Be PCuck

>be PCuck
>spend more money on putting RGB lighting on fucking everything than you do on your graphics card
>end up only using your computer to play YouTuber Life and CSGO because you have no money for games after buying all those gaymur shit components
>use credit card to go into debt buying games during Steam sales that you'll never play, building up a backlog that represents tens of thousands of hours of playtime
>get buyers remorse and spend 12 hours a day on /r/PCmasterrace circlejerking with other manchildren who spent $3000 to have the prettiest rig in town, constantly reassuring each other that it wasn't a waste of money

>be console gamer
>have "dumb" TV
>spend $350 for a box that is better than any smart TV which also plays video games that look good enough for people without Aspergers
>that box does not make you look like a man child, it's just a minimalist black box with one LED for the power button
>pay $50 a year to get more than $50 worth of games you actually play

Stop getting intimidated online by PC gamers you fart sniffer

Here's a (You)

It is time to go to bed. You've been up too long, user.

That's a clever story. Did you come up with it all on your own did all your little memester friends help too?


>be white
>have to go to your 9-5 job
>sometimes you have to put up with bullshit coworkers
>your wife and family always need attention and support
>have to mow your yard
>paying bills

>be black
>free paycheck on the 1st and the 15th of every month
>get to hang out with friends on your porch
>frequently have barbecues
>government housing is much more affordable
>you can let your kids swim in the fountain at parks
>no one expects you to be a decent human being

Literally why would you want to be white

>use PC
>do whatever you want with your money because you can
>use console
>can't modify it in any way or it'll alert the company and your console gets bricked

It's sad, really
Full customization is the one thing that the consumer should absolutely have.

Obvious bait.
Lets see here. List of PC Cuck bait
>Refer to a high end PC part that nobody really buys outside of LinusTechTips
>Claim one game among thousands of games of the PC
>Call PCcucks for spending a lot of money when most people dont spend that much on a rig
>Paying for online with bundled games that may or may not be in the taste of the gamer is 'worth it'

Looks like we have BINGO

The irony of this comment is you use Windows.

>nobody buys this overpriced gaymur shit with LEDs
>yet these companies find it profitable to keep shitting it out

Windows 7 and below can be customized to full extent as they are no longer governed by Microshaft
Plus, it's compatible with everything, something that Linux isn't.
Don't get me wrong, Linux is great if you need something lightweight and mostly just chill on the internet, draw, program or whatever
But things like vidya, rendering and other heavy things work like ass on Linux.
Not only that, Linux still doesn't support many pieces of hardware.

You don't see a lambo at the corner of every street but they're doing great

>Be PCuck
>obviously a game enthusiast, spend thousands of dollars just to be able to play them at the best fps with the best graphics
>even visit forums dedicated to this hobby to discuss it with others who share the same passion

>Be console gamer
>don't really care, just want something to hold my attention to waste time
>doesn't matter if it looks and plays like shit
>trash talk people who like games, those fucking nerds it's just a children's toy grow up
>don't care enough to discuss it with others

??? Why are (you) here OP?

$750 computer
217 games on steam
13 physical copies of games, notable Mechwarrior 2, 3 and 4

I'll get thousands more hours of entertainment than a single console is even capable of. Sorry peasants.

Is the antec p280 any good?

>already costs more than a console
>using Linux for gaming (you didn't include a Windows license, another $100)

Meanwhile, similarly priced PCs to consoles are playing games at much better fidelity. E.g., this plays W3 and GTA V on almost all ultra settings, the former at 30, the latter at 50FPS.

Win 7 can be run infinitely on trial for free by deleting a file every 90 days.

>already costs more than a console
Not with online functionality.

> because you have no money for games

You do know that the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of PC gaming is that you spend money on the hardware and you pirate the games to offset the price difference between consoles?

Fucking hell. What kind of idiot buys PC games

But is that legal? Because I'm willing to bet it breaks the terms and conditions you agree to at the beginning of the trial. Windows is proprietary software, you don't own it. You dont have the rights to do what you want with it, even if you technically can break the rules to do it.

Emulators add 10s of thousands of games also

>is that legal?
Why wouldn't it be? It's just deleting a file. What are they going to do, sue me?

>you get more than $50 a years worth of games with a $50 subscription
You have to include the cost of those specific games in the cost of the PC or else it isn't a 1:1 comparison.

PC has subscription services as well. That doesn't make sub games "free".

Consoles don't involve breaking the law. But it's blatantly obvious PCucks don't care about the law, see I hope you all end up in jail.

>Using lack of money as an excuse of not playing games
Are you fucking retarded? You own the one platform where piracy has been rampant since floppy disks.
Considering your standards are low enough to play only those 2 games, then I don't think Denuvo and online-only games matter much to your selection of pirated games available.

>Spending money on useless aesthetics
You can build a $700 computer capable of maxing everything out which will last you for years, if you're smart which components to buy.

I never said it makes the games free, it's clearly $50 a year.

So, why does paying $50 for games have to be included in purchasing a PC? It's completely irrelevant to having free games, even, as Steam, Origin, and other platforms have plenty of free games.

>use pc
>play games
>use console
>play games

Because if you don't, it's not a 1:1 comparison to consoles. You have to understand, the target demographic for consoles is much different than it is for PCs. Trying to win over console gamers with arguments being put forward ITT is never going to work.

>Spend $50 dollars a year for games you may not want
>Wait for a sale on Steam and pay $50 dollars for games you actually want

Otherwise you can, you know, pirate everything since there's LITERALLY NO EXCUSE.jpg

How is it not 1:1? Paying extra for games is available on PC, but it's not necessary. Most would say that's a point in favor of PC, as there's no extra cost to play online.

>How is it not 1:1?
Are you really this dumb? Because if you want those games that come with PS+/GwG, you have to pay for them on PC.

What if you don't like the games? Then you're just paying extra for online.

You don't get it. Services like Netflix and Spotify make people generally approve of subscription services. Buying things a la cart is seen as limiting their experience. That's what I mean, there's a fundamental difference between console and PC gamers and people can't convince people from the other camp to switch sides with the same arguments that appealed to them personally for their platform.

Speaking of spending money on PC's anyone know anything about Ragoo mice? I'm not forking out for a $100 gaming mouse, but I'm ready for the next step up from a $6 generic (a ragoo one is on special at the closest shop to me)

Except you don't choose the games you want as they give limited choice and once you stop subbing to ps plus you lose access to all of it. So really they're not "Free" in the end you don't keep any unless you keep paying even after they are devalued.

People would rather get online free whenever they want without paying a sub and buying whatever they want on sale. The games were of much higher quality without the online paywall on the ps3 anyways. Now it's been regulated to indie shit for the majority of months.

Also on pc you can pirate a selection of games you want including most of those indieshits.