Literally harder than Orphan and Gehrman combined

Literally harder than Orphan and Gehrman combined.

How the fuck am I supposed to beat his second phase when I don't have time to do anything? It's either getting combo'd by his sword, or get raped by his brother's faggot magic.


His attacks are some of the most telegraphed in the entire series, git gud

>1-2 hits at the time
>roll after his teleport and hit him
>roll under his attack
>hit him

Are you serious? He's pretty slow and predictable. Just learn his moves and be patient. Use lighting

Use the Dragonslayer Spear's special to deal ridiculous amounts of damage. It can be a little tough to time though

hug his right

Maybe parry him? Literally easier than Gwyn. God people are bad. This is the 3rd in the series like maybe learn how to play?

Are you just meming op because if you're struggling with this boss after beating Orphan then I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you.

They are harder than Gehman but not Orphan by any means.

summon a fag phantom to help you nub

>anything in DS3 harder than Gehrman
I'm not even a Sony owner, but pls

I wouldn't even consider this harder than O&S, let alone Gehrman and Orphan. Slow as fuck attacks, and you can circle around them easily.

Why do you keep making these threads and centering them around the easiest bosses in the game?

i wanted to farm souls on my first playthrough before going into ng+, so i just put my sign in front of this boss. 22k per kill, i honestly dont understand how people can have trouble with these fucks. this and i beat him with zweihander, so i can honestly say there is also enough time to attack him between his attacks.

I'll now summarize you all the possible answers you can get:

>if this boss gives you trouble and you died more than twice on it you should just quit the series
>beat him 1st try, dunno what you're talking about
>his attacks are some of the most telegraphed in the entire series
>git gud
>just hit once, roll twice, you shouldn't get hit at all
>one of the easiest bosses in the entire game

in short here is your reply

SmoStein were Taurus demon tier easy.
I've never encountered any summon signs in DS3, even while embered.

I don't get hit during his first phase, it's the second one that causes me problems.

Honestly, Gehrman isn't that hard, got him on my first try on the second playthrough when I went through the DLC. Of course, that leaves me a bit overleveled, but Gehrman can get parried, and with the right approach you usually don't even have to be in any danger when trying it.

And this boss is also easy. Just stay close. I know the teleporting is annoying because the camera just fucking quits, but it's really not a difficult boss.
Post your build.

Huh, DS3 seemed easier than BB to me, although harder than other DS entries

He can only get parried during the early part of the fight. I don't know what level most players finish the game at, if I had to guess I'd say around 60, because that was where my first run left me. I finished DaS3 at 50, and nothing in the game was as hard as Gehrman for me. That's not to say Gehrman killed me more than anything in 3, but rather than Gehrman has more ways to fuck me over than other bosses.

His second form is pretty much the same as his first, you only have to spamroll during the homing crystal mass and the followup magic spear. Nothing difficult.

exile greatsword+7

If I beat this boss does it automatically go to ng plus? I haven't done nameless king and others should I do them first or can I fight them afterwards anyway?

>3 tries

Yeah no

after the final boss (you'll know it when you fight it) you get a choice between going to NG+ right then and there or staying on the current cycle
it defaults to "no" so even if you're a dumbass and press the button by accident you'll likely stick to the cycle

if you pick no you can choose to go to the next NG cycle any time from firelink's bonfire

I don't know what you mean by the parry bit, looked it up and there's some parry-only kills on Gehrman on YT.
I really didn't feel Gehrman was that bad honestly, at least not after the first kill on him. Then again, I think I had a pretty trashy build back when I first killed him. I love the fight though, it's great, but then Moon Presence fucks everything up honestly.

In my opinion some of the bosses are hard for iffy reasons. Ludwig wouldn't be nearly as bad a fight if his fucking retard charge didn't hit me despite nigh-perfect timing on the dodge. He shares that obnoxious trait with Ebrietas honestly, where her tentacles can clip you despite seemingly good dodging. It's infuriating when trying to dodge is worse than just tanking the hit, due to the damage bonus towards the player during attempted dodges. If I tried to dodge during my first fight against Ebrietas and Ludwig, I'd get one-shotted if they clipped me on the end of the dodge, and that fucking blows. So instead, the better option is to tank the hit or not be in the same post code as either of them when they decide to throw it out.

Also, Orphan is not a fun fight, thanks to some of his decidedly more bullshit dance numbers. Semi-cheesed it by dodging towards him during any leap-attack during the first phase into a boom-hammer L1'd charge attack followed by backstab. Fuck Orphan.

You forgot
>you think THAT BOSS is hard? this boss from my favorite game is harder

Orphan's only difficulty is in the lighning shockwaves tbqh.

What was the deal with Micolash?

Also, I like this art a lot. Is it official?

>tfw op made me think of an Orphan x Gehrman duo fight

how 2 win every boss

>roll from his/her attacks
>hit him/her

>What was the deal with Micolash?
99 Insight.

I solod all the bosses.

The princes, the Nameless king, and the soul of cinder guy took me about 10-15 tries each.

I feel like I'm bad at this game, when I did all other boss with less than 3 tries.

>roll from
>not through


>I don't know what you mean by the parry bit, looked it up and there's some parry-only kills on Gehrman on YT.
Bullets bounce off him at a certain point in the fight. Maybe it was patched out, or in, but I know I tried doing a parry-only fight against him and after about 3 parries my bullets were just being deflected.

If you have never encountered any summon signs it is probably because you unplugged your network cable when you got invaded and now have been banned from multiplayer. This happens. I see so many summon signs at fog gates that I can pick and choose. In the future, just fight off the invaders like a man and then you can play normal like the rest of us.

Tell me more

haha, epic

I play pirated souls, so no online summons. I was talking about NPC summons, I never see them in this game, kindled or not. I guess that you have to finish their questlines for some of them to appear, but everyone of them?

Yeah, he's pretty hard (well, they).

As much health as you can get helps.

The Dragonslayer Greataxe can hit both with its special (though the charge up can sometimes be too slow).

Hardest boss in the game, no doubt. Nameless is easy in comparison, Same with Champ.

Literally first try

>Hardest boss in the game
They're literally all as easy as each other, Dark Souls III has no hard bosses, they range from easy to mildly challenging.