Rumor: Wolfenstein: The New Order 2, The Evil Within 2, and Prey 2 to be announced at E3 2016
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>evil within 2
does anyone actually want this
gotta give it to bethesda though, theyve been publishing some pretty great games over the last few years
And they were all buggy pieces of shit
what besides wolf TNO and nudoom has been even remotely good?
>Prey 2 being real
don't fuck with me senpai
I also really really want a new duke game to come out of this old school shooter fad, fuck you Randy
wolf tno is dog shit. none of thsoe games were good
>TNO 2
Yeah I can dig it
just let duke die. its okay to let a series end.
evil within
fallout 4
Didn't blazkowitz or whatever die at the end though?
Who we gonna play as
nah. TNO/TOB was one of the best FPS games in the last 10 years
haha seriously? fallout 4 was a terrible RPG, and the evil within was just straight up garbage.
Publishing, you retard, not developing. Doom, New Order and Old Blood were great.
>Wolfenstein: The New Order 2, The Evil Within 2,
Please be true, I would cum buckets
Fuck you faggots I bet you guys think Bethesda is all about Fallout and Skyrim
It's a fake out, you can hear him take a breath after it.
>User:ballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballsballs_of_steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel has left the Vent
>Wolfenstein sequel
If it's more like RtCW or Wolf 09 I'm on board. TNO had way, WAY too much forced story telling and filler.
>Magic Jew concrete
This is a series that has nazis resurrecting the dead and I still can't get over how dumb the plot was.
>sources are rumors from """""industry insiders"""" one of them from neofag
ayyy lmao
>Prey 2
And E3 suddenly became interesting.
>he died and went to Hell, and also Mars
Nah, last seconds you could hear the chopper coming down to pick him up.
It's not like BJ hasn't shrugged off worse.
It would actually be Wolfenstein 4.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein (2009), and TNO are all part of the same reboot series.
>nah. TNO/TOB was one of the best FPS games in the last 10 years
you have terrible taste
Yes I loved evil within. The story was shit and the gameplay ok at best but god damn that atmosphere and the graphics were amazing
Who cares about rumors now, we'll see in a week, just wait for fucks sake.
GIVES US FUCKING WOLFENSTEIN: ENEMY TERRITORY 2. Nobody cares about the Single player shit.
I do care about the SP Wolfensteins but I would fucking kill for ET2 or just ET1 with HD graphics
Doom guy is Blazkowitz's descendant though. It's canon.
Confirmed a long time ago by the Polish actress who played the love interest.
nah, i have great taste. name a better single player FPS campaign and ill tell you why its actually owrse
Damn I didn't even notice
Well shit I should replay it again
Dirty Bomb, same developers, similar class system, objective-based gameplay. Try it.
Yes. Fucking yes. Get Akira Yamaoka to do the soundtrack and it will be even gotyer than the last one.
It's a shame none of those games will be on steam
Never forget.
>TNO 2
>Prey 2
Awww shit, better not be rusing me
How can anyone be excited for Prey 2? The trailer looked like shit, and had nothing to do with 1 at all. Why couldn't they just call it Spacecop or something.
>BJ wakes up in alternate alternate 1960s fighting Communists in Western Europe, finally fistfighting Mecha-Stalin
I would play it
that's taken by some hack frauds
>Prey 2
No chance
Impossible desu
>nah. TNO/TOB was one of the best FPS games in the last 10 years
Fucking neo-Sup Forums
we live in the world of Duke Nukem Forever, Doom 4 and hell, Prey 1. Anything is possible
But it's been officially dead for so long. I don't see Bethesda just reviving it for some reason now.
That's a very low benchmark to be fair
Prey isn't even that good. some ideas are cool I guess, but apart from that it's a bog standard 2000s shooter
Just replaying TNO, it's still fucking fantastic. Entire game feels like it was made by Tarantino
Also best track coming through
Neck yourself, dropkick.
