The Spirits Within:

>The Spirits Within:
Cost: 137 million
Box office: 85 million

>The Phantom Menace:
Cost:$115 million
Box office: $1.027 billion

>Millennium Actress:
Cost: $1.2 million

It really is mind blowing how much of a fuck up The Spirits Within is. It cost 22 million dollars MORE than a Star Wars film. This is from a very small start up Production Company, whose parent company Square wasn't even that big. All the more ironic considering if they had made it a gorgeous well animated 2D film, it would have cost a fraction of that. Square got WAY over their heads on this.

The movie is fucking boring and too "Asian". With a budget this big, you don't dick around making some shit that is never going to have mass appeal. You do that with your low budget art house films. You make a cool ass action movie. This script and story should have never been okay'd. Hell, this movie should have never have been made as it was too much of a risk. They should have just made 2D anime based on their old games.

It didn't feel like final fantasy either. Just some generic sci-fi movie

If it didn't have the final fantasy title I doubt anyone would even remember such a forgettable film nowadays

All three of these films were released in 2001.

I'm actually suprised The Phantom Menace cost so little.

And something like Millennium Actress is a gorgeous movie, and has way more staying power than The Spirits Within. It's a rather forgettable film. I saw it in theaters and I don't really remember much about it. Ghost aliens mostly.

The virtual actress thing was really cool though. I miss that weird neo futuristic aesthetic and ideology a lot of stuff in the early 2000's had. Seems like there's a lot of regression nowadays in comparison.

They were optimistic about the future, unlike now. These things come in waves.

Phantom Menace came out in '99

Would it bomb even harder if it didn't have Final Fantasy name in it?

All of it was basically a write off to build their graphics studio. Oops, it flopped. Shame about that massive business expense. Guess we won't be paying taxes this year.

Whatever, it's pretty close so they're easy to compare.

Probably. All the Final Fantasy fans saw it. But the problem is that it's just this weird slow pace movie. the audience for it is not that big.

I'm still sad that dudebroMcMarine died at the end.


I've always liked the movie and have maintained that there is enough beyond the name that links it to Final Fantasy.

I can agree that I probably wouldn't feel this way had the name not been included, and it's a toss up whether I would have remembered the movie or not.

I saw it in theaters and remember little of it.

There were Alien whale ghosts.

And some guy in a black jacket in some space station.

And a chase scene in a 4 wheeler.

And a guy who looked like Barret.

Sup Forums

I only remember steve buscemi in it.

Square is a video game company.

The movie is officially a Final fantasy spin off.

The movie had massive impact on games and Square. It resulted in a bigger push towards mo-cap. Everyone saw how lifeless the characters were. And it killed Square. They never really recovered.

I think the whale ghost eats souls and shit.

And the girl is special or something

not sure if it's a fair comparison, given that the phantom menace actually had as many corners cut at possible despite the lavish CG

the interesting thing about spirits within is
1) it's not a bad movie
2) it's a significantly better movie than the phantom menace
3) it's also a significantly better movie than that piece of shit advent children

If only they'd made that movie a proper sci-fi movie and removed FF from the title and removed this japanese bullcrap about spirits and shit.

Oh and remove that shit negative ending.
The animation was awesome the voice actors were awesome.

The script was shit.
The name of the movie was shit.

>1) it's not a bad movie
It is a bad sci-fi movie.
>2) it's a significantly better movie than the phantom menace
Star Wars in general is overhyped shit.The only good thing about it are the star wars games and the TV series.
>3) it's also a significantly better movie than that piece of shit advent children.
Yes.99% of all movies ever made is better than this shit.

>Millenium Actress
based Kon-san.
Paprika never got close.

>Star Wars in general is overhyped shit.The only good thing about it are the star wars games and the TV series.
>the TV series
holy shit how old are you

I liked the movie okay, but I think the story would have been better if it was written for a video game. Well, a better story than VIII anyway.

Why was there so much promotional images with her in a bikini?
I don´t remember a scene in the movie where she´s wearing one.

Also wasn´t the story basically wall e where they are looking for life on a dead planet only that there were some kind of alien ghosts, or am I remembering it wrong?

She did a "Maxim shoot". I'm not joking. She was supposed to be a virtual actor, who was going to star in all the upcoming films.

>Also wasn´t the story basically wall e where they are looking for life on a dead planet only that there were some kind of alien ghosts, or am I remembering it wrong?

It was Earth, and humans had to live in bubble cities with special shields to avoid the ghost whales.

Older than you clearly.

Only children and the youtube generation enjoy Star Wars


>She did a "Maxim shoot"
ah, so that was it then.
That used to happen a lot with video game characters back then. I remember several of those marketing campaigns with lara croft.

Spirits Within is really more a nostalgia trip for me now. Playstation 2 was out by then but I was still playing Crash Bandicoot and Parappa on PS1. I think they released a port of Half-Life for Xbox and PS2 around this time too.

Good times browsing a Sams Club electronics section around that time.

>too "Asian"
Gaijin characters, sci-fi settings and aliens.
No chocobos, no moogles, no magic, no swords, no ANY character of any Final Fantasy games in it (except for Seed, who should be 'CID'), no aerial boat.
And it´s all the square original authors fault, no Murrican retard involved on this one.

Sweet, dude