is warframe good?
Is warframe good?
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It's free. Go try it and stop asking. Why would you go on a fucking Pakistani lawn mowing board and ask this? Everybody is going to say it's shit regardless.
No. Close the door, it's cold outside.
Solid f2p game, grindy af though.
if all you want to do is to grind to grind even more to grind even fucking more, then yes, it's good
yes its fun for a good 200 hours but after that you have gotten all the surface frames that interest you on a superficial level, most the weapons that do the same, enough prime stuff to make yourself capable and done the main story quests and raids to pretty much have seen it all.
It's a quantity over quality game first and foremost and if you do not like doing the same thing for a long time, or have no friends to play with, then you won't find yourself playing for long.
Not really
PvP is shit, and unbalanced
Steve hates fun
Weapons are garbage because the Good ones get needed to hell, and most times the ranged weapons are just boring crit/status weapon, and DE never had the ball to make high damage weapons. Except the Tweapon.
Frames get needed left and right and the update proves that.
Events feel shallow and stale.
They ruined the lore and gave a big fuck you to people who are interested in it
Enemy variety is dim or dozen
shit community
Tldr: play something better and is actually worth your time
Ivara is the only fun warframe to play
that's wrong way of spelling loki
I love the joke descriptions of our Uzbek industrial design enthusiast message board
you will not enjoy it without spending at least 60$ on it
>Salty warbros strike again
that's wrong way of spelling Saryn
It's more like a Chilean super bowl board.
why she had to go bros?
How can anybody suck that much at games ?
>implying I was ever in that cesspool of a clan to begin with
Clan jumper/ trader all day fagtron
have fun grinding warframe parts
She got buffed recently buffed you nigger
But she's back
>Have fun grinding
Its the point of game retard just like any mmo
>thinking I'd ever join that fucking train wreak
Yeah no war bros, And the ""'"""""""""community """"""""""""""""""are the reasons this game is not popular
It's the grineer
not when some warframes have random drop chance on daily log in reward
1k plat on a 75% discount is all you need, 2k at most if you want to get some cosmetics and are too lazy to trade.
kenyan thai-restaurant menu card?
You are surrounded by Grineer Marines
There's no such thing.
Dust514 is better
>this game is not popular
Right, well, on one hand I maintain that the platforming focus, legitimately fun mechanics, and impressive art design with production values place it well above just about every other F2P game.
However, the grind is the mental equivalent of shoving your dick in a blender. A lot of people don't understand just how fucking bad it is, forcing yourself to do the exact same fucking thing, rushing to the end or to the boss to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance at getting one of 5 materials to get a new weapon or item to do exactly the same fucking thing to get the next one.
It reduces this game, this fantastic game with stealth missions and free-flying missions and mechanics that see you propelling across the map, into a fucking CHORE.
It's ultimately whale-bait in its purest, ugliest form. Play it in small doses with friends and forget about it otherwise.
What is wrong with the communnity ? Also it IS popular.
>1k plat is all you need
i bought like 5k already
theres nothing wron with the community theres something wrong wtih weridos who claim they are the Sup Forums leaderz!!! of the Sup Forums clanz!!!!! and proceed to make themselves look like and act like a clan of idiots (who typically won events).
He was abusive to people from the chans, had a power complex and the devs hated the clan so much they started shadow banning their name from event winnings ect...ect...
people don't like to be associated with 4chins for a reason. Other then that the warframe community is very friendly and theres lots of small and big clans.
>trinity got nerfed
Now how am I supposed to make it to 60 minutes in t4
>Its the point of game
It's not when you can skip unnecessary grind
>figured I'd buy the $200 pack at 75 off and never buy plat again
>3 days later get 75 off again
Nice try, Steve
Nice try Trepid31
But you were tempted.
Well In wrong that its not popular but I'll still admit that its community is worse then CSGO
I'll give a few to tell you
>Player hacks the game to get unreleased Trinity prime. Posts videos of him using the new frame even though it was never was put out intro the public. Some reports him, and calls him out and reports him to DE. turns out the fuck was friends with a Warframe supported YouTube channel and he uses that as an excuse. Instead the player who reported him got IP Banned and the player who hacked the game got off Scott free
Hi forumite. How's your daily shiiling with DE?
Oh I know what you mean that shitshow with Revdev
I'm not seeing the problem here. Snitches get stitches.
The Second Dream ruined the porn for this game
Improved the porn for this game.
I've yet to see porn involving the tater tots
It's the implication.
It's fun when you begin. But as you get further and further into the game, you'll become attached to certain things and you get to gleefully wait for DE to fuck everyone. Again. And again. And again.
Which YouTuber was it
I bet it was Quiite"I suck Steve's dick for free"Shy
It's shit.
There's only grind with no end goal or end-game.
Developers' only goal now is making people spend more money on the game, so the grindwall gets higher every update.
Anything that is fun is usually purely accidental and gets nerfed/removed within a month.
What semblance of lore there is gets raped and retconned all the time.
