Other urls found in this thread:
Yuugen was a mistake. Give me more NOCO characters or bust.
>IP counter didnt go up
Is this the CoD of RPG's?
You cant post these threads when only aussies and neet euros are online user, they're all spergs who only play aaa faux rpg trash like the witcher and hate japan
>implying Yuros don't love Atelier
FIRIS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOPHIE
Hello, it's me, a Euro.
That's hurtful user, there are Aussie weebs too.
>they're all spergs who only play aaa faux rpg trash like the witcher and hate japan
Which is good, right?
Name one japanese rpg that came out these last 5 years that wasn't weeb pandering shit.
Hard mode: Not dark souls
Fuck off retard.
As an Eurocuck I have to disagree
This hurts user
Oh, I'm sorry, did I just step on your feelings?
I really didn't mean to.
But I'm still waiting for your input.
Fuck off retard
Yea well I'm a euro too but it still doesn't change that these threads get shitposted by desperate losers still mad that Fallout 4 sucked and they have nothing to play of posted at this time
Maybe Cyber Sleuth? They were pandering to the older Digimon fans, rather than weebs in general.
Yeah, nightime Sup Forums is pretty bad.
Then again, daytime Sup Forums isn't much better.
Dragon's Crown
Xenoblade Chronicles
Grand Knight History
Last Story
Ni no Kuni
Bravely Default
Legend of Heroes TitS
I know you will say those are weebshit
Don't be silly
Sup Forums is best when Americans are asleep.
Atleast that's the case during winter, now sure about summer.
Goddamn I want to cum inside the girl in OP's pic. This might be the first Atelier I actually get. This will be just like the time I bought X-2 all those years ago.
degenerate weeb
Do not sexualize the Ateliers please
>This will be just like the time I bought X-2 all those years ago.
Oh man. My teenage years are coming back! I thought X-2 Yuna was the hottest chick ever
I love Yuna, don't get me wrong, but dear god Rikku makes my penis explode harder than a Michael Bay film.
That's what they're made for though.
>Sratting with the second game in a trilogy
>3 costumes thus far
>3 stupid pairs of shoes
stop, next costume go barefoot.
I'm not very excited for Sophie, but Firis looks awesome so far.
Australian here. Atelier is great.
Shit weeb games are garbage like Persona. Now go away.
Heh..nothing personal kid
I like him, and the loli is cute
Yes, along with Nepshit.
Fuck off, all weeb games are amazing
western games are garbage
Who /sophie LE/ here
>Gust still raping both Ar Tonelico and Mana Khem
>tfw no atelier gf
Do you dumb Mana Khemia fags not know that they are just entries in the Atelier series?
What are you implying? Ar tonelico is still ongoing in the form of the Surge Concerto universe, Mana Khemia were literally Atelier titles (and a departure from their traditional setup)
Mana Khemia fans are the most annoying atelier fans 2bh
I want to dress the book up in lewd outfits!
I want to _____ firis!
I have a ps3 and a 3ds
Which Atelier game do I play?
The Dusk Trilogy: Ayesha, Escha & Logy and Shallie
start with rorona plus
Arland series
Dusk series (no ayesha jp voice for you)
Atelier annie
If your PS3 is backwards compatible you could play all of the English ones actually.
I'll have to dig my ps2, then.
That's a really cute boy.
I want to be Mimi when I grow up
I want to fuck mimi when I grow up
I want to grow up when I fuck Mimi
Does Sophie have a time limit?
No time limit. Just a 30 day month cycle broken into 5 days with day/night cycles and weather changes.
Sweet, thanks.
Wait so it doesnt matter how long you take to do everything?
steam release when
Wow. The same fucking game, with different half-naked lolis.
Start with Atelier Annie on the DS then work your way up the PS3 games.
Correct, you have unlimited time and there are no missables.
They're bringing a partial time-limit back in Atelier Firis, though. First part timed, second part untimed. mite b cool
Some of the missions have time limits based on the number of days that passed, and some mini events follow the clock but there's no impending doom. That's back in the next game.
>being this booty blasted about a perfectly innocent series that appeals to its fan
Out pedophobic.
>Your favorite IPs are only allowed one game per gen
Nintencucks have it so bad
>Correct, you have unlimited time and there are no missables.
contradicts this
>and some mini events follow the clock
But cool. I was a little iffy about the hours system in Sophie since I felt like that was a bit much, but if it doesnt matter that much then who cares.
I don't mind time limits, Im jumping from Arland series to this game, so Im used to it. But its nice to have a break from it for one game before it returning for the next.
It's where there are events on seed and fruit day where you're supposed to find kids hiding around town, but every map change advances the clock an hour.
Totori, plz
Thanks for the heads up, downloaded both.
It doesn't contradict it. The game runs on an infinite month cycle, if you 'miss' something you can just go see it next cycle.