 was a kneejerk reaction to 12. They wanted to go back to 10 except they overdid it.
>an attempt to actually modernize the JRPG genre mechanically while staying true to its roots.
a failed and not needed attempt.
>Combat-wise it was basically ATB + movement.
It is still a huge change from what FF was if it's good or bad is usually a matter of taste
>I have a feeling FF12 will get a much better reception with this re-releases than it did back in the day when it had to deal with babby's first FF that was FF10, for example.
It's gonna sell worse than FFX remake. Because FFX was actually a Final Fantasy game
13 is absolutely nothing like 10.
>see FFX
The first second of gameplay made me turn it off and throw it in the furnace so I'm looking forward to trying it again.
Who even cares?
Compared to FF12? Yes, it absolutely is.
Nothing, especially with Ashe, I was talking about Vaan
I want to understand why Cuchulainn is fat and poisonous, especially with that name?
Vaan isn't the main character of 12, he's the viewpoint character and a foil to Ashe, who is the duetragonist alongside Basche.
>Ixion, Shiva, Efreet, and Bahamaut
He is one of the main characters
did they ever explain why his abs are inverted? Was it like that in the concept art?
Ignore retards like this Vaan is the main character by a long shot. Basche barely even talks.
FF12 has more lore about them, there is also their conterpart, the Scions of light.
What didn't you like about it? It's very similar to other FF combat systems, but with real time positional elements. You have the ATB, you have skills and magic, you can control all of your character individually etc
If you liked other FF games, I don't see what there is to dislike about XII's combat
>Kill yourlsef nigger
You first.
The devs that made those games good left the company a while ago fampai. Square-Enix don't know how to make games anymore. At least a remake/remaster is the safer alternative than having another butchered game.
Yeah, can't wait to play another offline mmo!
>If you liked other FF games, I don't see what there is to dislike about XII's combat
This, ADB is just ATB with movement and 3D rotation
>haha offline mmo
>haha combat plays itself
never used the gambits, so I fully enjoyed 12, and I'll do it again in this remake
time to make another low level run
It's not a remake, it's a REMASTER
In the actual game you just hold your analog down and auto attack everything in your wake. Positioning is a gimmick and it's not even a good idea to do.
There aren't even a handful of fights in the story that require manual input.
>defending trash combat
My only real big complaint with XII is the all-human cast, despite having a rich world of interesting races
I'd have killed for a sleepy headed Nu Mou scholar, or duncy, fire headed Bangaa
FFXII as open world as possible letting to go wherever you want by using ships and Chocobo.
They should have let you recruit mercenary and others characters from the world.
>no notable towns
>almost no exploration
>chocobos are extremely limited
>most areas are just paths
It's not open world.
it should have been an open world then
My favorite was Cuchulainn
I wish they would make at least one more FF in the style of 12. It reminds me a lot of kotor.
I'm interested in a few games. A lot of them JRPGs. No motivation to get a PS4 until Dragon Quest 11 though, and if and when I do I already have a list of games I'll get beyond the "hurr one game" meme.
>yfw The FFXII Remaster turns out to be a pachinko game instead
I'm pretty sure most of the espers are the zodiac morphings from final fantasy tactics with the correct names.
Scion created to rid the world of its impurities by swallowing them within himself, in opposition to Nabriales the Majestic, scion of light. The world, however, was more filled with impurity and corruption than even the gods dared imagine, and having swallowed it all, the once beautiful Cúchulainn was transformed into a hideous thing, a deity of filth, and so did he turn against his creators. Wherever his feet should fall, there all life withers to dust.
—Clan Primer Bio
part of his lore
>all the espers were inspired by previous villains in the series
Zodiark and Ultima aren't. The usual summons in FF like bahammut etcc were named after airships but you can relate the esper to them:
Belias (Aries) = Ifrit
Adrammelech (Capricorn) = Quezacotl
Mateus (Pisces) = Shiva
Shemhazai (Sagittarius) = Odin
Hashmal (Leo) = Titan
Famfrit (Aquarius) = Leviathan
Exodus (Libra) = Alexander
Chaos (Taurus) = Gilgamesh
Zeromus (Cancer) = Atomos
Cuchulainn (Scorpio) = Anima
Zalera (Gemini) = Diablos
Ultima (Virgo) = Bahamut Zero
Ophiucus (Zodiak) = Phoenix
Gilgamesh is in the game though.
Well considering 10 is one of the better games in the entire series and 12+13 were two of the worst, no.
FF12 was nothing like the previous FF though, it was an attempt to modernize it and to change things like XV.
>10 is one of the better games in the entire series and 12+13 were two of the worst, no.
Ultima was the Gillian in fft
I can't wait to listen to the remixed version of Giza Plain: youtube.com
Btw i never understood why they chose Gabranth to be on the cover of FF12 and it was the 1st no-Amano FF main cover.
Several of them have the same names as old villians. Chaos, Mateus, Zeromus, Exdeath, Cloud of Darkness, etc.
I remember reading that the ones who had names that weren't the same as the old villains still had some inspiration from them in terms of design or powers, but I can't be assed to go look it up.
I want a Viera to impregnate me!
FFT is set on Ivalice too so it doesn't count, all the espers are the Lucavi there.
That was actually IX that was the first with no Amano.
So, who else is gonna head out to Giza Plains and steal from then kill these fuckers for 12 hours straight and sell the moltings for a fuckload of gold?
There was nothing on it besides the tittle
>for 12 hours
Not just completing the Fafnir sidequest to get a free 500k gil