In 10 tears or less, explain why you haven't bought a PS4 yet

In 10 tears or less, explain why you haven't bought a PS4 yet

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I'm not interested in at least 3 games that can only be played on it.

I fall for /r/pcmaterrace meme.

I have no use or room for a console other than playing MediEvil again. When they drop in price I'll consider picking up a PS3 and downloading it off the store

I already own an overpriced paperweight.


The Australian price is shit. 1 game currently. Neo soon.

No money

That image makes it look like those are the games that PS4 has now, and there will be waves and waves of good games in the future.
But the truth is, that image is the majority of noteworthy games it will ever have.
I have one by the way

I have a Vita.

>24 fps
there you have it.

Many of those games don't even have a release date.
If you aren't waiting another yer or two before buying a PS4, you're an idiot.

Because sony is cucking you sonycucks with the neo

Not that it matters since the new xbox scorpio is gonna be more powerful

I just did yesterday, it arrives by 8pm

medievil is a psone game isn't it?

I already have a gaming PC, and the few critically praised games on the PS4 don't really interest much. Plus I fell for the 60FPS meme and I honestly can't go back now. 30FPS looks super bad once you start playing at 60. Rip my consoles.

Waiting for the neo

If you can't play games under 60fps, I seriously think you should just drop gaming altogether.
This is the most pathetic excuse to not play something.

don't reply to millenials
they are brainwashed by reddit and youtube

why would i if i have the option between 30 and 60?

I play on pc mostly will probably pick one up when the neo comes out but then again I might build a new pc by then

What if you don't?

so you have a good pc?
ok then enjoy 60fps

Then I will, tough luck
I just don't see why I'd play a game that has a 60FPS option on PC at 30FPS, that's just idiotic

I have, and so far, I don't regret it. There are definitly some bad things though, I don't think it's for everyone:

Don't like the Uncharted games, don't care about them

Horizon looks like it'll be another generic action game that I'll get bored of after an hour

Dissapointed in what I saw of the last guardian as a SOTC fan.

Grav. rush, world of final fantasy, tearaway are all godawful

And the rest is just JRPGs for weeaboos and remasters.

I still don't regret it though, FFXV, Nioh, Bloodborne, the remasters I got to play and R&C were all great since I didn't have a PS3. FFXII is also great, it's my favorite FF game. Also Persona 5 is gonna be great.

Because on that list there's only 2 or 3 games that are any good


The rest are trash

As someone that games on PC and mostly at 60 fps, I can honestly say that while 30 fps looks horrible the first 5 minutes, you quickly just get used to it. I play everything I can at 60, but I played Bloodborne on PS4 and honestly, it's not that bad. It's definitly not irrelevant though, if I have the option I set it to 60 like I did with Killzone and Nioh.

I buy consoles and exclusives at the end for cheap.

I've played some games at 60fps, and I wasn't impressed. Everything felt unrealistically fast.

Are you over 35?

If not, you're a fucking millenial yourself you moron

>Gravity Rush

Meet me irl so i can punch your teeth in

I might be sitting out this console gen. There is literally not one game there that caught my eye. Maybe Ace Combat 7, assuming it isn't God awful.

>are you over 158 ? lol millenial 1!
you are a retard

I am completely convinced that the main reason so many people like gravity rush is the waifu mc. If it was a man, I'm more than sure it wouldn't get nearly as much praise. It's an awful game.

>Someone who was 8 yrs old when I was 18 has ANYTHING in common with me


Millenial is literally born in 81 and later. Idiot

>hurr durr I'm a 20-25 year old loser but at least I'm not a millenial lololol

Literally the worst generation

I already own one, and Bloodborne is the only title worth playing.
There's some stuff that looks good coming soonish, like Persona 5 and Horizon, but why would anyone buy the console now for a game that won't be out for a year?
If you don't own a PS4, don't buy one until more games come out. Unless you're a console fag who hasn't upgraded from their archaic PS3/XBox 360.

Gen X broadly speaking stops being applied after births in 1980-1981. Unless you are 35+, you are either a GenY/Millenial or a GenZ/Literally Still A Preteen

I do have one but the only reason I do is because a cokehead coworker of mine was selling his that was barely used for 280$ including an extra controller and 5 games.

Sony has never made a good console worth owning, why would the PS4 be any different? it's just over marketed garbage by a company that doesnt give a shit about gaming at all.

>Millenial is literally born in 81 and later. Idiot
well then you are one of those retards that take youtube very seriously and they lose their shit over review scores

I can't do works on ps4

The PS4 games I care about are coming to PS3, Vita or PC as well.

I don't play le cinematic naughty canine trash, nor do i play weeb games, but still, a ps4 is a better option because every multiplat fps performs better . the most recent example being doom 2016

>nor do i play weeb games
you mean you don't play japanese games?
what are you doing here then?
this site has chan in its name , get a grip

I bought an Xbone at launch (muh Halo.... kill me) and just built a PC. I have the money for a PS4 if I really wanted one, but see no reason to yet. Maybe I'll get one at the end of its lifespan to play the exclusives.

i come here to discuss fps. this isnt just for japanese culture and media. are you from 2003?