Hope they add in a proper arcade mode like OB had, but with some actual difficulty this time around.
>best track
that's wrong user
here is best track
I need to replay Pray, it was probably the most original FPS in 20 years
Why not? After the success they had with the doom reboot it is financially interesting to make another wolfenstein
u mah nigguh user
crawl back to the hole you came out of you subhuman worm
>kill all Nazi sumbitchs, that's my 'ficial 'structions
Commander Keen reboot.
How would they do it?
Level-based or Metroidvania?
>mfw every time Mick Gordon is making a soundtrack for an FPS
>mfw 37:50
this man is a god
we need to go DEEPER
Hover Tank 2 VR
Wolfenstein sequel is confirmed and looking forward to it and can't wait to see it.
Prey is getting alot of rumours, some saying a reboot, others say it's a sequel.
>Blazkowicz going through a hammy monologue while time skips
>Dramatic scene with Nazis shooting unarmed patients and hospital staff
>Pic related happens
TNO hammed it up to the max and I love it
>Evil Within 2
Now I'm wet
>guns take up 30% of the screen, even more if you dual wield
>changing fov doesn't affect their size
they better fix this bullshit in the next one
The potential with the evil within 2 is absolutely immense.
It was so close to being godtier but fucked it up so hard at some parts.
>Not posting the full version where Doom guy stops him and helps bring back the King.
> any of those
> good
>STILL no game where we can fight as the canonical good guys
Can someone please PLEASE erupt Yellowstone early?
Fuck this world and fuck its people.
Wear a condom just in case of AIDS.
sauce? lost a lot of duke comics on my old hard drive
youve just gotten old and bitter my friend
try getting a gf or spending time outside hiking
I hope Prey 2 is not to different from what they showed years ago, that looked really cool.
>tattoo you.webm
I'm down for more Evil Within if they iron out some of the more technical problems the first one had. Atmosphere and art direction wise the game was jefe.
>Wolfenstein: The New Order 2
Muh dick
The fuck? Elder Scrolls: Skyrim; Re-mastered edition? Why does this hurt me, Sup Forums?
> it's a underageb& brags about having a gf and how his mom lets hin play outside thread
so how was Evil Within, never got to play it
I'm hyped for the other two
worse RE4, play Dead Space instead if you want more of that
> ego shooters
no thanks
Yes, aside form EW, the rest is very positively viewed by the majority.
at least im doing something with my life instead of moaning about an industry that doesnt want me as its consumer
>the rest is very positively viewed by the majority
Considering how much dosh they get for what feels like virtually no effort or work invested in them, yes, they are all about them.
Their publishing gives us much better games indeed, but their money comes largely from their own shit IP.
>announcing to the world you are austrian
pew lad
Something wrong with the statement? Weebs such as you are fortunately not the majority.
> it's popular so it must be good
you have to be 18 to browse this site
Yes, that´t what I wrote.
>Prey 2
I think it's good, you don't. Who's in the right?
No, indeed prey was not popular at all, but easily one of the most innovative shooters around its time.
And TNO is widely celebrated as a revival of the classic non-cinematic shooter, with cold, hard facts like length and that it sold very well without tacked on MP on all three platforms.
> No, indeed prey was not popular at all, but easily one of the most innovative shooters around its time.
> And TNO is widely celebrated as a revival of the classic non-cinematic shooter, with cold, hard facts like length and that it sold very well without tacked on MP on all three platforms.
oh god you really are underage
as if anyone would have known, unless they are dirty germs or SOMEONE... would have told them.
you still havent explained why those games are bad
Oh, good, I was worrying that I would have to defend my statments with any lenghty rebuttal and citation of facts.
I accept your yield.
That hit close to home.
Poor Mike.
>More Wolfenstein
fuck yeah fucken oath, I loved The New Order
Wasn't really prepared for how fucking dark the Old Blood was, considering the campy as fuck trailers.
>you couldn't save her