Community takes DE's cock in the arse and never stops asking for more.
Go to /vg/ and find out for yourself
Jus remmeba
Wesaa numma wan
Strong like ox
RevXdev was banned because he was a fucking ass. Also jerecho didnt hack the game it was a bug.
I haven't even logged since the second dream launch desu senpai
I just hang in the steamgroup. The game got old and forum shitposting got old too.
how the fuck is something this boring so popular?
It's a game that at it's core is fantastic, and I'm sure that the people making it (the ones who don't show their faces in lie streams) really love what they do. However it's one of the few games I've seen that has progressively gotten worse as it has gotten better. There are never any improvements, just trade offs.
>The model quality has gotten better yet they added gross fog and removed most of the effects from the game
>Shotguns now only visibly show half less than half of their shot
>Physx reduced
>Cool dark mysterious feel replaced with edge and fog and lens flare
>Taiko drums and chanting monks replaced with Yelling Grineer, whispering Stalkedge, and screaming infested
>Constant inflow of content
>Very few bug fixes
>The only bugs they fix are ones people can use to grind more efficiently
>"We want to reduce the grind"
>Constantly increase the grind
I honestly feel bad for the people who work for Steve and Fatfuck who honestly want to make a good game, because it's being turned into something it shouldn't be. It's no longer about mercenary space ninjas it's about being a special snowflake and grinding.
>Alert resources
>Stealth STILL fucked
>Nerfing resource gathering frames
>Nerfing frames that are able to do things easily
>No reward for being stealthy, doing things alone, or being creative
>Literally just run mission and kill as many baddies as possible
Fuck you steve
Fuck you fatfuck
You ruined what could have been amazing
warbros represent
ascendence here
>they dont play equinox
He is an ass, I'll give you that.
However he got banned for havinb alt accounts and supposedly buying plat at a discount because they give you discounts
DE get so assblasted about this that they ban people for it
Also in the email he received it never mentioned buying plat and it's up for speculation whether or not he did
I feel like downloading this junk again. Got 800 hours from beta/past launch few years ago until I stopped.
Can I still speed through missions like a complete cunt, or did they make it harder with the spin dash gone?
You can still go hella fast with the new mouvement system
Not as fast, though
Alas fair coptering we barely knew ye
He was banned because he was an ass not because he cheated ( he did cheat though) but he could have saved his ass if he didnt bring other other youtuber in this mess and piss off the devs
It was too fast bro it gave me fucking seizures
This is skipping 500 hours of mindless grinding mind you
Never stop the sleek
Sleek as hell
Don't do it unless you can want to grind endlessly for dozen fuckiing separate resources in space gulag.
Mastery farming.
R5 core farming.
Prime parts farming.
Frame part farming.
Frame part behind grind wall farming.
Frame part behind key wall farming.
Frame part behind frame part behind time wall farming (ex. Mirage).
Fame part behind quest wall behind Space Jew wall farming and you need to prime part farm to get to Space Jew wall farming.
Parallel standing farming.
Stalker and stalker accessory farming.
Orokin cell farming.
Neuron sensor farming.
Neurode farming.
I guess argon crystal farming overlaps somewhat with prime part farming.
Also alerts resource farming.
back to /wfg/
that's a really poor example of a speed run
How long does it take to grind a new warframe? Easiest? Hardest?
>almost no becca posted
anons please
this is like the only reason to open these threads
Easiest are those that drop from regular bosses on regular nodes (ex. Ember).
Prime are a bitch to get because the loot tables are a mess and some are even vaulted, so you need to buy it. From a player. For platinum. Which is cash.
And then there are some locked behind limited keys (ex. Mesa).
And then there's Inaros.
How the fuck do you control that though?
2 days with a new account for rhino the easiest
2 months for nezha the hardest.
Primes usually take less than a week if you only focus on 1 wf
Keep in mind that Warframes are the hardest pieces of gear to farm
nyxP is best girl.
This pretty much.
The reason I stick with the game is because I find just playing the game fun regardless, and since you farm by playing the game in different ways for the most part I'm not too bothered by it.
That's just me though. Everybody has different tolerance levels.
It's free and it scratches my FPS itch better than other free ones.
Even Destiny is better, but only marginally of course
Martian religious board
You wrote it like it's some obligatory shit lol. It's not.
It's pretty fun. It's like if Destiny was an actually good game. Lot's of weapon variety.
Don't get me wrong, I had two thousand hours on it.
I stuck around for WARBROS #1 NOW AND FOREVER but now look what happened to it. Fucking hell.
>weapon variety
If you're not rocking a stronkor or super simulor, you'd best be in the arsenal equipping one. There are no other weapons.
Mah nigga
Why the fuck did i buy destiny at launch ?
Because like everyone else you were hype
it hurts
Control is the crutch of the slow
It's literally just a massive grindfest where you do nothing but click on mobs. And there's nothing wrong with that.
You mean Boltor Prime / Soma Prime / Torid have been outclassed so much?
Is the tonk still busted? Lemme guess, limbo is still untouched.