Alright I'll bite.

The DLC didn't re use that many assets, and it's not like the ones that were used didn't make sense.

While the boss is a reskin visually, it fights very differently from the first one.

Dude lmao 80% off dark souls 3 is straight ripped form bloodborne

Literally worse than reskin lmao

At this point are you surprised? Especially after DS2 was not even subtle about it.

>they couldn't be bothered to make the nightmare/dream portions of the base game more interesting
>had crows with dog heads and dogs with crow heads as enemies in the final area

And yet it was so good.

>Listing two of the enemies from the area
It fights differently and half of its body fall off dickhead

>have to go half way through the DLC to get the Beast Embrace rune
>have to go 2/3 through the chalice dungeons to get the Beast Claw
And it's absolutely fucking worth it.

>not realising the simple reason why the crowdogs and dogcrows are there
Help I think I've been baited.

>Hidden boss that you probably read online on where to find.
>Lore boss
>First stage has new AoE's
>Second stage is only similar to Keelogs from DS1.

Go buy the game OP.

It's on fire so that means it's a totally different boss


You didn't complain when you fought the tutorial boss 3 times in Dark Souls 1, nor did you complain that half the bosses in Dark Souls 1 are normal enemies.

>DS1 reskins boss multiple times
>noone cares
>DS3 reskins the tutorial boss and just rehashes gimmick bosses from older games and bosses from BB
>noone cares
>BB reskins one boss secondpahse is totally differnte

>>DS3 reskins the tutorial boss and just rehashes gimmick bosses from older games and bosses from BB

wait for bloodbornebabies to defend that shit

Did you not read the thread?

But champ gundyr was really fun

So was Laurence

>that second phase
He really wasn't

If you say so
90% of the bosses in DS3 were also boring as fuck and gimmick bosses, but people always say DS3 has amazing bosses

Abyss Watchers alone is a better boss than any boss in Sonyborne

What was the 10%?


>easy boss inside plain brown box with reused second phase literally taken from Bloodborne
>better than literally any boss

The normal one was optional, so doesn't count.

>The normal one was optional
You mean the first boss you fight? I don't think it's optional. You may be thinking of Demons Souls.

>>Hidden boss that you probably read online on where to find.
if you are completely retarded, yeah. otherwise you put 2 and 2 together after you found the pendant in the first chapel, telling you about a second chapel and that fucking huge fiend on the wall above the altar. And don't tell me you didn't solve the elevator """"puzzle"""" by yourself.

>plain brown box

Not disagreeing, but Capra is the only boss in all 5 games whose arena made me think 'wow, this is cool', that is, ignorimg complete failures like BoC or Dragon God. Every other time they could've been anywhere and I wouldn't give a shit.

delete this

Meant to say Taurus.

>make Laurence, arguably the most important character in BB, a slightly different version of the Cleric Beast.

I still enjoyed the fight and the DLC was amazing, but Fromsoft always manage to find a way to drop the ball somewhere in an otherwise great game.

well, they had to make him a beast. clerics turn into the most hideous beats, remember? a different design wouldn't have hurt tough

>Cleric Beast
>Easiest Boss in the game

>Objectively hardest boss next to Orphan

I beat Orphan in a few tries, Laurence took me several days. His design might be essentially a Cleric Beast on fire, but his move set is vastly different

I'm not denying that it makes sense that he is a Cleric Beast, but they really could have done better or gone with someone to make him stand out other than just his 2nd phase.

He's a church guy though, wouldn't have hurt to be more unique like Ludwig or Amellia.

I mean, he's not awful like failures, but no one comments on him as a DLC boss, it's always moonlight, bully Maria and can't beat crazy beyblade orphan. He doesn't stand out much.

The tutorial demon doesn't have the same moves as the real Firesage demon.

Laurence and cleric beast are both optional.
Movesets were different enough to set them apart
Laurence has a vastly different second phase
Both were fun.

Theres a reason you fight gundyr twice though. Once before and once after being fully corrupted by the abyss. It also showed how time in general wears away with the dying flame

>reskinned boss in a reskinned area from a PAID DLC

It was hardly a puzzle you saw the second altar just by exploring, and the way to reach it isn't even hard apart from the last brain fluid needed for that plip plop blood donor. Once you see the garden and the same window that was breakable in the upper cathedral ward you should realize what to do.

>implying DS3 won't do the same shit

deepest lore
That won't make it any less of a reskin

Oolacile is just a reskinned darkroot, kinda obvious From wants to only rehash.