>i come here to discuss fps

if youre such an fps expert, riddle me this... how many fps can the human eye perceive ?

oh thats right, the glorious land of nippon doesnt make fps. i was talking about first person shooters

But I own one, user. And also a XPS 13 that allows me to play every PC exclusive like Undertale.

mental illness caused by autism
thats the official terminology


There's no point when the games aren't out yet. Right now it's nothing more than a $500 brick.

Hilarious how sonyniggers have no games to play, so they spam threads on Sup Forums all day. Sup Forums is looking more and more like Neogaf as the days go by.

>i was talking about first person shooters
what fps? please don't say battlefield

>not weebtrash

great post

Mostly 90s golden age ones plus the new Doom is excellent

>the new Doom is excellent
>bethesda shills
jesus christ

The Sony will do a PC ebin 4.5 upgrade for 60fps on 4k TV's.

What say you? Worth the upgrade or not, it will also have the cheapest VR on the market to try out.

>an unabashed Westaboo's love-letter to European gothic horror novels that was visually inspired by a holiday to the Czech Republic he went on with his wife

Bro, don't care if you buy it. It's my opinion. Don't like it? Fuck off back to your ZDoom wads folder.

You're the type of Sup Forums that thinks MGSV wasn't weebtrash, or any Kojima game.

Here is 33 :^%)

I just bought one out of sheer necessity.

I only wanted two games for it, and I got them. Now it collects dust, yay.

>explain why you haven't bought a PS4 yet

Because I would rather spend $800 on a decent PC and have non collapsing framerates compared to spending $300 on a PS4, THEN $400 on a trash laptop that I need for everything else, THEN hundreds in PSplus for the online etc...

Waiting for Persona 5 mostly.

>i am succesfully baiting 1!
you got bored of 9gag and you came here for a change?

Only one who owns it is my girlfriend but she doesn't play much as there isn't that much games to play in the first place and we can always play together

I want to trt nioh but I'm not buying a console to try a game out, r&c seems cool but i have the originals for ps2 anyway

Souls formula is the farthest thing from designed game play for Western gaming mentality, having to 'get good' just means you weren't at the same level to begin with.

Thankfully it filtered out a few thousand of you that aren't naturally shit at vidya.

>I would rather spend $800 on a decent PC
>decent pc
Good luck with that

Try 144hz. I can't even play Bethesda games anymore.


I'm sure rocket punch or gravity fulton did wonders for your realistic military simulator.

Oh also
Fuck paying for online that's just evil

>all this forced anti-sony posting

got it on Vita and it is a flawed game user.
>The motion controls are floaty as hell and quite imprecise
>The combat is truly awful
>The level design is not really well thought. The main idea being "what if we could walk on walls and ceiling". The thing is that exploring the floating town is not really rewarding by itself and it kind of kills the platforming component.

The thing is that it looks nice and has a good character design. Like many other Sony exclusives but it is not a great game. It's a shame because the concept was nice.

you are not funny

Not play modded Skyrim on a state of the art rig.
I came to say you're doing it wrong.

When dark souls 3 came out, any reasoning for buying a ps4 disappeared.

What the fuck does that even mean you retard

Is that pic supposed to be impressive?

no games. paid online is shitty practice. PC. Nintendo. PSNeo.

Because 2.8 doesn't have a release date yet and KH3 ain't coming til late 2017 earliest, more than enough time to grab a PS4K instead of a PS4.

Also, there are like 2 games in your picture that are actually out right now.

I'm sure teleporting zombie soldiers made for the greatest enemy of your time in a modern western vidya game. Can't forget that Walking Dead / COD zombie crowd, the west will eat it the fuck up, they so silly.

>$350 + $60 just to play bloodborne

No thanks.

I'll wait until the next console is made and the PS4 price drops. Then I'll buy it used off ebay. I'm not in a hurry. Bloodborne will be just as good years from now.

you know what it means

>Xbone / PC master race
When everything starts going cross platform we are going to be sitting pretty, brother

>no games
can't stop lauphin m8

Whats forced about it?
Im being serious, i still have my ps1 and 2
Ps3 wasn't really any good at the time and nobody had one so i made a pc to play rts games
Ps4 has little to no games i like that i didn't already finish, paying for online, nobody got one in my friend group, next gen filters that can't be removed and so on

Ps4 is the better console but noy worth a buy if your friends don't have one and if you don't have games to play

>he actually thinks its working

>Multiplatform games aren't cross platform
This stuff always proves how dumb the xbone crowd are, and not understanding how diversifying your choices work. PS4+Master Race was future proof.

I forgot PS4 gets an Ys game eventually. When are we getting that shit again?

No games
paid online
this entire gen is a complete joke and I'm not wasting money on it

My bad, I meant cross buy. Everyone knows Phil wants the future of pc gaming and the xbone to be open. I've already bought one xbone game and got the same game for free on pc. I'm sure after e3 we'll start seeing a lot more of it

>tfw new Red Dead game is announce but no pcuck port

PC is like the most irrelevant garbage

Had one, played BB, sold it afterwards.

i like this copypasta
very funny xd m8 !