
Siege STarter edition is 15 bucks on Steam now. From what I understand you get access to the full game but need to grind to unlock more operatives and crap.
So is this game still worth getting or is it dead in the water? I missed the boat when it came out and heard Sup Forums was mildly positive about it.

So, do or die?

Its fun, far from dead

Playing on PC, it's fun and people are playing. Also bought the starter edition, which won't be sold anymore soon.

k. thanks guys.

I guess I'll bite the bullet

Game's still active, still fun. I think the starter edition is actually a better deal than the base game- with the money you save you can buy exactly enough premium currency to unlock every operator, while if you just buy the base game for the combined price you don't get even a single free unlock.

Only problem with the game are team killing shitters, hackers, and a pretty terrible matchmaking system.

I got it today and put 10hrs into it's fun but pisses you off sometimes.

Yeah, but that's every PC shooter

Just buy the real game. 39.99 not that much.

The grind is really bad if its 12500 renow per character compared to 500-2000 per character. aprox 15h to unlock one operator with starter back. In 15h with normal you would have unlocked almost all operators.

>paying double just to have faster unlocks

holy moly you're a full on retard

> non cosmetic unlocks in a "competitive" game

yeah nah cunt wouldnt touch shit like that if it was free

Yes. Game is fantastic despite it's problems, one of the most underrated MP games out right now.

Starters edition is a good deal, considering you can just idle and earn a new operator overnight.
I had to deal with game crashing randomly and being unplayable for 3 days before I figured out a fix.
I can say it was well worth all the frustration. It is trully a fantastic game. Just a shame it belongs to ubishit

also get it on keysite. Support the game by having more players but don't support the cancerous company by giving it money

cheaters ruined it

No, I've played 30 hours and not met a single cheater.
Most people confuse cheaters with teams who communicate and share info.

They never fixed the netcode, its worse than overwatch.
Rampant cheating, especially in ranked.
Game is okay

I play it regularly and it's fun as hell. Especially if you play with a few bros

this is the singlest most challenging and entertaining multiplayer shooter since C.S 1.6.

Anyone who thinks they're being smart for not buying it based on retarded shit like >LOL UBISHILL is missing out on a hardcore shooter that lives up to literally everything Sup Forums has ever demanded of a game like this.

>They never fixed the netcode, its worse than overwatch.
Netcode has it's ups and downs, it was really bad around christmas but now it's better. Still massive peekers advantage tho.
>Rampant cheating, especially in ranked.
Not really, claims of cheaters are vastly overblown. You run into 1-2 cheaters in 30 hours gametime usually.
That said ubisof should seriously deal with cheaters harsher and more reliably.
But even with all the problems, the game is real fucking good and vastly underrated. Community is great as well.

This. I haven't felt this needing to git gud since I jumped into ut99 instagib match for the first time.
And that skill level has happened 3 times
>start playing game first time
>learn about roaming and alternative strats
>play with a group fo ranked people

Game is straight full up heart-racing survival horror at times
>sit in objective room, managed to set up insanely good crossfire and trap system to cover all entrances
>entire fucking ceiling explodes

Just started playing since no uni for summer. Was skeptical but holy shit.. What went right?

No you fucking retards, ther is a cheater in ALMOST every match, both ranked and casual. And its gonna get worse with this starter edition. i have about 600h in the game and this cheater wave just begone 1-2 months ago.

How does idling earn you operators? I only played the beta and am looking to buy it.

Boy you must suck ass if you think a communicating team or people with decent headphones are cheating
You can sit on terrorist hunt and just leave it running since failing gives you some rp

Its not communicating teams fuckboi, its clearly people who wallhacks and the community is small in this game so you recognize people who cheats.

In 150 hours of mp I've encountered 1 (UNO) instance that looked fishy. People complaining about "hacks" is 99% shitters.

Then you must be extremly lucky. But the case is ubishit is not even trying to get a grip on cheaters so they dont hide it anymor.

>A friend shilled me the game when release
>Fuck it, i just got paid, might as well get 2 hours out of it
>Get suspicious, i fuk up
>Start playing it
>200 hours in

God fucking damn I didn't expect this fun. Operators and the destructible enviroment is so fucking fun. There's so much room to git gud. So much panic moments and clutches and sometimes even ridiculous random happenings that I just never get bored, and even so with friends

I love this game. Fuck the Division. That failed shitstain syphoned money that could have been used for Siege development.

t. shitter


c'mon more memes, hit me :DDDDD

>This many hours in
>Haven't got more than 2 kills with mustard gas

Still Smoke is best defender. Mustard gas is better to area of denial and suppression than anything else.

>People think recruit is bad choice

Nig, Recruit with Mute SMG and 3 speed is fucking OP.

>waaaaaah I'm a shitter

I liked the game put maybe 100 hours into it. I played terrorist hunt mostly, what upsets me the most about the game is if you want to play with a controller you cant lean without aiming which limits your view and really just puts you at a disadvantage online.

This. Shitters don't understand people who properly use sound and communication

It's propably people with good sound systems, who know the game and communicate. It almost always is
People who call hax are petty little shitters who would readily blame anyhting else than themselves.
Literally like SJW's