Don't worry, we'll get the pachinko remake

its playstation exclusive for the life of the product so its possible

>wanting to soil the PS4 with that shitty game

whats wrong with you bro

>Konami left the videogames market
>There won't be a MGS4 port for any platform ever
>PS4 will never ever get Backwards Compatibility
>The game will be forever stuck on PS3 and people forced to buy a ps3 to play it


Coming soon

to pachinko

it was the last well made metal gear solid game.

full speed PS3 emulator coming 2030

it's closer than you think

did they cut all the downloads for it? There's seriously no reason to play that damn game, you could watch it on youtube. It doesn't even have any interesting codec convos like the others.

there's a youtube app already

I honestly don't get all the hatred for the game.
I was a blast to play and It wrapped up most of the series story threads up.

I buyed a ps3 for the exclusives this december and i don't regret it, you can find a slim for dirt cheap

It was trash and both pw and mgsv are better.
Mgs4 is objectively the low point of the series; if you disagree then you're human garbage with no taste in videogames and should kill yourself irl desu senpaitachi.

>a bloo bloo bloo trash!

Peace walker was a disgrace, sure it was OKAY on psp maybe even a front runner for the system but as far as a mgs game goes its like a 5/10.

>mgs5 not being a giant corporate fuck up. not remaking all the mistakes of peace walker. not abusing their consumers over and over again. not going full retard with technology same as pw.

its barely even a metal gear solid game.

>stop liking what I don't like
you didn't even justify your hatred for mgs4


What the fuck is this? 2009?

Why was it bad though
Or rather why do YOU feel it's bad?

I you bought a Piss4 but down own a PS3 somehow then you seriously fucked up really hard.

>there are actually people who sold their PS3 when the PS4 was coming out because they thought the PS4 would have games
I know OP is baiting, but it's actually happened to so many people, and it's fucking hilarious to think about

A huge portion of the PS4 userbase are former Xbox loyalists who jumped ship after the Xbone E3 disaster

>paying for online last gen
>paying for online in any gen

>playing online at all

>Mgs4 is objectively the low point of the series;
can you tell us more stuff about the world since you're a man of objective truths?

gotta get your noby going somehow

why does Sup Forums shit on cinematic experiences like the last of us and uncharted when mgs4 is even more egregious about it than those games. i think all the games i mentioned fucking suck but at least the shitty naughty dog games actually try to keep a balance between mediocre gameplay and cutscenes whereas mgs4 was seriously like 9 hours of cutscenes and 4 hours of gameplay. I spent 90 fucking minutes sitting still, holding a controller, staring at the screen in that game. is it wrong that i hate mgs4 because i wanted to play a fucking video game? god damn

and then of course mgs5 comes out has has the exact opposite problem with little exposition and cool story beats but mostly gameplay, but that's still infinitely preferable to mgs4. kojimas a hack

>the low point of the series
>stealth games
>stealth in the middle of combat right next to the enemies
>low point of the series

Allllllll righty then

at least it's a closure

They're a bit different
MGS games before V were structured
curscene -> gameplay -> cutscene

Western games have the cutscenes and gameplay sort of mashed together if that makes any sense
MGSV copies this

>I spent 90 fucking minutes sitting still, holding a controller, staring at the screen in that game
like any MGS game, you watch the story the first time you play it, not every time.
MGS1-4 all can be completed in less than 3 hours, yet half of Sup Forums alway suggest that 3 is the best in the series where not only are you forced to codec and cutscenes, even skipping it you are forced into menus most of the time.
it is the worst in the series.
least MGS4 has the best stealth and gameplay mechanics of the series
until V

Why the fuck does Konami spend their resourses on noprofit pachinko when they have people and tools and even can reuse recorded lines and get mad profits from MGS1/2/3: Subsaucetance edition.

i only ever played uncharted 1 & 2 and i have to say i think both games are enjoyable with 1 being superior with story telling. I should probable go pick up 3 for real cheap 2nd hand now and finish it. The only reason i can see people being upset with uncharted 1 & 2 was the game had too much killing for a "good guy" protagonist and enemies are abit like a bullet sponge.

have you even played it?
>No but I watched a 5 minute youtube video on the series

>Gun of the patriots

Why? I replayed that game recently, it has not held up well at all in terms of story-telling, "gameplay" and visually.

Remember how much "fun" the Eastern Europe act was, 3 hours of content with 20 minutes of actual "gameplay" (by gameplay I mean 10 minutes of sneaking behind the resistance member, 5 minutes of an on-rails event at the end, the same thing that happened at the end of act 1 and 5 minutes of a "boss" fight.


I did too when I released I spent $60 for a 9 hour movie.

MGS4 is worth playing only for naomi desu


>Enjoy the game
>Stumble across the Matthewmatosis review years later
>Well shit, he's right on almost all points

>its playstation exclusive for the life of the product so its possible
False actually


All I want is MGS3 remade in Fox engine and that game would actually work in a semi-open world, with MGSV gameplay

Yes actually, both Kojima and Konami have said there was never really any exclusivity deal with Playstation, but rather that they didn't want to use 4 DVDs on Xbox.


There was obviously an exclusivity deal with play-station you fat idiot, otherwise the game would have at least appeared on PC.



Fox engine remake is coming, just wait


Definitely poetry

I'd buy it. I have a Vita so I can play the older games and I never got around to playing MGS4.

It was pretty decent in terms of gameplay and visuals. The story was meh but that 10/10 ending fight.

MGR was better though

>anyone doing shit with fox engine now that kojima's team is gone

I guess that pachinko game counts. knowing konami they'll probably just sell the engine or something.

Here's how it should actually end
>cyborgs meet AI
>Patriots build a cyborg modelled physically and mentally after Solid Snake
>snake's final mission is to take it down
>final objective: Defeat Metal Gear Solid